Status: Senior year of college, be patient with me.

Paul Love Story

Fight, Cullens, Surprise, and Graduation

I staggered weakly as Sam and I fought it out in the forest. I was in terrible pain but I couldn't let Sam win. This mattered too much to me. All the pack has phased but they did not intervene in the fight, only shouted desperate pleas for us to stop.
Sam lunged, grabbing my throat between his teeth. I howled in pain as he held me there. Too weak to fight any longer, I went limp and he dropped me to the ground. I may have been part vampire, but I couldn't fight Sam. He towered over me now, teeth bared.
You will listen to me, Amanda. You may be Alpha but your rank is not as high as mine. What I say goes. No questions asked. You will stop seeing Paul, Amanda and that's final. Sam then turned and walked to the edge of the forest before phasing out.
The boys came from where they were hidden by the trees. They trotted over to me and nudged me asking me to get up. But I couldn't move, the pain, mental and physical, just hurt too much. I could hear Paul, see that he was pacing a clearing two miles away, forced to not take place in the fight by both Mine and Sam's command.
Eventually the boys started to phase back, but Seth, Embry, Jared, and Jake wouldn't leave me alone. Seth jumped over me, tugging at my ears, begging me to get up and go home. Embry and Jared licked at my blood-filled coat, trying to make it clean, and Jake laid in font of me, our eyes boring into one another, thought I did not see him. My mind was clouded with misery. Jake lifted his head and huffed. He nudged my snout with his and licked it.
Get up, Panda. Please, he begged.
Seth tugged at my ears, We can cuddle back at your place, Panda. We'll make you feel better, he promised.
Snap. We all looked over and saw human Sam entering the forest. Each of the boys licked my snout before scampering off. Sam came over to me, anger still clear on his face.
"Get up," he snapped. I glared up at him. "You're worrying Emily. Go home." I didn't move. "Now, Amanda."
I swiped at him, cutting his arm and bare chest. I then got up and ran. I made it across the treaty line in a matter of minutes and I was greeted by the concerned faces of Alice, Emmett, and Jasper. Alice held out a bundle of clothes out and the boys hid in the trees. I phased and pulled the clothes on. Alice hugged me and Emmett and even Jasper hugged me as well.
Emmett lifted me up, bridal style and took me back to their place.
For the rest of the day, Emmett and Alice did all the could to cheer me up. Even Esme seemed to go out of her way to check on me or say something. I tried to cheer up, but I couldn't. My uncle, who was practically my brother, who knew the immense power of imprinting, just forbid me to ever seeing my own imprint.
What kind of sick, twisted world do I live in?
(2 months later)
These passed few months have been better. I phased a while back, just to get away and Paul was there. He told me his schedule and who he was with for patrols and guarding Bella so I could phase and talk with him.
He's told me that Emily is more distant with Sam than she's ever been. She's tried to come see me but Sam's ordered the pack to keep her on the rez. After he told me that, the first thing I did when I phased back was call her. She was in hysterics when I said hello. She screamed and cried, begging me to come home, and when I told her I couldn't, she understood. Now I call her every other day.
I've seen the boys, when I watch over Bella's house when I'm with one of the Cullens. Their eyes told me they were happy to see me but none of them said or did anything to show it, I guess Sam had scared them into it.
Sam. Sam's been avoiding me. I've phased before when he was but he either ignores that I'm there or quickly phases out. I've seen his thoughts. He feels terrible. He was upset with himself for what he had done. Paul says that he ignores everyone now. Lost in his own miserable thoughts.
The Cullens are happy, though. Alice loves to dress me up and Rosalie loves that I let her play with my long hair. Even though she still dislikes me, we can get along well. Esme and Carlisle cook for me when ever they can, loving that they had an excuse how, since Bella usually ate before she came over. Emmett, Jasper, Edward, and I wrestled a lot. Though it's much more fun with Edward and I, seeing as we could both read each others mind.
I was a fast learner when it came to tricking Edward. All I had to do was lead him on to what I thought about doing and then quickly touch his arm to see his counter action.Did I say I could store the memories and thoughts I obtain? Well, I can. So now I know every move Edward could make. And that would frustrate him enough to lose.
But these last two days I've felt horribly sick. I woke up and the first thing I did was throw up. I've also been craving weird things like fried chicken and mash potatoes.
Again today I threw up in the morning. And afterwards I went downstairs to help Alice get ready for graduation. She smiled at me brightly. More than she usually did.
"Okay, what's up?" I asked as I got a blood cup out of the fridge for me.
"What are you gonna name him?" she squealed.
I coughed on the blood that got caught in my throat, " Excuse me?"
She frowned, "You don't know?"
"Know what, Alice?" I asked setting the cup down.
"You're pregnant, Panda..." She said slowly.
Then it clicked. The morning sickness, the cravings. I smacked my hand to my forehead, "Stupid." Smack, "Stupid." Smack, "Stupid. How did I not see it?!" I leaned my elbows on the counter and put my head in my hands, groaning, "Are you positive, Alice?"
She touched my back, "Dead positive." She smiled when I looked up at her, "And he's so cute!"
"It's a he?" I ask. She nods happily. I look down, smiling, "I bet he looks like his father..." Alice touched my hand with hers. And of a little baby boy flashed in front of my eyes. He did look like Paul. "Paul," I whispered frowning. I pulled my hand away from hers and looked away. "How will I tell him?"
"Bella invited Jake to the graduation party...maybe he'll come too," she said hopefully.
I shook my head, "Sam wouldn't allow it."
She squeezed my arm, "Let's not worry about it now. It's time for me to graduate."
I roll my eyes, "Like you haven't before!"
She giggled and pulled me out of the house, and to the yellow Porsche Edward had got her.
I scanned the crowd of people, searching for the familiar black hair of Jake. I stood next Bella, wringing my gloved hands together. I gasped when Jake, Embry, and Quil came up the steps.
"Bella, look," I smile to her before running over to the boys. "Jakey!" I squealed jumping on him.
Jake caught me and spun me around. "Panda Bear!" he laughed.
He let me down and I quickly hugged Quil and Embry, "I miss you guys."
"Come home then," Embry smiled.
"What are you doing here?" asked Bella.
Jake shrugged, "You invited me, remember?"
Bella scoffed, "Was my right hook too subtle for you? That was me uninviting you." I bit my lip, remembering the night Bella came over with a sprained wrist.
"Look, Bella, I'm sorry about, you know, the kiss and your hand," Jake slightly stuttered. "I'd blame it on the whole inner animal thing, but," he shrugs, "it was really just me being an ass." Bella nodded agreeing. "I'm really sorry. But," he pulled something out of his pocket, "I brought you something. A graduation present. I made it myself." I smiled seeing the bracelet with a wolf charm on it.
"Wow. You made this?" Jake nodded. "It's really pretty. Thanks," Bella smiled.
I stepped in front of Jake, hands on my hips. "And what about me? I'm your sister and you don't get me a present?" Bella laughed.
"Who said I don't have a present for you?" smiled Jake. "It's outside, waiting for you."
I smiled at him and looked up. I frowned seeing Alice standing on the stairs. Staring at nothing. I step passed Jake, Quil, and Embry and walk over to Alice.
"Alice, what'd you see?" asked Bella as she came up behind me.
"The decision's been made," she breathed.
Jake, Quil, and Embry came up behind us, "What's going on?"
"You're not going to Seattle," I whisper.
Alice shook her head, "No. They're coming here." Alice touched my hand and then rushed passed us.
"Come on," I say ushering Bella and the boys back down the steps. "Out back, now." We walked out back and I jumped seeing Paul standing there. "Paul!" I screamed jumping into his arms.
"Hey, baby girl," he breathed hugging me tight.
"I missed you," I whisper shuttering at his warmth.
"I missed you too," he sighed.
We broke apart as the Cullens, minus Rosalie, Emmett, and Esme, came in. Alice explained her vision quickly as I clung to Paul's hand.
"They'll be here in four days," explained Alice.
"This could turn into a bloodbath," frowned Carlisle.
"Who's behind it?" growled Edward.
Alice shook her head, holding onto Jasper's arm, "I didn't see anyone I recognized. Maybe one."
Edward nodded, "I know his face. He's local. Riley Biers. He didn't start this."
"Whoever did is staying out of the action," snapped Alice, clearly upset she didn't know who it was.
"They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision," explained Carlisle.
"Either way, the army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town," Jasper intervened.
"Hold up. What damn army?" asked Jake.
"Newborns. Our kind," Carlisle said simply.
Embry frowned, "What are they after?"
"They were passing around Bella's sent. A red blouse," frowned Alice.
"They're after Bella? What the hell does this mean?" growled Jake.
"It means an ugly fight. With lives lost," Carlisle said solemnly.
Jake gazed over at Bella and then looks at Quil, Embry, Paul, and I. We nodded. "All right. We're in."
"No," Bella said instantly. "You'd get yourselves killed. No way."
Jake rolled his eyes. "I wasn't asking for permission."
"Edward?" asked Bella, hoping he'd be on her side.
Edward sighed. "It means more protection for you."
"Jacob," addressed Carlisle, "do you believe Sam would agree to a firmer understanding?"
"As long as We get to kill some vampires," sneered Jake. I kicked his leg. "Full vampires," he amended. I kicked him again. "Okay, human blood drinking, full vampires." I smiled and Paul squeezed my shoulders.
"Jasper?" asked Carlisle.
"They'll give us the numbers. Newborns won't know they even exist," he smiled evilly. "That'll give us an edge."
"We'll need to coordinate," Carlisle nodded.
"Carlisle, they're gonna get hurt," complained Bella.
Carlisle looked at her and then to the rest of us as he spoke, "We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has." He looked at the boys, "You're welcome to join us."
"All right," sighed Jake. "Name the time and place."
"Jake," begged Bella, "you don't know what you're getting yourself into."
"Bella," smirked Jake, "this is what we do. You should be happy. Look at us, working together. You are the one who wanted us to get along. Remember?"
I cleared my throat and placed my hands on my hips, "I take part in that too, Jakey."
Jake shook his head, smiling, "We gotta get back and talk with Sam." Carlisle gave them a place and time and the Cullens then returned to the house.
I hugged the boys smiling, "I'll see you tomorrow."
Paul hugged me tightly while the other three when to into the trees. "I don't wanna go," he whispers.
"I don't want you to leave, either," I whisper back. "But you'll see me tomorrow."
"Yeah, but Sam will be there," he mumbles into my hair.
"Sam can fuck off," I smile looking up at him.
He caressed my face with his warm hands and kissed me. A howl came from the woods and I knew Paul had to go. I puled back and smiled at him.
"I love you," he whispers.
"I love you, too," I murmur and kiss him quickly again.
He turned and dashed to the forest. Just before he entered the forest he stopped, turned back and blew me a kiss. He then lept into the woods, clothes ripping as he did. Smiling I went back into the house and went to the fridge. I grabbed out one of my cups and sat on the counter, chewing on the straw. Alice came skipping in with Jasper.
"Did you tell him?" she asked.
I shook my head, "No."
"Why not?" she frowned.
"Because there's gonna be a newborn vampire army here in four days and I don't think he needs any distractions right now. Plus if he slips while in wolf form, the whole pack will know. We don't need them distracted by me," I sigh.
Jasper looked between the two of us. "What's going on that I don't know?"
"I'm pregnant," I sigh.
"What?!" Emmett asked coming into the room. The rest of the Cullens soon followed.
"I'm prego," I roll my eyes.
"How far along are you?" Carlisle asked, immediately going into doctor mode.
"Two months."
"Who's the father," asked Rosalie.
Rosalie sneered, "You could do better."
I chuckle, "Actually, I can't. Imprint."
She rolls her eyes, "Right."
"Anyway, pregnant lady's tired, so she's goin' to bed," I sigh hopping off the counter.
Alice, Esme, and Emmett gave me quick hugs. I made my way upstairs and changed. I plopped down on my bed and instantly fell asleep.