Sequel: Mortal Hearts

The Living Dead

Chapter Three

Kevin slept all day long and awoke again at night. The clock on her bedside table read seven. There was no sun shining brightly in the sky, but a silver moon casting its milky glow over the rooftops in the neighborhood. Quickly, she sat up and walked silently down the stairs. About midway down the stairs, the spicy aroma of grilled chicken and vegetables drifted up to her nose. Kevin breathed in deeply as she got closer to the kitchen.

“Well look who’s up,” her mom sang, coming inside from the grill and planting a kiss on Kevin’s forehead. “You’re as cold as ice, Kevin. Do you feel okay?”

“Yes, I feel fine, Mom,” Kevin said.

It would be best if she kept what she’s become to herself for right now. She didn’t need to add to their worries.

“Alright,” she said, reluctant to believe what Kevin said. She put her smile back on her face. “I made you’re favorite tonight for dinner. Now, go wash your hands and tell your brothers to come and set the table.”

“Okay.” Kevin turned on her heel and jogged up the stairs. “Jacobie, Aiden, Mom wants you two to set the table!” Kevin yelled down the hall in the direction of their room.

Kevin ran to the bathroom and quickly washed her hands. Having no reflection really bothered her. A couple seconds later, Kevin was in the dining room. She hoped her mom didn’t put garlic in the chicken. Then, of course, she know she wouldn’t because Jacobie wouldn’t eat it if she did. He hates it.

Kevin sat down in her usual spot and poured her some water from the pitcher and drank deeply. Just as she sat her glass back down, her dad came in carrying the chicken on a platter and her mom behind him with the grilled vegetables. Simultaneously, they set the dishes on the table and sat down in their usual spots across from each other. Jacobie came in with the forks and two glasses. He sat them down and climbed in his usual chair beside Kevin’s mom. Then, Aiden came in with the other three glasses and sat beside Kevin. Soon, food was being passed around and stomachs were getting full, all but Kevin’s. She didn’t touch her food.

It was Kevin’s turn to clean off the table and put things in the dishwasher. When, the dishwasher was full, she pressed start on the front and walked away as it began its job.

She walked back up to her room and collapsed on the couch. Kevin turned the television on and settled down watching Snakes on a Plane. When the snakes really started coming out and killing people, her mom came in Kevin’s room and scared the crap out of her.

“Hey, thought you might want some popcorn with that movie,” she said, sitting down beside Kevin.

“Thanks, Mom,” Kevin said. “You can stay and watch the rest with me if you want.”

“No, I was just headed to bed. Goodnight,” she said, kissing her on the top of her head. “I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

She left Kevin’s room and Kevin settled back to watching her movie. She crawled into her bed and fell sound asleep as the first rays of sunlight came up over the horizon.