Freaky Jailbait Girl


“You’re free to go Miss Pope,” Officer Shooter said. Spinning the tiny keys around on his pinky finger, he unlocked Cassadee’s handcuffs.

Instantly feeling relief, Cassadee rubbed small circles on her wrist to relive the tension from the tight constraint that had previously been on them. “Uh, thanks, I guess,” she lamely said.

“No problem Miss,” the officer said between mouthfuls of his jelly glazed donut.

Walking out of the jail house, Cassadee tried to make sense of what just happened. Walking out of the door, she was relieved to see the rest of her band mates waiting for her. She ran toward them and gave each of them a tight hug.

“Why the heck were you in jail!?” Mike half asked, half hollered out.

“I got arrested for being too sexy,” Cassadee replied. She shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

Mike shook his head disapprovingly. “Freaky jailbait girl.”
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I wrote this in less than like five mintues. xD