Status: typing, typing, type type away ;P working :D



I got to my gold room and cringed once more at all the expensive furniture. I walked to my closet and pulled out my short night dress, but before I could change Michelle burst into my room.
“Girl I heard that you went outside with Sean!” She jumped onto my bed. “Is it true?” Her face looked like it would explode of happiness.
“Unfortunately yes,” I was about to say more but.
“I thought you hated him. So is he the one you’ll marry?”
I groaned. “No I will never marry, and besides I’m not fit to rule Jeremy should.”
“You know it has to be the royal daughter who rules, and what about Kyle?” She looked mad.
I rolled my eyes. “He’ll be too busy being married to you.” She smiled. “You know trying to juggle your split personalities,” She faked glared at me. “See there you go again. Now will you two leave me and let me get some sleep?” We both smiled as she excited the room. I put on my night gown and fell asleep instantaneously.
I was dreaming that I had a house made and in the forest. I was just about to kill my prey when I was snapped out of my dream. I sat up abruptly when I realized Michelle, my brothers, Clementine, and Sean was in my room. Nobody except Michelle and Jeremy noticed my awakening, Sean and Kyle were to busy trying to calm down Clementine.
“Diane.” Michelle started but then some one hit my door; people were trying to get in. I stood and then pulled down my night dress.
I went ahead and took a wild guess. “Vampires!” I snarled. They were the only thing that won over Sean when it came to hating. “Information.”
Jeremy nodded looking away from the door. “30 they easily dispatched the girls, but even the boys didn’t faze them. We believe that were the only ones left.” I closed my eyes momentarily but when I opened them I had a purpose to avenge the innocent deaths.
“We have to get out of here.” I said.
“The window?” Clementine asked.
“Not enough time we could get a few out but we need our numbers. That door won’t hold forever so let’s save them the trouble. Werewolf forms.” I said.
Kyle grinned. “You read my mind.”
We changed to our lethal half man half wolf forms and I devised a plan. Clementine would open the door then hide, and we would jump out and kill. Clementine went to the door and we all got ready to leap into the battle.
Clementine scooted over to the door as we all got ready. She held up her fingers to count down from three, the she opened the door and we burst through it. I collided with a bulky male vamp, I bared my teeth and he his.
I wasn’t going to let him make the first move so I slashed his face and he fell with five red marks on his face. His pause wasn’t short but it gave me the chance to grab a real weapon, wood. I broke off a leg from a table and sliced his head clean off. I looked at the heat of the battle and saw that sean was struggling with a very buff vamp. I talked the vampire from the back and broke his spinal cord with my jaws. And I just kept helping kill.
We got down to two left, a girl and a slight male, the girl laughed and pushed the boy to me I pushed him to Kyle. She laughed again. “I wouldn’t do that my pets,” I growled. “Now, now, we don’t want to play with Christina like that especially hen she has silver.” She whisked out a silver knife and pointed it at me, everybody stopped. “Good doggies, now tell your pups to back off or I’ll stab you.” she moved the knife closer to me, and every one started to back away.
“Now if I’m right you’re the leader are you not?” I glared at her. “Change back to human or I will gut you.” I slowly made the transformation back. “Good now be polite and tell me your name.”
“My name is-” and I jumped straight up and landed on the knife, taking it out of her hold. Her eyes showed white and with vampiric speed ran away.
“Diane,” Jeremy said. I was about to answer when I heard a slight cough. I walked over to the body of a vampire and kneeled beside him.
“What did you want? Why were you here?” I asked. Some one put a blanket over my shoulders.
He coughed again, eyes shut he answered. “We were ordered to take out this clan and steel the princess, so Denor could make her tell us where the other clans were. Denor wanted to exterminate all werewolves from existence. He is a mad man I don’t even know why we hate them…” his body became lax, of course the only good vamp I find dies.
I stood up wrapping the blanket around me. “Pack we’ll go to a hotel till we find a new home we can’t stay here anymore. Then when ready go to the small kitchen.” They all nodded and Michelle walked up to me.
“I don’t know how you can’t see that you’re a born leader.” Then she went to pack.
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i dont think im going to continue to do seans pov every other chapter but i'll do it some times :) this 'bout two pages an i might add another chapter, if you're lucky :D happy hunting