Status: typing, typing, type type away ;P working :D


Calm before the storm

The moon glistened on my pond in the back, but i was mostly paying attention to my brothers walking by it. this was completely wrong that the boys got to go hnting and the girls were only permited a run every once in a while with male company. Totaly unfair!
Our clan lived like the 1800's minus the fact that we knew every thing that every one else did here in Ontario. the rules and the pressure that were put on me were outrageous! Everyone was aloud out in to the forest, except the girls who had to be escorted out, but royal girls couldn't and shouldn't even be thinking about it.
Yes your eyes aren't screwed up you read right ROYAL.
Sighing i walked away from my back yard view window and sat on one of the livingrooms couch. Somebody sat next to me while i was looking at the floor as if it were oooooo so interesting.
"Diane," the person beside me said.
That voice, so familiar. I looked up and grimmiced Sean. he was the most agravating, abnoxish, anyoing werewolf in the clan, and that was just explaining him with A. although there was a time when Sean was kind and i had a crush on him but then he hit puberty and found out what the thing inbetween his legs was for and turned into a real ass.
"Sean," I said with venom.
He looked surprised then covered it quickly with a smirk. "Fine i wont give your way into the forest when ever you want."
Ilooked up only one knew my love for the forest and she wouldn't tell. Would she? I said one word "How?"
"Oh well I dont think you really want to know." He teased.
"Please tell me." I pleaded.
He smiled softly and held out his hand, while I looked on unapprovingly. He sighed and waved my hand in front of my face. I cringed as I took it and held it all the way down the halls to the exit.
When we got to the doors he pulled me back and around a corner. "Look were both gonna have to pretend to kiss or else your face will be reconizable." i crinkled my nose. "I know but just do it for the forest." I sighed, for the forest, cringing one last time.
We walked around the corner back into the hall, he put his arms around my waist as I put mine around his neck. Then we started 'kissing' i had no idea there was a difference because i had never kissed a guy more princess rules but there are nver any guys i'd want to kiss. So we made it to the gaurds, I heard chuckles, and we 'kissed' until we were out of sight. I looked aroung smiling "Thanks." and i walked to a bush to change.
I turned into wolven form and bounded off. I had no clue where i was going and i didn't care i was where i belonged, my place in the universe.
A gray wolf caught up and began keeping pace with me. I snarled at Sean telling him to let me be but he just kept running alongside me.
A long time afterwords I decided to go to bed and turned around reaching the place where my clothes were. I went back into the bush and sliped my clothes on. Once i got out of the bush i found Sean staring at the ground.
"How exactly are we gonna get back in?"
He handed me his hoodie."Put this on and act like you're asleep." so i did as he told me he picked me up and I acted like i was fast asleep. Passing the gaurds i once again herd the chuckles and soon after Sean put me down and i gave him his hoodie back.
But curiosoty got the better of me. "Sean what was with the chuckles?"
He looked confused and the realization dawned on him. "Oh you mean as we left and came back with the gaurds well were friends and they were laughing at... um... how we exited and entered."
Once i had figured it out i was disgusted with how it looked and myself of course.
"Sis!" Iturned around to see Jeremy, and Kyle. I ran to greet them bringing welcome hugs with me. Kyle glared at where i came from i turned to see Sean still standing there. All of my brothers shared my very strong dislike of Sean.
Giving Sean one last death glare Idraged my brothers away. "I'm going to bed and i do not want ether of you to starts fights now," I sighed. "Agreed?"
Kyle rolled his eyes and Jeremy outright grinned. "Agreed." I hugged them before heading to my room, promissing myself that Sean will never get that close again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments = another chapter so lets see you do the happy dance peoples and i am serious as i can be which is not that serious so try at least pwease!
<Smile... I SAID SMILE!>
This story is a product of ~Tornado inc.~ ManBearPig