Status: short story.

Pinky Promise.

And forever is over,

Pinky Promise | Five.

I giggled as he kissed my ear.
"Be right back," He said.
I nodded. His phone must have fell out of his pocket.
I flipped it open and saw a picture of us. We were standing in the meadow by the lake. That was the night we made love. I had a sparkling grin and my arms were around his neck as he was looking down at me.
I smiled and then a different screen popped up.
New Message
I clicked it of course. It was from Chelsea. I couldn't believe what I had just read.
"The pizza's gonna be a little late," Shane said as he walked back into the living room.
I hurriedly closed the phone.
"You okay?" He slid beside me and put his arm around me.
I couldn't look at him.
I threw his phone at him and stood up.
"I can't believe you, I can't believe I fell for it."
"Wha - " He tried to stop me.
I left.

"Hey, what's up?" Eva started.
I put my books in my locker and just stared into space.
"Hello? Earth to Zoey."
I blinked and commented, "He cheated on me."
"Who? Shane?"
"Who else?"
"Oh, somebody's got an attitude."
"Sorry," I groaned.
She smiled and patted my back.
"Hey, at least you took a risk. It wasn't worth it, but you would've never guessed if you didn't do it."
I smirked.
"No problem, Zo."

"Zoey!" Somebody called out at me.
I turned around and saw Shane running out of his car. I started to walk faster.
"Wait, please." I stopped and turned to him with my arms folded.
"I know, I know." He breathed a little. "I know I messed up, Zoey."
I blinked and started to walk away again.
"But - " He started.
I turned back to him.
"I was an idiot. It was one time." He licked his lips.
"It doesn't matter if it was one time, Shane. You cheated on me."
He looked down and crossed his fingers. My brows furried.
"Zo - "
"Shane, what do you want? What do I do?"
"Come to our lake tomorrow, come talk to me."
I like how he said our lake. I tried not to smile.

"Zoey, dear?" I heard my Aunt call for me when I came home from school.
I slowly walked into the kitchen.
"Hey, dear."
I shyly waved.
"Your Mother went back this morning, she wants to see you."
I nodded.

And I told her my story, my mother.
And she listened.
She always listened.
She nodded here and there, she even smiled and laughed at a few sarcastic remarks. She made my eyes sparkle.
"Zoey, tell me more."
"He's amazing, Mommy."
She licked her lips.
"I'm just trying to find my fairytale like I promised," I explained.
"My dear, oh honey. You promised me that you would find a fairytale better than mine."
"I'm confused."
"Your daddy did the same as Shane, I always took him back. He finally left for good. Which was a good thing."
"Good?" I felt my anger rise.
"He didn't leave an impression on you, my dear."
I blinked.
"I'm not saying that Shane is like your father, he could be different. Who knows? Maybe it might be good in the end."
"I don't want it to be good, Mommy. I want it to be perfect."
She almost shook her head.
"Zoey, listen to me. Just take a risk, just do it."
I nodded and kissed her cheek.
"I love you, Mommy."
"I love you too, my dear."
Those were her last words to me. I had left. And she had past away that evening. However, I didn't find out until the next day.
♠ ♠ ♠
More? More? More? Yes!