The Black, the White, and Then the Grey

Incident in the Great Hall

As I walked down the aisle, I noticed many people looking at me, but that was pretty normal since I was new…. Right? Hermione made room for me to sit right next to her. I did sit, allowing Dumbledore to go on with his speech, now that I had (at least tried to) effectively blend into the crowd. I still felt all sorts of eyes on me. I looked up, Harry was across from me… again. I looked over at Hermione sitting across from Ronald, AGAIN, and began to wonder if there was something going on between the two of them. I looked back at Harry, realizing he was still looking at me. Didn’t he know that staring was rude? I mean that’s all he has really done since I told him who my father is.
“Welcome to Griffindor!” Said Hermione, apparently excited. She looked like she could have hugged me if she had known me better.
“Reah, welfome” Said Ron, his mouth overstuffed with food… was he starved at home? It almost made me sick, watching him scarf down food the way he did. Food had appeared after Headmaster Dumbledore’s speech was done. I pulled a little on my plate, toying with it more than anything. I was attempting not to gag as I watched Ron eat out of the corner of my eye. I guess food just wasn’t as appealing to me as it was him. My drink filled up with a red liquid, and I was sure glad that the glass wasn’t made from a clear material. This drink satisfied me more than food ever could. I looked up at Dumbledore, who was looking at me expectantly. I raised my glass to him and nodded a little in appreciation. He smiled knowingly, like he always did. I knew he had arranged this for me.
“Wait, where did you get the fruit punch?” Asked Ron, after apparently seeing a little red left on my face after drinking. I froze.
“I uh- It just appeared in my glass. Maybe just a welcome type thing?” I kind of stammered, not wanting my secret to come out.
“Well can’t you share?” He said, reaching for my glass. I smoothly jerked it back towards me.
“Ron-” Started Harry.
“No, Fruit Punch is my favorite drink. I WANT SOME.” Said Ronald, starting to lean across the table. I looked into his eyes, he seemed almost rabid, nothing like the Ron I had met just hours before. I gulped down my drink as fast as I could before he could get his hands on it, my eyes simultaneously looking around the room for the culprit. Someone was obviously using Ron, an unforgivable curse. My eyes continued to dart around the room as I slammed the goblet back down, not noticing as a little got on my robes. Damn, this room was crowded. I couldn’t pinpoint the culprit. I was so distracted. I had noticed just in time that “Ronald” (or Ron the puppet) had launched himself at me over the table. I managed to dodge him. With more speed than I should have, I pinned him down on the ground, my hand on his throat. So much for not causing a scene? I saw that rabid look leave his eyes. He looked up at me horrified at first, then anger filling his face. I groaned inwardly.
“What the Fuck do you think you’re doing?” He spat. “Bloody woman, trying to kill me already.” I wasn’t used to all this. Interaction had been nearly nonexistent at home, now I had to thrive in it. I jumped up, getting away from him quickly, before he could take a swing.
“Evangelene!” yelled Hermione after me. I jogged out of the Great Hall, taking my chance to run afterwards. I had seen plans on the castle, but even committing them to memory didn’t help as I ran blindly. Yes, I was running. Wasn’t that cowardly of me? And wasn’t I just complaining about not being in shape? Uuuughhhhh. I ran only as far as I needed to before I felt safe again. I was lost, but at least I was alone, which felt like safety to me. I found a window with a seat, and I took the opportunity to sit and catch my breath. The scenery of the grounds was breath-taking. Something one would imagine they would only ever see in a book.
I delved back into my mind, recalling the event that had just happened. I mean, who would use an unforgivable curse, just to get what was in my drink? They must have a pretty good reason for trying to expose me. But who knew? Not many that I knew of. Dumbledore and my father had kept the whole situation hush hush. Now, I had no clue how many people suspected. How many excuses can you have for depriving a girl of public education…. Well I choose to stay home, but that’s not a good enough excuse for many people. Even those who were considered, quote and un quote, high and mighty, had to send their children to a wizarding school. I was just special. Once again, I let thinking distract me from my other senses. I hadn’t heard the footsteps until they were right in front of me. I looked up, startled. It was Harry, and behind him was Hermione, keeping Ron from me.
“How did you find me?” I asked, jumping to my feet. Geeze, this whole school thing was going horribly so far.
“No, you answer my questions first. Who are you really? How did you move that fast?” Asked Harry, apparently on guard as I was.
“I told you, I’m Evangelene Black, daughter of Sirius Black. And I guess I just have good reflexes.” I said, making up a lie for the last part. He noticed.
“I don’t believe you.” He said, his eyes narrowing. Hmmm, Harry can look menacing if he wants to. “Sirius would have told me about a daughter, if he had one.” This caused me to smile. I reached into my robes, pulling out a letter. I had gotten it that night after Dumbledore had come to visit me. The letter read as such:
My dearest daughter Evangelene,
This letter will be much shorter than our normal lengthy ones. Albus has informed me that you accepted our offer to join Hogwarts. I wanted you to know how proud of you I am, and how immensely happy you have made me with such a decision. I am anxious to hear about your interactions and what house you will get bestowed upon. I hope you meet my godson, Harry. You know so much about him already. I hope you find him to be everything I have told you and more. Have fun, but most of all, remain safe.
Your loving father,

I watched Harry read the letter, his facial expressions gave away that he recognized the handwriting. He looked up at me, our eyes connecting for just a moment before he looked back down at the letter, handing it back to me. Our fingers brushed past each other, sending a zap of electricity to us.
“Alright Evangelene, now you get to answer my second question.” He said, after he had abruptly pulled his hand back, rubbing his finger. I looked up at him, searching for some normal explanation.
“It’s not something that can be explained easily…” I started.
“Evangelene… what is that on your robes?” Asked Hermione, taking a closer look. I looked down, just now noticing the “fruit punch” that had spilled on my robes.
“Oh my God…” She whispered. I instinctively pulled away, heightening my senses. I slowly backed up, pressing my back against the wall, almost anticipating to be ambushed. She knew, she had to now. She was too smart. And nobody can accept me for what I am. Harry noted my defensive posture, and became on guard himself.
“It all makes sense now..” Whispered Hermione, lost in thought like I was commonly culprit of doing.
“What are you going on about now, woman?” Asked Ronald, eyeing me even more suspiciously.
“Harry, stop looking at her like she’s about to kill us. Dumbledore wouldn’t let her in here if she wasn’t safe.” She said, placing a hand on Harry’s shoulder.
“And what does that mean Hermione??” Asked Harry, obviously confused.
“If she wasn’t so rare, she would have been so easy to recognize.” Said Hermione, looking at me kind of in the same fashion I did our school, in amazement. Harry didn’t take his eyes off me, trying to figure out what she was saying. “Oh come on guys do I have to spell it out for you?” I snarled at the thought, my fangs descending in the process. Which was something I had NOT meant to do. But though she looked as if there was nothing wrong with me, they might not see it that way. Ronald jumped almost two feet in the air when he saw my fangs, his face whitening. “Evangelene, we aren’t threatening you, I won’t let anyone touch you.” Said Hermione, giving a stern look at Harry after assessing my situation. Harry didn’t back down with his body language, but his face looked shocked.
“What are you?” Asked Harry, afraid he already knew. I was looking back and forth from Harry to Hermione, completely silent. I was watching this play out, feeling completely and utterly helpless.
“Harry, she’s a Vampire.” Said Hermione, her voice softening as she went. Harry’s face paled, but he didn’t relax any. Tension still filled the air. Great, it’s my first day of school, and I couldn’t keep my secret safe.
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