Status: active but updates may very

Almost Easy

chapter 3

Ch 3

<><><><> Zacky's POV <><><><>

I was staring at the picture when I was lifted off of the floor and slammed against the wall. I looked up to see a fuming Matt staring back at me. His fist collided with my face a few times before he started yelling at me.

"You bastard this is all your fault!!" he yelled and threw me to the ground. He kicked my side and I hissed in pain.

"What's wrong?"

"Because you can't remain a faithful jackass to my baby sister she and my unborn niece may be dead right now! That's what's wrong Zachary. She just got in a car accident while worrying about where you were going to stay after tour. God what did she ever see in you?" he yelled, kicked me one more time, and walked out to his car to go to the hospital. I got up and ran to the front of the bus, only to be close-lined by Jimmy.

"What the fuck dude, I need to go to the hospital. I need to make sure that she's okay and that my baby girl is okay. Now please move." I said and he shook his head before his fist collided with my nose. Fuck I now knew i was fucked. Pun not intended. If Jimmy was mad at you you were screwed because it took a lot to make him mad.

"why'd you do it man?" he asked rather calmly which freaked me out. I shrugged my shoulders and ran around him only to meet the murderous glare of Syn. 

"You better give us something better than a shrug of your shoulders and an I don't know or else your fat ass is not getting off of this bus." he said and shoved me onto the couch. 

<><><><> Allie's POV <><><><>

I looked down at my body and a crying Zacky holding my hand as they tried to resuscitate me.  I looked at my hand as it started to go blurry.

"I thought I told you to get him out of here!" the doctor yelled but Zacky didn't budge. He looked the doctor right in the eyes and what he said next surprised me.

"No offense sir, but I'm not moving from my spot. If she dies I will be with her until you call her time of death, I love her far to much and have screwed up to many times for me not to be here for her now when she needs me the most." he said and the doctor nodded.

"You're a good guy." he said and Zacky shook his head.

"Far from it sir." he said and the doctor nodded. I blinked and my blurry hand cleared up and that scared me. I looked up and saw my grandma.

"Grandma? Am I dead?" I asked her and she laughed.

"Well dear that's up to you. Do you want to live, or do you want to die?" she asked and I gave her a look.

"What do you mean it's up to me?" I asked and she laughed again.

"It's your choice. You can keep you life here on earth, or you can go to heaven." she said and I wrapped my arms around my stomach, only to instantly freak out.

"Where's my baby?" I asked in panic and she smiled.

"Right where she should be." she said and nothing else to me. 

"Can I get a preview of my choices?" I asked and she smiled.

"Dear child I thought you would never ask." she said and before me a second later was mine and Zacky's house. Zacky was sitting in the nursey room with at least fifteen empty Jack Daniel bottles scattered around him. He had dark circles under his eyes and he was staring at a ring.

"Why did you leave me?" he asked aloud and I gasped for breath seeing him that way.  I looked at grandma as we were now at Matt and Val's house. They were sitting at the table, one filling out paper work, the other on the phone with the funeral parlor, both with bloodshot eyes, runny noses, and dark rings around their eyes. Amy's house was next and she sat on her bed with Ichabod sitting by her side looking through her scrapbooks of her and I during high school. 

"At least she looks peaceful." I said and gran shook her head.

"Give her a second." she said and I looked back at Amy. She let out a scream and threw the book at the wall and I saw others under neither the one she had just thrown. 

It was basically the same at all of the other houses we stopped at. Brian and Chelle where fighting which led to make-up sex which was when gran and I left rather quickly. At jimmy's he was busy writing songs in honor of his best friend and at short shits house he was cleaning which was something he never did. Suddenly we were back in my hospital room and gran looked at me.

"So that's if I choose Heaven?" I asked and she nodded. 

"yup. You'd be at peace but everyone else would be a reck." she said and I nodded. 

"What would it be like if I stayed?" I asked and she smiled. 

"Dear child I thought you would never ask." she said and before me a second later was mine and Zacky's house. Zacky and I were in the living room. I was asleep on the couch while he was watching me sleep. Matt and Val were in our kitchen along with Chelle, Brian, Johnny, Jimmy, and all of the other girls. They were all talking and laughing at Jimmy because he was doing an impersonation of something. After that we were back at the hospital. 

"So what is it. I can't stay much longer." she said and i nodded.

"if I stay, will you be able to stay and be my guardian angel!" I asked and she laughed.

"Hun I've been here since I've died. You've just never needed me until now." she said and I nodded

"So if i stayed everyone would be happy, and I could see you from time to time?" I asked and she shrugged.

"More or less, now decided please Allison." she said and I smiled. 

"Still impatient as ever." I said and she nodded.

"Always have been , alway will be." she said

"I think I'm going to stay." I said and a second later I opened my eyes and gasped for breath.

"Welcome back Hun." the doctor said as I kept breathing. 

"Get her prepped for surgery, and make sure she stays stable if she doesn't, stabilize her and then page me, in that order." he said and the nurses nodded before wheeling me out.

<><><><> <><><><>

I currently was in a coma, and have been for two weeks. I could hear Zacky talking to me and everyday he would tell me how many days I've been in a coma and how everyone was doing. I almost died again because my internal bleeding wasn't stopped all of the way and I started to bleed out. I felt a squeeze on my hand signaling that Zacky was back from showering and eating. Every time he comes I try to squeeze his hand back but it doesn't work. 

"Baby, when are you going to wake up and come back to me?" he asked and I inwardly shouted that I was trying and to be patient with me.

"I hope you do know that I am sorry. I don't know what was going through my mind when I got with her. You're my angel. You're always there when I need you and you never second guess me. I can always count on you to lift my spirits when I need a good laugh, and got you're amazing in bed." he said with a laugh. I was laughing on the inside with him even I he didn't know it. 

"I hope you know that I love you and I will do every thing in my power to show you that. Just please if you can hear me, please give me a second chance. I will not screw you over this time and you have my word in that. And our baby girl is beautiful, but she's in a better place right now, and if you have it in your heart we can try again, hell I'll give you fucking Brady Bunch if you just forgive me." he said and I felt the sudden urge to comfort him. On impulse I went to squeeze his hands and was surprised when it actually worked. 

"Allie, Baby, can you do that again for me please," and i did. He ran out of the room and returned a minute later with the doctor. 

"Allison I hear that you're responding care to show me?" he asked and I squeezed his hand.

"Ok we're going to take this a step further. Can you try and open your eyes for me?" he asked and I tried my best and got excited when I felt them flutter and then open. I blinked a few times and looked to my left at Zacky.

"Baby?" he whispered and I nodded my head. 

"Allison, how about you try talking after we take that tube out of your mouth. Now act like you're throwing up." he said and I did. I gagged as the tube came out of my throat. I did the hand motion for a drink and he handed me one. 

"What did she look like Zacky?" I asked and he sat down on true edge of my bed. 

"She had your hair and my eyes. She had your cute button nose and freckles all over her face." he said and I felt the tears fall from my eyes. 

"She sounds perfect." I said and Zacky wrapped me up in a hug.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so i received ZERO COMMENTS ON LAST CHAPTER AND I HAVE 25 READERS???!!!!! i would really appreciate comments with suggestions.........i ahve a few things planned out already and i'm almost done with chapter six so updates will be kinda steady. but please comment and let me know what you thought.
