Status: short story.

Pinky Promise.

And once upon a time,

Pinky Promise | One.

"And they lived happily ever after," I heard her whisper. She closed the book gently.
I looked up to her. "Mommy?"
"Yes, my dear."
"Is this a true story?"
She lightly giggled and ran her fingers through my hair.
I smiled and asked, "Did this happen to you?"
She stopped stroking my hair. I moved and sat across from her.
She smiled and put her hands on my face.
"Almost," She spoke slowly.
I just stared into space for awhile.
"Time for bed."
"But, Mommy," I whined.
"No, no. Come on."
I pulled myself under the covers while she tucked me in.
She leaned over me and kissed my forehead.
"Zoey, promise me that you'll never give up."
I nodded.
"Promise me that you'll find a fairy tale better than mine."
Our pinkies interwined.

And it's been that way for a long time.
My Mother isn't around much anymore. She's always in and out of the hospital. Therefore, I'm living with an aunt.
The bus honked louder.
"Zoey, you'll be late!" My Aunt yelled.
There I ran for my life. I ran mostly because I didn't want to be late. I mostly didn't want to be late because what if something were to happen. And that something was my fairy tale.
It's all fate and destiny, I swear.

"Hey," I said as I slid into my seat alongside my best friend, Eva.
She pulled the headphones out of her ears.
"I am so happy, I thought you weren't going to school today."
She nodded. "You almost missed the bus."
"Well, I'm here." I grinned.
She reached into her bookbag and pulled out two tickets.
"This my friend is your calling."
I grabbed a ticket. "What's this?"
"Tokio Hotel's coming here. Here, of all places."
She did have a point. We were stuck in a backwoods tiny town.
"Uhm, Tokio Hotel?"
Her jaw dropped.
"Zoey, you've got to be kidding? Tokio Hotel is my heaven."
I nodded.
"Just wondering," I lied.

"So, is this outfit good?" She asked me for about the billionth time.
I groaned for about the billionth time.
"What? I have to make sure that I look absolutely fantastic."
"And why?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes. "I'm going to meet a boy."
"A boy? Ooh, tell me about him."
I laid on my stomach with my head resting on my hands. Simply intrigued.
She looked up to the ceiling as if there was a movie playing right there. I made a confused face, hoping she wouldn't notice.
"He's handsome with a British accent. Sexy blonde hair and blue eyes."
She scoffed. "Whatever, I'm changing."
I laughed.
"Well, he's the one who bought the tickets, so I feel obligated to go," Eva stated.
"Oh, so he isn't made up?"
She gave me the death glare.
"Well, what about you?"
"What about me?" I questioned.
"When me and my British dude ditch you, whatcha gonna do?"
I smirked and thought.
"I'm meeting someone, too."
"Is it somebody from school? Oh my goodness, you made a date without telling me? Well, spill."
"He has dark hair with sparkling eyes. He's intelligent and so hilarious. I could die laughing."
She smiled at me.
"And he's going to get me out of this rotten town and make my fairytale come true."
Her smile vanished.
"Like that's ever going to happen," She spat.
I rolled my eyes.
"Okay, so I made it up. I want it to come true, though."
"And maybe it will," She hesitated. "Someday. Okay, now you have to change."
"Well, people are going to be jumping and screaming at this concert. You - Well, you can't dress like a hippie."
"But it's me."
She looked at herself in the mirror. She did look pretty though. Her long brown hair was in a high ponytail. Eva also had a mini purple skirt with a dark lacy tank top.
"Fine, I'll change." She cheered and clapped.
"But you have to help me," I confessed.
"My pleasure."

I showed up at the concert wearing black bleached out shorts, a floral tank top and a white vest. It was kind of my style with the floral, and it was extremely comfy.
Halfway through the concert, I interuppted Eva and her British date's make out session.
"I'm going to get a drink, you want anything?"
They hurriedly shook their heads and continued sucking face. I tried not to be disgusted.
While trying to walk back into the dark auditorium, I tried to squirm around a group of dancing girls, but failed.
"Fuck!" One of the girls screamed. I accidentally spilt my soda all over her shirt.
"I'm sorry," I quickly apologized.
"Ugh - " She went to yell at me, but a boy interuppted.
"Chelsea, chill. Just wash the shirt when you get home."
Time froze. He was gorgeous. He had long brown hair with blue eyes.
"Uh, we're sorry. They were in the way," The boy said.
"We were in the way, she's a - " That girl started again.
"I can buy you another drink," He said.
I shook my head. "Oh, uh, no. That's oka - "
"You deserve it." He started walking out of the auditorium. That girl, Chelsea, stared me down. I decided to follow the mystery boy.
"Uhm, really I can just buy another drink."
"I insist."
♠ ♠ ♠
A) A great start to a fantastic story.
B) A horrible introduction to a too-short story.