A Wallflower


Leaning against the dark wooden wall, Bruno Mars brought his cigarette up to his chapped lips and deeply inhaled. ’Nothing like a good fag,’ he thought to himself. Exhaling the toxic smoke, Bruno adjusted his thick glasses and looked around.

It was as if Bruno was a wallflower. There was a party currently going around him and yet he stayed in the midst of it all. Music was pumping, sweaty bodies were taking over the already packed dance floor, and not to mention, all the couples were flirting and mingling in every direction. Yet Bruno firmly stayed rooted to his spot on the hard wall. His cigarette soon shriveled up and he threw it in a nearby trashcan. Feeling pretty bored, he began walking to the exit door when he accidentally bumped into somebody.

“I’m sorry,” Bruno immediately said. Looking up, he saw that he had bumped into a beautiful young woman. Tipping his fedora down, he uttered another sincere apology.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s okay,” she said. “I’m Brandy by the way.” She extended her hand and Bruno gladly accepted and shook it.

“I’m Bruno. Nice to meet you Brandy,” he finished with a genuine smile.

“That’s so neat!” Brandy exclaimed.

“What is?” He asked perplexed.

Brandy blushed a deep shade of red. “Urm, uh, it’s nothing.”

Bruno was intrigued. “Go on, you can tell me. I promise I won’t laugh.: He crossed his two fingers and smiled at her.

Brandy threw her thin arms into the air. “Oh what the hell! I just thought it was neat that both of our names start with the letter ‘B’. You know, Bruno and Brandy,” she finished while looking extremely awkward. “Sorry about that, I’m just a little weird sometimes. I promise I’m not a freak though,” she hastily added, her eyes wide.

An odd sensation went through Bruno’s body. He had a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest. Showing off his pearly whites, he broadly grinned. “Brandy. I, uh, wow. I don’t think you’re a freak; that idea never crossed my mind. I think you’re adorable.”

Brandy’s squared jaw dropped. Quickly retracting it, she smiled shyly. “You do?”

“Yeah. You’re absolutely amazing,” he replied without any or blinking or hesitation in his eyes.

Brandy stared deep into his eyes. Her bright emerald ones against his light hazel eyes. Relaxing her tense stare, she let out a deep breath. “Well thank ya, Bruno. You honestly have no clue how much that means to me.”

Feeling fully alive and on top of the world, Bruno decided to make a whirlwind choice that could change everything he knew. “Do you believe in true love at first sight?”

Brandy’s heart began rapidly thumping. Speechless, all she could do was feebly nod her head up and down. It was true; she had always believed in love at first sight.

Heart swelling and smile expanding by the second, Bruno wiped the swear and perspiration from he brow area. “Ah,” he said relieved. “That makes two of us.”