Status: Acitve! <3

Green Eyes, Blue Skies

That Most Definately I Will Be Attracted To You.

Yawning, Allie gathered her stuff and began to walk out with her friends. She was anxious all through English, as she couldn't wait for her music classes.
"Looks like we'll have to say goodbye for now." Jake said sadly.
"That sucks. Well I've got Gabby in my last class with me. See you guys later." She waved and grimaced, but still hoped that her music classes would prove to be promising.
* * *
"I don't want to leave yet! Please tell me I can stay through my next class!" Katie whined across from Shaant.
"I thought you loved art?" He asked, brushing cookie crumbs off of his light blue shirt.
"I do..." she finished off her water bottle, "but you know how the first few days are. Nothing fun at all! Oh, and you know that Rachel has lunch with us too? She just had to get her schedule fixed."
"Yeah, apparently she had 3 math classes and no honors anything. And since she went away in the summer she couldn't fix it."
"Well why not earlier this-"
"Do you have any idea how many people were there that early?"
He shrugged, and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the bell. Both reluctantly got up and slung their bags over their shoulders. She shot him a sad smile, and he waved as they went down their separate halls.
Now was one of his two music classes-theory. A few of his now-senior friends took the class, and said it was pretty hard, but was fun anyway. And if he ever needed help, he could ask them. He'd have Jess with him, but he wasn't sure about anyone else. There were a lot of people he knew in choir, but that was another period away. There would also be a few schedule changes too, and he did hear that Maria was taking it with them.
He reached the class, and walked in to see nearly half the class there already, including Jeff and Maria. They were seated next to each other at a table, a table seating only 2, so Shaant figured he would take the next table with a seat by Jeff. Thankfully 3 of each table would be put together, creating 4 rows of 6.
"What took you so long?" Jeff grinned as Shaant set his bag on the table.
He exhaled loudly, "Busy eating cookies."
Jeff frowned, "And you didn't save one for me?" Maria rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything.
The late bell had just rang as 2 more dark-haired girls walked in. One wore a purple and black striped shirt, the other in a gray v-neck. They took their empty ones next to each other, with the girl in the purple-and-black shirt right next to him. Shaant glanced at her as she sat down, and thought she was cute from the quick once-over he did when she walked in. He was also slightly happy that she had been the one to sit by him instead of the other girl. Maybe they'd get along quite well. They obviously had a love of music in common.
The period went by like every other had gone that day, and in the end there were about 5 minutes left of class. Maria and Jeff had struck up conversation about something in band, and, since you couldn't leave your seat, Shaant couldn't even go talk to other people (even if they were just people he didn't normally talk to).
Suddenly, there was a slight tap on his shoulder, so light and almost timid he wouldn't have noticed if he didn't see the girl from the corner of his eye.
"Hey, you're in my English, right?" She had bright green eyes that shone brightly against her summer tanned skin and her slightly wavy dark brown-almost black hair reached the middle of her back and had a healthy look to it. She wasn't gorgeous, but she most certainly wasn't ugly. She was pretty, without really trying, and he appreciated that in a girl.
"Um," he thought back to the beggining of that class, "I'm pretty sure we are." He smiled at, and she shot a shy one back.
"I think we had a few classes together before, but I'm not so sure."
"Well, you look familiar, what's your name?"
"Oh, Allie Puetrullo. Yours?"
"Shaant Hacikyan. What do you have after this?"
"Choir." She said with a smile. He smiled in return when he heard this.
"Me too. Now that I think about it...aren't you a soprano? I'm pretty sure I've seen you around. I recognize you, at least now I do."
"Yes, I'm a soprano diva," she joked, "what are-" the bell cut her off, "um, I guess I'll see you around." She flashed him a full smile and followed the friend next to her out the door.
Jeff turned to Shaant, "We'll see you after lunch then?" They got up and Jeff swung his book bag over his shoulder.
"I could walk with you for a bit. I've got time." The three of them left together, and started up the hall.
"So," Maria looked at Shaant, a playful glint in her eyes, "who was that girl you were talking to back there?"
He shook his head, "Just a girl from another one of my classes."
"She was kinda cute." Jeff nudged Shaant. He knew she was, but he wasn't going to admit interest to them. At least not now, he barely knew her.
"No, guys, I've never spoken to her before. She just recognized me from another class."
"Alright, then, I believe you. I know you would've told us about it." Jeff patted him on the back, hard, before Shaant started to turn.
"I have to head back, there's no way I'm getting a terrible seat in that class." They said "bye" to him, and Shaant began his way back through the school to his next to last class of the day.
♠ ♠ ♠
This took forever to write. There was a lot to edit into and edit out. It might take me a while to update again, because I think I might have to edit a lot of filler things out, but I'm not sure. And I also have oodles of other things I have to do at the same time.
So comments, please. I need your opinions if you want frequent updates to keep this story going.