Status: I'll update this again if anyone really wants to read more of it. Let me know if you want updates.

Forever Feels Like Home

Chapter 1

As I looked past the stage I saw him. I could not believe he was here. I almost tripped over a cable…must have been a funny sight.

This tour was set to be for 4 months and I had readied myself-long before it actually began-for how being away from him would be…for FOUR MONTHS! He’s been home for so long and normally he’s the one leaving for months at a time and I’m the one stuck at home.
Yet as I saw him all of this lost the importance that it previously held. I even forgot the lyrics to the song I was currently singing…oops.

It is as if I have pressed pause and time has stopped moving. The only thing I can see is him.

The rest of the show moved at an unnatural pace, it seemed endless. I walked, no ran off the stage to find him. Yet, he was no where to be found.

“I must be losing my mind”

I muttered to no one but myself and carried me and my sorrow back to the dressing room.

At this exact moment a pair of hands-that I was almost positive belong to my guitarist Terry-covered my eyes.

“Terry stop messing around”

I said with the enthusiasm of a dried piece of fruit.

I was normally a tough chick and no one not even other musicians or the roadies dared to mess with me. But now I was just too disappointed to even try.

“It’s not Terry” the familiar voice said “I’m actually kind of offended that you didn’t realize that it’s me.”

When he removed his hands from my eyes I turned around and in an instant saw the face of the person that held my heart.