The Music Teacher


I walked down the road away from the building, I’ll head for Zacky’s instead of home, I’ll deal with Frank later.


He was stood outside, fag in mouth and phone in hand,

“OMG! Ru!”

He raced over to me picking me up in a large hug like Brian had moments ago,

“You’ve got sex hair missus.”


I smirked, and he pulled me towards his apartment, well I say his he lived with his mum she was great, much better than my so called mother.

“So? Was he any good?”

“Do you need to ask? Really the man certainly knows what to do, where to go and my god fuck, let’s just say I ache.”

“Lucky bitch! How about you share him?”

“Sorry Zacky hun, he doesn’t swing that way,”

“Poo! No fair!”

He frowned before leaving me sat on his bed while he walked off into the bathroom, I laid down and snuggled into his pillow before I felt a weight on the bed, I opened my eyes and looked into his green eyes as he smiled. Then his lips attached themselves to my neck as he bit down right where he knew he would get a reaction, his hand got nearer and nearer my jeans,


I half moaned his name as he smirked against my neck, seconds later he bit down in the right place as well as slipped his hand down my jeans moving his fingers in and out of m, I couldn’t help but moan, he knew how to get me off and he was doing it really well,

“Zacky stop, please, we can’t do this anymore, I can’t cheat on him.”

By now my breathing was erratic, he had sped up and then pulled out,

“C….c….cheating on him. Your not just shagging him then, you having a relationship?”


“Ruth, how could you be doing that? After everything I said, I fucking told you.”

His eyes were beginning to well up with tears and he was just about to storm out, but I grabbed him throwing him down on his bed without thinking I began to kiss him with everything I had, as he kissed me back I moved my hands down onto his jeans, I shouldn’t be doing this I thought but my hands couldn’t stop. Once they were gone I did the same to myself and slid myself down on his erect dick slamming myself up and down before he abruptly turned us over and began thrusting into me hard and fast I began to feel my orgasm building up and I moaned out loud,




We came together and flopped down onto the bed, I looked at him and couldn’t help the tears that came to my eyes, I rolled over and thought to myself I’ve cheated on him already, I had to get out I couldn’t stay. I quickly put my jeans back on and ran out, he called my name but I couldn’t stop I couldn’t look at him.

I have to tell him, I have to.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little shot but time is restricted.

Next update before sunday I hope sorry for the lack.