Status: active but updates may very

Almost Easy

chapter 7

Chapter 7

Zacky sank back in his chair as Michelle looked from Gena, to me, to Zacky, and back to Gena again, multiple times.

“Gena, is this true, you’re ’The Gena’ that caused all of us trouble and pain?” Michelle said, her voice continuing to rise. Gena looked confused as she looked at every one in the group individually.

“Trouble I get, but pain? I don’t understand?” she said and walked towards Zacky, but I stood up.

“Come any closer Bitch and you’ll be six feet under and counting in no time.” I seethed and she shook her head.

“What pain are you talking about? Besides the pain of knowing your boyfriend is a cheater?” she asked with a smirk.

“The pain of loosing my first child after I found him with your skanky ass.” I said and look a step towards her. Her face contorted into confusion once again and then her face showed remembrance.

“You were pregnant?” she asked and I nodded. Flash backs of that night came back after the past six months I spent sealing them away in the back of my mind. The next thing I know I was being held back by Matt, and Gena being held back by a disgusted looking Brian. I blinked a few times and saw Gena’s face was covered in blood, as were my hands.

“What happened?” I asked and Gena let out a heart-less cackle.

“What do you mean what the fuck happened? You attacked me you bitch!!!!” she yelled and I looked up at Matt.

“I did that?” I asked and he gave me a confused look.

“You don’t remember?” he asked and I shook my head.

“I remember thinking about her and Zacky, I remembered it clearly and then the next thing I remember is looking at her face covered in blood.” I said. I looked for Zacky but he was no where to be seen.

“Where’s Zacky?” I asked and continued to look around for him.

“He left.” Val said, sounding confused. I looked at her.

“Why? Why did he leave me…? Uh… I think…. I think I’m going to get sick.” I said and ran into Jimmy’s down stairs bath room and threw up what I had just ate. I sat my head against the cold tile floor after I flushed and started crying. I heard someone sigh and sit me up.

“What’s wrong lady friend?” Jimmy asked me as he rocked me back and forth.

“Zacky left me.” I said and he chuckled.

“I don’t know why you find this funny James, my boy friend just left me.” I snapped at him.

“Hun he didn’t leave you, he left because you told him to. You told him you didn’t want him to see you like this.” he said and I shook my head.

“I did?” I asked and Jimmy nodded.

“You really don’t remember do you?” he asked and I shook my head. He continued to rock me back and forth until I was completely calmed down to where I was no longer shaking.

“I called Zacky. He should be here in a few minutes.” I heard Val say from the door way. I looked up and she shook her head and helped me stand up.

“Do you feel better babe?” she asked and I shook my head.

“I want my babe.” I said and she nodded.

“Well come here then.” I heard Zacky say from behind me and I spun around quickly and wrapped my body around his. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist to support me.

“I missed you.” I said and he pulled away with a confused look.

“I don’t remember telling you to leave, so when Val said that you left, I assumed you like LEFT me.” I said stressing the word left. He sighed and hugged me tighter.

“I fucked up once, I’m not going to do it again.” he said and I nodded.

“Take me home?” I asked and he nodded. We said our good byes and headed out into the cool October air. I clung to Zacky’s side as we walked to the car, only splitting to get into the car.

“I love you.” I said randomly and I saw Zacky smile.

“That was random, but I love you too Allie. You’re my world.” he said and leaned across the center of the car to give me a kiss.

<><><><>fast forward two weeks<><><><>

I rolled off of Zacky, trying to catch my breath.

“Happy Halloween Baby.” I said after I caught my breath as he lightly stroked my side.

“Mhm you too babe. Best Halloween I’ve ever had.” he said and I nodded in agreement. I stretched and pulled the sheets with me to the bathroom.

“While I’m in the shower, could you please call my brother and find out when the Halloween party is?” I asked and I heard a mumbled reply that sounded like a yes. I stripped myself of my clothes and felt the water to make sure it was warm enough. Once I was satisfied I stepped in and stood there for a few minutes. I put shampoo on my hand and smothered my hair in suds. I felt hands sneak around my waist and smiled when he kissed my shoulders.

“Well at least you got in before I washed my body, I wouldn’t want to have to do that twice.” I murmured to him.

<><><><> Party <><><><>

I sighed as I slipped my mask on over my eyes. Jimmy had planned a Halloween masquerade so I had to go shopping at the last minute for a mask. Everyone had to get together separately so know one knew who any one was. I slid my dress on next and smiled at myself in the guest bedroom mirror.

“Not to shabby Al.” I said to myself and spun around. I picked up my phone and sent a forward to everyone to see if they were ready. I got a reply from everyone saying yes so I walked down stairs. I was the first one down there so I walked to the kitchen and got myself a cup of sherbet punch.

“Who are you?” I heard a voice from behind me and I laughed.

“I don’t know Brian, who an I?” I said with a smirk and turned around. His eyes widened when he saw me and I smirked.

“Like what you see Haner?” I asked and then chuckled. He looked confused on what to say.

“Bri, its okay to say she looks good, I won’t get mad.” I heard Michelle say behind him.

“Who ever the fuck you are, you look amazing.” he said and I smiled.

“You honestly don’t recognize me?” I said and he shook his head.

“Who are you?” he asked and it was my turn to shake my head.

“I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.” I said and walked out of the kitchen and into the back yard. I surveyed the crowd looking for someone to mingle with since it wasn’t just the normal gang. Jason and Matt were here along with a few other bands. I saw Benji Maddon and smiled because he obviously didn’t get the notice to wear a mask.

“Hey Benji, where’s your mask?” I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

“Oh, I’m hurt who ever you are, I though my face was creative enough.” he said in mock hurt and I laughed and walked away. I wanted to find Zacky, which wouldn’t be to hard. All I really had to do was call his name while walking around.

“Zacky?” I said and a face looked up from the people he was talking to and looked at me.

“Allie?” he asked after he shut his jaw. I blushed and nodded as he walked over to me.

“Holy fuck Allie, that was you in the kitchen?!” I heard Brian yell and I smiled.

“Yes it was Bri, and thanks for the compliment.” I right before Zacky reached me and pulled me into a kiss.

“I’m going to make you fucking scream when I ravish your body tonight.” he said in a husky voice in my ear.

“Haven’t you already done that twice today already?” I asked and he nodded and kissed me again.

“But round three is always the best baby.” he said with a growl and I smiled. I stuck to Zacky’s side all night until he left to go to the bathroom. He came back a few minutes later and everyone was crowded around me but was silent.

“What’s going on?” I asked and looked around. They just smiled at me and shrugged their shoulders.

“Zacky?” I asked and he smiled back at me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead then got down on one knee.

“Allie, I’ve known you every since I met Matt and that was a long time ago. We hit it off right away, and I knew that you were the one for me ever since I laid eyes on you. You are what I look forward to seeing every morning when I wake up, and I’m going to look forward to that for the rest of my life. I know I’ve screwed up, and I’m thankful for having a second chance. I love you with all of my heart. You’re my best friend, my girlfriend, my lover, my hopefully soon to be fiancée, and hopefully after that my wife, so will you Allison Jade Sanders, do me the honor of marrying me, and being my wife?” he asked and I was in tears. I knew I wouldn’t be able to say anything so I just nodded and let out a sob. He let out a sigh of relief as everyone cheered and smashed his lips to mine.

“I love you Zachary James Baker.” I said against his lips and he smiled.

“I love you too Allison Jade Sanders.” he said and kissed me again. I pulled away and set my head on his shoulder as he song changed to a slow one.

‘You know, I think I’m really looking forward to round three.” I whispered in his ear and he nodded.

“Me too babe, me too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
links: allie
the girls
guys part 1
guys part 2

and i dont like this one so much. and sorry i suck at sex scenes but if someone wants to write them for me, ill include it and i'll credit you for them.


hope you liked it, if you did, you should totally comment =]