Status: Senior year of college, be patient with me.

Paul Love Story

Here He Comes

*Paul's P.O.V.*
"Move!" I heard Panda yell. I sighed and got up to see who (Or what0 she was yelling at this time. "Get out of my way you damn dog!"
"Panda, Baby," I say walking into the kitchen as Max ran out. "He's just a dog."
"Well, maybe he should stay out of my way!" she snapped closing the refrigerator door.
I sigh and walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her overly enlarged stomach. "Calm down, sweetheart. We don't want to upset Wyatt," I said rubbing her stomach.
She turned and looked at me. Exhaustion was clear in her face. Sam still had us running patrols and I was gone last night, leaving her alone. She had told me the first night I was gone on patrol, when I came home, she was up all night, waiting for me. She clearly waited last night as well.
"I'm sorry," she whispered.
I pulled her into a hug, "It's alright, Sweetie. Why don't we take a nape?" She nodded and I gently pulled her up stairs and laid down with her on her bed. She yawned, curled up next to me and fell asleep.
I sighed looking at her swollen stomach. He grew faster than Carlisle had wanted. He'd told me he'd hoped Wyatt wouldn't be here till August, but with Panda phasing twice over the past two months, he might be here by the end of July. The 31st of July was in four days. I had asked Sam to give me time off but I knew that wouldn't happen. Things have been tight. Jake left, after getting an invitation to Bella and the bloodsucker's wedding, and Sam wanted to keep the younger kids, Seth, Collin, and Brady, at home. So it was only Leah, Jared, Quil, Embry, Sam and I.
I laid with Panda for about an hour till she shot up straight with a panicked look. "The baby's coming." She then got up and ran to her closet. I froze. Only three words raced through my mind. The baby's coming. "Paul!"
I jumped and quickly ran over to Panda's closet. "What?! What is it?!"
"Get me to Carlisle now!" she hissed holding her stomach, a bag slung over her shoulder.
I picked her up, bridal style and carried her down the steps. The guys, of course, were there and they all looked up as I rushed in and then out of the living room.
"Where are you going?!" Seth shouted.
"Baby's coming!" I said as Panda screamed in pain.
"Hurry the fuck up, Paul!" she growled.
I quickly put her in the passenger seat of the truck as the guys and Emily got in the truck bed.
I tore of of the reservation with Panda screaming and swearing at me the whole time. In all honesty, I thought it was kind of funny as she yelled at me for being her imprint and complained I was too sexy.
"This is not funny! Paul James Lahote!" She yelled when I finally laughed.
We pulled up to the Cullen's and Alice and Emmett were already waiting outside. I pulled Panda into my arms and carried her inside.
"Go to the room where she had her ultrasounds," Alice said before she disappeared.
"Well, Panda Bear, you ready to have a little bear?" chuckled Emmett.
"Shut the hell up and get me upstairs!" she shouted.
Emmett's eyes widened as he ran up the steps with me on his tail. "Was she like this the whole way over here?" he asked me.
"Oh, yeah," I say taking her into the room and laying her down on the bed.
"Damn girl, you got a set of lungs on you," Emmett said as she screamed again.
Carlisle came into the room and quickly set everything up. I held Panda's hand as she growled in pain. Then began the pushing. She squeezed my hand so tight she broke a few fingers, which easily healed back, at least till the next push.
"One more push," Carlisle coaxed.
"God damnit, Paul! Why'd you have to have such a big head," she screamed as she pushed again. She fell back against the bed, painting as cry's filled the room. I rested my head o her shoulder and she pushed me away. "You're not on my good list right now," she panted.
I chuckled, "I love you too, Panda." I said kissing her forehead.
"Yeah, yeah, I love you too," she breathed. "Now, let me see my baby boy."
Carlisle came over with a bundled blue blanket and handed it to Panda. "Wyatt Samuel Lahote, meet your mommy," he smiled.
Panda gasped, "Hi baby boy." She smiled up at me as I gaped at the little baby I, we, had created. "Handsome, just like his daddy," she cooed gently bouncing him. I rested my head against Panda's and watched as Wyatt blinked up at us. "Do you wanna hold him?" she asked holding him out to me.
Nodding I took him into my arms and cradled him to my chest. I smiled as he giggled looking at me. "You have your mommy's eyes," I say looking over to Panda. She smiled tiredly back at me. I kissed her forehead. "Sleep, Angle. I can take care of him," she nodded and slowly closed her eyes.
"The others would like to meet him, "Carlisle smiled from the doorway.
I walked over to him. "You know, Panda named you and Esme as grandparents on her side for him."
Carlisle smiled and looked over to sleeping Panda. "We could never replace her real parents, certainly not her mother, but I'm happy to call her a daughter of mine if she feels its so." He looked back at me. "I know you and the others dislike my family and I, but we really do mean no harm to you." I nod. "Come, I'm sure Wyatt's more than excited to met his family."
I followed Carlisle back downstairs, holding Wyatt close to my chest. I entered the living room and they all looked up at me. I smile, "Who wants to meet him first?" I locked eyes with Sam and took Wyatt over to him. "Wyatt," I say, "meet your Uncle Sam and Aunt Emily." I then placed him in Sam's arms and stepped back.
"Hey, little guy," Sam smiled. He put his hand close to Wyatt's and Wyatt grabbed his finger.
Emily nudged him slightly, "I want one."
The whole room laughed as Sam's eyes widened. I stood back as Emily took Wyatt next. He was passed around the pack and then Alice finally took him after Jared. He was in Esme's arms when Alice looked at me.
"Sam and Emily are named primary godparents." I sighed knowing Panda's logic was weird but makes sense.
"Primary?" asked Esme.
I nod. "He's technically part vampire, so we assume he's going to live a long time. So in that case, after we've all passed, Rosalie and Emmett are named as his secondary Godparents." I looked at Alice. "She doesn't want you mad at her for that decision. She knows how much Rosalie wanted a baby, that's why she's named secondary godmother."
Alice giggled, "I'm not mad at her! I'm just happy to be an Aunt!"
I smiled, looking at Wyatt, knowing he'd be loved even after Panda and I pass away.
I was sitting upstairs with Panda a little while later. She was still asleep, which didn't surprise me, and Wyatt was downstairs with the Cullens. The pack had left a few hours ago to change up the patrolling schedule, and to get away from the smell.
I had long gotten over the smell, it stung, but I wouldn't leave Panda alone right now. I laid back in my chair and sighed, closing my eyes.
I jumped and looked over at Panda. "Hey, baby girl," I smiled getting up.
"Where's Wyatt?" shed asked as I kissed her forehead.
"Downstairs with the Cullens," I smiled stroking her hair.
"Sam left?" she frowned.
I nod, "They wanted to get things ready for when Wyatt comes home."
She smiled and nodded, "I wanna go home."
I chuckled, "Okay."
"I'm gonna get changed first," she said as she got up.
I chuckled and kissed her cheek, "I'll be here."
Panda changed and we walked downstairs, hand-in-hand. She chatted with the Cullens for a bit and then took Wyatt so we could go. She hugged them all, promising she's see them soon. She held Wyatt the whole way home, cuddling and cooing at him. We walked hand-in-hand up to the house once we arrived. We walked in and the first person we saw was Leah. She froze and stared at my son that was cradled in Panda's arm.
"No," Panda hissed.
'Oh shit,' was all I thought before I grabbed Wyatt out of Panda's arms and shoved her back out the door so she could phase.
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