The Music Teacher

First Date Part One

2 Weeks Later

“So, who’s the mystery man taking you out tonight?”

Getting ready for a first date with your teacher isn’t easy, 1) he’s my teacher I shouldn’t be going out on a date with him anyway and 2) I don’t dress up, my wardrobe consists of skinnies, camis, band tee’s and hoodies.

“Helllloooooo. Anyone in there?”

Zacky slapped me round the head, hey! I didn’t deserve that the fucker, he’s meant to be helping me,

“Zacky stop fooling around and help me!”

“Fine, Zacky to the rescue! Ok then so hmmmmm, these jeans,”

He pulled out my pink zebra print skinnies,

“This top,”

A black strappy top was thrown on my head,

“These shoes,”

My plain black vans,

“And hmmm, this jacket,”

My pink hoody with ears. I quickly went to my underwear drawer pulling out my baby pink gingham underwear set putting it on, just as I clasped my bra shut I felt Zacky’s hands slink round my waist and his hot breath on my neck,

“I’m so jealous of a guy I don’t even know about.”


“You know how much I want you right,”

“How many times do I need to tell you Zacky, we can’t, do you not remember when we tried, I don’t wanna end up like that again with you, I love you too much.”

He nodded his head,

“Love you too.”

I gave him a quick hug and peck on the lips before getting on the outfit he picked out for me,
Dressed, check
Hair, check
Make up, check.
Dammit Zacky could chose well.

“So, you going to tell me who this man is?”

“If I do you have to swear down on your life, on everyone you loves life that you’ll never tell.”

“I swear honestly, not a word about it will leave my lips.”

He placed a finger against his lips like they used to make us at school,

“Mr Haner,”


“You heard Zacky.”

“Really, your going out on a date with our music teacher?”

“Weirdly enough, I am. Now you have to go so toodles, I shall speak to you later, remember not a fucking word or I swear to god I will rip off your dick and feed it to you.”

He let out a small whimper before saying bye and leaving, Brain would be here any second. Should I really be doing this? I mean he could get sacked and never teach again. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a loud knock at the door, thank god Frankie was at work, I fluffed my hair again before walking to the door and opening it. There he stood tight jeans, sleeveless top, fedora hat, and eyeliner,

“Wow, you look….”

“Say that to Zacky, he had to fucking help me I’m useless. Might say it now but this, is my first, first date,”

I bowed my head down turning slightly pink like my outfit.

“Then I shall just have to make this the best first date ever then.”
♠ ♠ ♠
More like a filler than a chapter.

Seriously shocked you all like this, I'm not so keen on it anymore, I can't pull it off.