The Black, the White, and Then the Grey

*I am rehashing some of my earlier work. Luckily, there are very few changes in the chapters already posted. One of the big changes that I forgot to make before I started posting them, was my main character's name change. Please forgive me. Her intended name is Evangelene.*
Evangelene, a girl, turned vampire, is about to make waves at Hogwarts. This little known "ailment" is considered dangerous, but so is her knowledge. Follow her story to see just what kind of a life a shunned vampire will have at one of the most prestigious Wizzarding Schools.
  1. A visit from Albus
  2. Off to Hogwarts
    The day starts at the train station, but after everything that happens, how will the day end up?
  3. Introduction to Hogwarts
    So the train ride wasn't a basket of roses, what will happen upon her arrival to Hogwarts?
  4. Incident in the Great Hall
    After sorting, life continues on, and its not easy.
  5. Saved by Dumbledore
    So the Great Hall didnt turn out so well, but what happens next?