Status: complete.

Eyes Like Sunsets

Baby, and legs that went on for days.

John's P.O.V.

It was an ordinary Wednesday in another blazing Arizona summer.

My friends and I were hanging out in my front yard, when all of a sudden a truck pulled up next door.

My neighbor's house had been on sale for months now, but I guess it had finally been sold.

Right behind the mover's truck, a car pulled into the driveway.

A man got out of the car followed by his wife.

Out of the backseat came a girl, probably age seven or eight, followed by another girl.

This one was closer to my age, probably around nineteen or twenty. She was beautiful.

It took a second, and the rest of the boys finally noticed her.

They started making cat calls and hitting each other, trying to get me to join in.

And normally, I would have. But there was something different about this girl.

She glanced over at us, and rolled her eyes.

Great. Any chance of getting to know her now was shot, thanks to the immature actions of my friends.

“Guys. Shut up, and leave her alone.”

They exchanged looks and Kenny spoke up.

“You okay, John? Usually you’re the one doing the cat calls.”

“Yeah well, maybe I’m changing my ways.”

I looked next door to see the girl crack a smile. I needed to meet her.

Later that night, the guys left and I was having dinner with my family.

After dinner, my mother called me into the kitchen, she had a basket in her hands.

“John, could you take this basket next door to the new neighbors?”

“Yeah. Sure.”

This could be my chance to meet the girl next door.

I grabbed the basket and practically ran outside, I heard my mom laugh in the kitchen.

As I ran up to the door, I tripped, banging my head into the door.

The door opened and there she stood, as I stood there scratching my head.

She laughed, “So is that how they do it in Arizona? Knock with your head?” She smirked.

“Haha, very funny. I tripped.”

She smiled. “Sure. Likely story. Anyway, I’m Emma.”

Emma. Such a simple name, yet so pretty. It fit her.

“I’m John, I live next--“

“Next door. I know. I saw you with your friends today. Remember?”

“Yeah. Sorry for how they acted by the way, they’re idiots.”

“It’s alright. No big deal.”

“So, Emma. Need someone to show you around town sometime?”

She smiled again. “Sure. What did you have in mind?”

I smirked. “Well, how about I show you. Tomorrow night, at say, seven?”

She laughed. “Sounds good.”

“Alright well, I better get going. See you tomorrow Emma.”

She gave me one last smile, and I walked back to my house.

I ran up to my bedroom and just sat on the bed thinking about her.

Something about her made me a different person. With any other girl, I would have told you
what a nice ass she had.

Shallow, I know. But Emma had changed that. The first thing I noticed about her was her
gorgeous smile. And her long legs, that seemed to go on forever.

The next night when I went to pick Emma up, I’ll admit I was nervous. Usually I’m cool, but
there was something about this girl that kept me on my toes.

I rang the door bell and tried to relax.

“Hey John. No head knocking today?”

She smirked.

“Nope. Thought I’d ring the door bell instead.”

I returned her smirk.

“Alright. Let’s go.”

“So, I was thinking I’d introduce you to the nightlife. A little clubbing?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

We got into my car and drove to the club.

Once inside I went to grab a table while Emma went and sat at the bar.

After I got the table, I glanced over at the bar where Emma was sitting. She looked even
more stunning under the lights of the club.

She was so out of my league, it was ridiculous. Usually, I had tons of confidence when it
came to girls, but something about Emma threw that all away. She changed my ways.

I began to walk over to her, unable to hold back any longer. I needed to get her next to me.

“Hey Emma. Wanna dance?” I flashed her my biggest smile and hoped for the best.

She laughed. “I thought you would never ask.” And with that, I took her hand and led her to
the dance floor.

For a few minutes we danced like idiots, just having fun. Then, a slow song came on. She
wrapped her arms around my neck as I placed mine comfortably on her waist.

We stared into each other’s eyes. “Emma, your eyes are captivating. Just like sunsets.”

She blushed. Score.

“Thanks John.”

The song ended much sooner than I would have liked. I quickly gave her a kiss on the
cheek and she led me to a table.

We talked about everything and anything. She told me about how she wanted to go to
college for a degree in photography and eventually end up at Alternative Press magazine.
She had it all figured out.

After that night, things had been going great, until recently. Emma and I have been arguing
constantly. She tells me I don’t talk to her anymore.

She doesn’t realize the effect she has on me. I literally freeze when I’m thinking of what to
say to her.

Every day she slips further and further away.

But the truth is, it feels like love. Everything thing she does makes me believe it’s love.

But she tells me it’s all a game, and I don’t even care. Because if it is, I like the way that we play.

When it comes down to it, I need her in my life.

That’s why tonight, I’m changing everything. I’m proving to her that is this real. Not a game.
I’m falling in love.

I grabbed my acoustic guitar and snuck out my backdoor. I ran next door and went into her
backyard. Making sure I was right under her window, I began to strum.

I’m falling in love, but it’s falling apart.
I need to find my way back to the start.
When we were in love, things were better then they are.
Let me back into, into your arms.
Into your arms.

She opened the window and smiled down at me.

“Get up here.”

I climbed into her window and took her hands in mine.

“Emma. I’m not playing games with you. This is real. I…I love you.”

She wrapped her hands around my neck. “Shut up and kiss me.”

So I did just that. It was one of the best kisses of my life.

When we pulled apart I placed my forehead on hers, and she whispered, “This is exactly
where I want you. Back in my arms.”