Status: short story.

Pinky Promise.

And when the rain is gone,

Pinky Promise | Six.

I arrived to school with a smile. I don't really know why, I was just happy.
Somebody bumped into me as I was walking down the hallway.
"My bad," The boy said. I looked up at him and smiled.
"Do I know you?" He hesitated.
I shook my head.
"Well, I'm Drew."
"Drew, I'm Zoey."
We shook hands.

"Can you please allow Ms. Zoey Moss to come to the office," The intercom announced.
I slowly walked to the office. I was still in my happy, but there was something wrong with my stomach. Right there, in the pit. It stung. I felt empty all over again.
My Mother had died last night.

"It's okay, she's not suffering anymore."
I kept telling my self little wishes and prayers. They weren't working too well. The tears still came pouring.
My aunt knocked at my door.
"Zoey, dinner's ready."
I rolled my eyes and cried myself to sleep.

"You're coming to the dance tonight, right?" Drew asked.
I giggled and answered, "Well, yeah."
"Great, uh, we have to meet up."
I nodded and he walked away.
"Who's that hottie?" Eva asked.
"Drew, we met a few days ago. He's nice."
"Real nice."
I nudged her and we laughed.

"May I have this dance?" Drew asked me whenever the last slow song played.
I nodded and he took my hand to the dancefloor.
I saw Eva glowing while dancing with a senior.
"So, Drew. We don't know each other."
He smiled down at me.
"We should get to know each other," I said.
"Random," Drew remarked.
I blushed and looked down to our feet.
"I saw you at that concert."
"A long time ago, I think it was you."
"You just have the face that nobody could ever forget, or you're just really familiar looking."
"The concert was a long time ago."
He shrugged and smirked.

"I had fun, I'll see you at school," I said.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hard kiss.
I pulled away with a shocked look. Drew was smiling, almost grinning.
"That was the most perfect kiss I've ever had," He said.
I smiled and kissed him lightly once more.
"Good night," I whispered into the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter, maybe?