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Almost Easy

Chapter 14

I walked out of work and let out a sigh of relief. Today had been hell. All of my clients had been very picky rude, and down right bitchy. It would be nice to go home to Zacky, but that wont happen because of his stupid tour.

To say Zacky’s and my relationship has gotten worse is an understatement. Every time we talk he always picks a fight. And it’s frustrating to me because I’m six and a half months pregnant, and my stalker situation has gotten much worse, and at the rate Zack and I are going, I’m afraid if I tell him he wont believe me.

I pulled into the driveway and quickly cut the engine. My front door was wide open, and I knew I had closed it and locked it this morning. I walked in and looked around. The down stairs had been completely trashed, and I was afraid to go any farther incase the intruder was still there. I walked back out side and got into my car. After locking the doors I dialed 911.

“911 what is your emergency?”

“Hi, my house was just broken into. I don’t know who did it, and if they’re still there.” I said my voice trembling. She asked me to stay out of the house, and asked for where my address was. As I was waiting I called up my friend Milo.

“Hey Baby-cakes, what’s with the sudden call? I haven’t talked to you in foREVer.

“Milo can you come over please. I really need someone right now.” I said my voice quivering every now and then.

“Allison what’s wrong are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m not sure Milo.” I responded and I gave him my address.

“I’ll be there in no time, don’t worry about it.” he said and hung up. When I did, an officer pulled into the driveway. I got out and walked over to meet him.

“Hello Miss. Sanders how are you?” he asked.

“Not good. Some one broke into my house and I’m not sure if they’re still in there. I walked around the downstairs and it is completely trashed.” I said and he nodded.

“I’m going to go check everywhere in the house. Please wait at the end of the driveway with my partner.” he said and I nodded and walked down the driveway. A few minutes later Milo’s black truck raced around the corner and he hopped out.

“Allison, what happened, he asked as he engulfed me with his arms.

“Someone broke in and trashed the place.”


“I’m not sure. This is such a good part of the neighborhood.” I said and he tightened his arms around me.

“Well Miss. Sanders the intruder is gone. Would you like to walk around with me to see if any thing is missing?” he asked and I nodded. Down stairs nothing was missing. As I walked up the stairs all of the pictures of Zacky and I were smashed. I let out a shaky breath and continued up the stairs. Nothing was missing out of Zacky’s recording room, the bathroom, the extra rooms, or the attic. As I walked into my room my clothes were thrown everywhere. Zacky’s closet hadn’t even been touched. I walked over to my dresser and ran my hand across it. I opened my jewelry box and gasped.

“My engagement ring is gone.” I said picked up the piece of paper where my ring would have been.

‘I told you to stay away now didn’t I? Maybe now you’ll listen.’

Tears welled up in my eyes as I gave it to the officer.

“Have you gotten any other threatening messages like these?” he asked and I nodded. I handed him the other ones that I had found on my car and played him the messages on my phone.

“Miss, why didn’t you report any of this?” he asked.

“Because I thought it was one of my fiancées fans. He’s a musician for a popular band. I figured if I didn’t pay any attention to it, they would grow tired of it and stop. I guess they haven’t.” I said.

“I’m going to order you twenty-four hour watch officers. The threats are escalating and that puts you at a high risk, and you’re at a higher risk anyways because you’re pregnant.” the officer said and I nodded, and a feeling of protection washed over me.

“Thank you so much. I already feel safer with you saying that.” I said and he nodded. He told me that it would start in a few minutes. I nodded and showed him out.

“Milo, can you help me start picking up down here. I’m going to call home security and have them install a security system now.” I said and he nodded. They came about half and hour later and installed a state of the art security system. With that I felt even more protected. That put one at the front door, back door, and garage. If anyone was to try and break in, I would know it, and police would be notified right away.

“Milo, I’m going to run to the hard wear store and get new locks of all the doors.” I said and grabbed my purse.

“Do you want me to come with you?” he asked as he sat the couch back up in the upright position.

“No that’s okay. One of the officers will be following me so, I’ll be okay. I’m going to grab new groceries too because I don’t trust who ever broke in. for all I know they could have poisoned everything.” I said and he chuckled.

“Good thinking Al.” he said and laughed.

“Do you mind working on the down stairs while I’m gone?” I asked and he shook his head. I thanked him and headed out and told the officer on watch where I was going and he nodded. I pulled out and put in my blue tooth. I dialed Zacky’s number not caring about the time difference.

“What the hell Allison, it’s four o’clock in the morning?” he growled and I rolled my eyes.

‘Sorry Zachary, but I’m just calling to tell you that I have a stalker and they broke into the house today.” I said and he sighed.

“I doubt you have a stalker, but did someone really break in?” he asked and I nodded.

“A yes to both of them. And yes I have a stalker, and have since the day you left.” I said in a heated voice.

“Allie I’m sure it’s just your imagination.” he said.

“Zack, they’ve left me threatening notes, and when they broke in today they stole my engagement ring and left me another note.” I yelled and he sighed.

“Well if you had been wearing it, they wouldn’t have stole it now would they.” he yelled back at me.

“My hands are swollen from being pregnant you ass. Forget that I said anything.” I said and hung up. What happened to my Zacky?
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