Status: typing, typing, type type away ;P working :D


Ch 1 S

I was walking around aimlessley when i ran in on Diane saying bye to her brothers, Jeremy and Kyle. I was about to leave when i heard their conversation.
"Come on guys let me go hunting with you no one will know but us. PLEASE!!!" Diane said
"No we arn't going to take you now for the last time drop it." Jeremy said.
"Besides what kind of gaurdians would we be if we let our princess get hurt." Kyle said.
"Good brothers." she muttered.
Her brothers laughed. "Bye Diane."
She sighed dramaticaly staring at the window when they left. I caught a glimse of her reflection, and my hitched. Had she been that beautiful last time I saw her, I dont think so or at least I couldn't remember it.
She huffed on last breath and walked out, being stalker like i followed her. She slouched on the couch staring at the floor. Maybe if i could get her outside I could get in her good books. i pushed my brain to figure out a way and one came to mind, so I went and sat beside her.
Shelooked up then her expresion hardened. "Sean." She hissed. it always surprised me how much this beautiful lady hated me. i mean what did i do, but i quickly wiped my shocked expresion off my face with a smirk. "Fine then i won't tell you how to get into the forest any time you could posibly want."
She looked up and narowed her eyes. "How?"
"Oh well i dont think you want to know." i teased.
"Please tell me." she looked at me and her eyes did all the talking for her.
I stood up smiled and held out my hand to her, i got annoyed when she just looked at it so i shoock it in her face, then she surrendered and grabbed it. walking with her hand in mine i felt giddy, i felt... complet.
We got to the gaurds and i pulled her around a corner into an alcove. "Look we're both going to have to pretend to kiss, or your face will be reconizable." She cringed, i had to force my self not to laugh she was just to cute. instead i said. "I know just do it for the forest." She slowly nodded.
I pulled her out of the alcove and put my hands around her slim waist, as she put her hands around my neck, and 'pretended' to kiss her. i actualy did kiss her lightly to be sure she couldn't tell. we walked past the garuds and they chuckled then as soon as i was sure we were far enough i broke off.
"Thanks," she muttered then walked to a bush to change. i did it right there and as soon as i saw her speed off i followed. when i caught up to her she growled. I couldn't let her be alone not in a world full of humans and Vampires. Before we knew it we were back where we started. She came up to me and i held out my hoodie.
"Put it on and act like you're asleep." She did as i said.
I went to pick her up and pulled her face closer to my chest so the gaurds wouldn't see her. the laughed and gave me winks. Did every one here think i slept with every girl, it gets seriouly annoying.
I walked around the corner and put her down.
She looked at me. "What was with the laughing?"
Her question caught me off gaurd, but then i answered smothly. "Oh The gaurds, Well um the way we went and came back... well."
The look on her face hurt me badly not my ego but my soul i mean i always loved her even when we were kids. She looked uterly disgusted with her self and me.
"Sis!" Me and her whipped around to where her brothers were standing glaring at me. Diane ran to them hugging them, then turnedto me giving me one last glare she pulled them away, but i knew something was up they wanted a fight.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok i've been busy with another story and all but comments are more than welcome if you like the way i'm doing the story plz tell me i need to know!!!!! and plz dont subscrbe or comment if it has nothing to do with my storie thanks