Status: typing, typing, type type away ;P working :D


Where oh where could my baby be?

‘So this is kissing?’ I thought incoherently, my conscience was too far because Sean was tugging my hair as he worked his fingers. I don’t know how long it had been before I finally realized that I was kissing SEAN! I pushed his away, I ran to the door trying to catch my breath. ‘I don’t like Sean like that’ I repeated over and over. Then why did I kiss him back?
Before I could get to the door Sean said. “You can stop pretending that you don’t like me now.” I slowly turned around. “I mean you did save me from that vampire-”
“I only saved you because you’re in my pack.” I cut him off, seized my bathing suit. “Leave now.” And I went into the bathroom to change into my purple with blue skulls bikini.
I came out of the bath room and through my clothes on my bed in my now empty room and walked down to the pool area witch was as empty as my room. I dived into the cool water and resurfaced then swam around for fun
Sean POV
“Let’s all go for breakfast. What’d ya say?” Claudia asked.
“Sure.” Was every ones answer but then what about Diane I mean we couldn’t leave her alone. Not after we heard that they want to kidnap her.
“Diane…” Jeremy said. Kyle looked at his brother and nodded.
“I’ll stay you guys can go out. I’m not hungry anyways.” I said knowing that they wouldn’t go for it.
And Kyle didn’t when every one else did even Jeremy, but he was busy smiling at Claudia. “What we- I can’t do that-I mean.” He sighed.
Michelle walked up to him and put an arm around him. “Let’s go eat,” was all she had to say. Then Kyle smiled and left not forgetting to glare at me as he left.
I walked through the door between our rooms and collapsed on the other bed. Alone with my thoughts finally, I thought about everything that had been going on in my head. The night of the attack I don’t even know why Kyle and Jeremy dragged me to Diane’s room, pity? And then on our way to her room was when the vampires struck.
They had leaped in every and any spare window, I had almost attacked them then but we kept on course and every body had followed us. That’s when the killing started, vampires and werewolves disintegrate ten minutes after death, they picked of people from our group, and some stayed behind to give us time. By the time we made it to her room there was only us.
And if I thought Diane was beautiful before she changed then I must think she’s the most gorgeous thing in world. I remembered when I was about to die by that beef patty of a vamp and then I saw Diane had already killed him before he could kill me. I tell I was relived, I was writing my memorial and then I fought harder than I could have thought possible. And then accidentally walking in on all the girls changing. I could never remember being so… embarrassed I mean I couldn’t even move let alone apologise.
I heard a movement from the other bed; I stood and looked at her. She was tossing and turning, nightmare? Then she sat up so fast, her breathing coming in short breaths.
“Finally you’re up.” I said
“Why are you in here?” she said you with venom.
“Because every one went for breakfast and some one had to be here.”
“Why couldn’t Michelle?” she snapped.
“Because Kyle went for breakfast.” Funny how that was the opposite.
She sighed and I got caught off guard by her, well her beautiful deep green eyes. She said. “Will you stop looking at me?”
I smirked. “What if I said no?”
“What if I said I hate you?” she mimicked me it was kinda funny.
“I’d say no you don’t and kiss you.” I was surprised at my self for saying that.
Her endless green eyes widened then squinted. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would.” It was just a ‘what if’ right?
Her face was disgusted. “I hate you, you pathetic jerk. Now leave!”
Oh… guess not, but I found my self grinning like a fool. I started walking towards her. “No you don’t.” and I leaned in closer. I almost backed up but when I looked at her I guess I just couldn’t stop now. She tried feebly to push me away but my lips touched hers and the world exploded.
She kissed back and my heart gave an odd thud. I put my hands in her long hair and felt it, soft as silk but much more prettier. She abruptly pushed me away and ran to the door.
I couldn’t let her get to the door so I blurted out something anything. “You can stop pretending that you don’t like me now.” She slowly turned around. “I mean you did save me from that vampire-”
“I only saved you because you’re in my pack.” She stopped me from babbling, she seized something. “Leave now.” And then she locked herself into the bathroom. I walked into my room and thought about what happened, wait I can’t leave her alone. When I walked back into the room it was completely empty.
I cursed and went down to the buffet where they were. “Did Diane come down here?”
Kyle and Jeremy looked horrified. “Whathappened?” they mushed their words together. I told them that I had a nap and when I woke she gone. We spilt up and went to look for her. On the up side this hotel has 7 floors and 3 elevators. Whoo!
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a little later than promised but at least i got it out :D i decided i wanted to a Sean POV so yay now enjoy and if you complain i will get a mc donalds apple pie and shove it in your face XD lololololol jk love you
oooh and i have 3 subscribers i feel like i won an gramy thank you for reading