Status: active but updates may very

Almost Easy

Chapter 2

Ch 2

I debated on what I was going to do. So far my options were: wait around for Matt and Brian so I could watch them beat Zacky to a pulp, run away well technically back home, or wait around for Matt and Brian so I could watch them beat Zacky to a pulp, and then run back home. The one that sounded so appealing so far was my third option, but I knew I would try and stop them. Damn these pregnancy hormones and fuck love right now because the combination of the two was making me soft. 

I was quiet for a few minutes trying to figure out what I was going to do when I heard whimpering coming from the bunk area which turned into full fledged crying, and that's when i knew I had to leave for a while. I had only heard Zacky cry a few times but this was worse than all of those times put together. I knew if I stayed I would just give in and forgive him, which was something I did not plan on doing right now, let alone ever. I got up and walked quietly towards the bunk area. I opened the door just enough to see in, and had to hold in my cry. Sitting in the middle of the floor was Zacky, and he was staring at the picture of our baby girl. I knew he cared but i just couldn't give in to him yet again. I could only wonder how many other times he had done this. 

I turned around and ran to the bathroom to empty my stomach out. Stress was not good for my baby and it was already taking a toll on me. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and flushed the toilet before grabbing my tooth brush from it's spot in the cup board and brushed my teeth. I looked up and saw Zacky staring at me with sorrow in his eyes. I looked back down and finished brushing my teeth. I turned around and he was still there. He cleared his throat, and I knew he was going to talk 

"Every single day, i think about how we came all this way. The sleepless nights and the tears you cried, it's never to late to make it right. I'm sorry." he said and I sighed.

"You see, that's where you're wrong. It's to late to make it right. You tell me that you're sorry, didn't think I'd turn around, and say that it's to late to apologize."

"I need you like a heart needs a beat, it's nothing new."

"I loved you with a fire red- now it's turning blue, and you say "sorry" like an angel heaven let me think was you, but I'm afraid it's to late to apologize." I said and wiped my tears away as I watched him do the same. 

I knew I wouldn't see him for a while, let alone do what I was about to do again. I grabbed the back of his head and crashed my lips to his and his arms went to my stomach. I pulled away and kissed him quickly one more time before I looked at him.

"Good bye Zackary. I love you." I said and left. I slammed the door behind me and walked rather quickly to my car. I saw Val a few feet away looking at me but i shook my head at her and peeled out of the parking lot of the venue. It started raining as a new set of tears fell from my eyes. I picked up my cell phone and dialed Bri's number and waited for Jim to pick up.

"Make it quick Hun because Bri's about to fuck my brains out." 

"Jimmy?" I questioned with a laugh. I heard a boo-yaw from Jimmy and the others groaned, followed by Jimmy bragging about how he made me laugh first.

"Jim-Jam, can I please talk to Bri, it's really important." I sId and turned the corner. I heard Jimmy throw the phone followed by a curse from short shit, I'm guessing because it hit  him in the head.

"City morgue, you kill 'em we chill 'em." he said and i laughed again.

"You just might be needed to do that." I said and I heard him sigh.

"Babe, I really don't think he meant to do it. He was drunk when we got on the bus." he said as I turned the next corner.

"You see, that's where you're wrong Bri. He was sober when he was fucking that girl. He didn't start drinking until I showed him the picture and went to leave." I said and I heard him sigh.

"What picture?" 

"I'm sure he'd show you if you asked, but just in case, I'm pregnant Bri, I'm having a baby!" I said with a smile on my face.

"YOU'RE WHAT!!!!!??????? DID YOU JUST SAY THAT YOU ARE PREGNANT?!?!??" he yelled as I  held the phone away from my ear. I heard a few gasps and then a yell.

"I'm gonna be an uncle!!!!" I heard Jimmy yell and a groan from Johnny I'm assuming because Jimmy hit him upside the head.

"Bri, I'm calling to ask if Zacky can stay at your house when you guys get back from tour." I said and he sighed once again. 

"I guess." he said and then let out a scream as I heard tires squeal before I felt the impact of the hummer hit the passenger side of my mustang before my world went black.

<><><><>Matts POV<><><><>

I was laughing at some thing short shit did when i heard a crash come from the bunk area. The look on jimmy's face was priceless when he heard the crash.

"I told you that there was a monster back there!" he yelled as he grabbed a flyswatter and moved cautiously towards the bunks.

"Jim-Jam, sit down, I'll handle this." I said and flexed my muscles at him. He gasped in fake surprise and we all laughed.

"I'll be right back, as soon as I figure out what that crash was." I opened the door to see a bottle of JD smashed to prices at the bottom of the wall, and Zacky sitting on the floor staring at a black and white photo.

"What's wrong Zacky?" I asked him and he looked at me. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was swollen from crying.

"I fucked up, she's gone. I fucked up badly Matt." he said through tears. I sat down beside him and put his head between his knees as he began to hyperventilate. 

"Come on, it can't be that bad. What'd you do?" I asked and held his head down as he started to calm down.

"I cheated on her, and she walked in on it." he whispered and I bashed his face in to the ground.

"You fucker! That's my baby sister!" I yelled and stood up and began pacing the room. 

"She's pregnant too." he mumbled and I glared at him.

"You got the slut pregnant?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, Allie's pregnant." he said and handed me the photo. I looked at it and smiled. I walked out of the room and Brian looked up at me. 

"So was it a monster?"

"Yeah it was. A cheating son of a bitch monster." I said and sat down and put the picture in my pocket.

"What do you mean?"

"It was Zacky, a drunk Zacky, and he told me that he cheated on Aland she walked in on them." I said and he sighed. A few seconds later Brian's phone started ringing, but before I could grab it Jimmy beat me to it and answered it.

"Make it quick Hun because Bri's about to fuck my brains out." he said and I choked on my soda.

"Boo-yaw, I made her laugh first mother fuckers!" he Said and then threw Brian's phone at Brian but it hit Johnny instead. 

"City morgue, you kill 'em we chill 'em." he said and i laughed again.

"Babe, I really don't think he meant to do it. He was drunk when we got on the bus." he said.

"YOU'RE WHAT!!!!!??????? DID YOU JUST SAY THAT YOU ARE PREGNANT?!?!??" he yelled and i nodded as Jimmy yelled about how he was going to be an uncle.

"I guess." he said before I heard a scream and the crunching of metal.
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I have 5 chapter prewritten so I thought I would post chapter 2 but please comment and subscribe. And suggestions are always welcome.