Sequel: Mortal Hearts

The Living Dead

Chapter Four

There was an uncomfortable churning in Kevin’s stomach a few hours later. She had to feed. Her eyes fluttered open. Kevin blinked a couple times and rubbed her eyes. The curtains were closed so no light lit the room and she couldn’t tell what time it was by light. She looked over on her bedside table at the clock: eleven forty-three A.M. Her mom and dad were gone already and Jacobie and Aiden’s bus had came at seven thirty. Kevin got up out of the bed and stretched. Quickly, she stepped into her black fluffy bedroom shoes and black and crimson robe and walked out of her bedroom door. Her mom and dad usually keep the heavy drapes shut ‘til five o’clock P.M. so she don’t have to worry about the sunlight.

Pushing the swinging door open, Kevin ran into the kitchen. She rummaged through the refrigerator, trying to find something to substitute her thirst for human blood. The only thing she found was pork thawing. There was blood in the bottom of the bowl and she drained it into a cup. Her family’s super religious so, for an experiment, she poured some of her mom’s holy water in the cup with the blood. She took a spoon from the silverware drawer and stirred it. Even though Jacobie hates garlic, there was still garlic powder in the spice cabinet, so she poured that in the blood and holy water to complete the concoction. Kevin stirred it with the spoon and drank deeply. Instead of curling up and frying to death like normal vampires did, she felt fine and stronger. Kevin set the glass down on the counter gently, she thought, but as soon as the glass struck the counter, the cup shattered into a thousand pieces.

Wow, strange. She thought. Kevin looked at her palm intently. She didn’t know vampires had superpowers. Cool.

Kevin swept the broken glass up and threw it in the garbage disposal. What her mom and dad don’t know won’t hurt them. After that, she ran back up the stairs to her bedroom and went back to her sound slumber. Before Kevin finally got to sleep, one thought was running through her mind: Zelda must pay. I don’t want to be like this forever. I don’t want to be immortal.