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Almost Easy

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

I adjusted my skirt once again while sitting in the waiting room. I was at a job interview and was nervous as hell and the morning sickness didn't help. I held my stomach and looked around. Different types of pictures were hung on the wall and they all were very good.

"Ms. Sanders?" the receptionist called and I stood up and walked over to where she was seated.

"That's me." I said and she smiled, one which I returned.

"Mr. Smith will see you now." she said and I nodded and said thank you as I walked over to grab my portfolio and then walked to Mr. Smith office. I knocked twice and opened the door. A man in his late thirties looked up and I smiled

"Hello, my name is Allison Sanders and the receptionist said I could come back. I'm here for an interview." I said and sat down to the chair he motioned to.

"May I please see your portfolio?" he asked and i nodded and handed it to him. He smiled at me and opened it up. He was quiet until he got to the last one which caused him to laugh.

"May I ask who these people are?" he asked and showed me the picture. I laughed too, because Zacky must have slipped it in when I wasn't looking.

"That's my family." I said

"You're all related?" he asked and I shook my head.

"No, I'm only related to the tall buff one. He's my brother the rest are my friends, but I consider them family, and the slightly chubby one with green eyes and black hair is my fiancé." I said and he smiled.

"What was this though?" he asked and I smiled.

"This was our Halloween party last year. Jimmy and Leanna were Mickey and Mini Mouse, Matt and Val were pimp and hoe, Brian and Michelle were each other which a sight to see Brian in a mini skirt and tube top, Johnny and Lacey were zombies, and Zacky and I were angel and devil." I said and he laughed.

"Sounds like quite the group." he said and i nodded.

"How long have you been in photography?" he asked and counted on my fingers.

"Five year." I said and he nodded and closed my portfolio.

"Well Ms. Sanders, your portfolio was extraordinary. I can see that you have extreme talent, but your final test is having you work with a celebrity. In an hour we have a photo shoot and your going to be their photographer." he said and I smiled.

"May I ask who I will be photographing?" I asked and he nodded.

"Avenged Sevenfold." he simply said and I coughed.

"But sir. I-" I started only to be cut off by him.

"There will be no complaining Ms. Sanders, do you want this job or not?" he asked and I just nodded. This was going to be a piece of cake.

"Very well then, I'll see you in an hour then." he said and I walked out of the room. I walked out the front door and my stomach growled. I smiled and rubbed my belly.

"Are you hungry baby?" I asked and started walking across the road to my favorite dinner. I opened the door and sat at the bar by the kitchen.

"Allie dear, where have you been?" Sally yelled at me and I smiled.

"Well, I just got an interview and I have to shoot Zacky and the gang and the guy doesn't even realize that I know all of them and when I went to tell him that I knew them he goes 'There will be no complaining Ms. Sanders.' so I'll just show up and he'll be surprised." I said and she laughed.

"So what will it be honey?" she asked me with a smiled and I laughed.

"The usual." I said and she sighed.

"I shouldn't even ask anymore." she said with a smile and walked into the kitchen. I hunched my shoulders some and stood up immediately because I knew what this feeling was. Fucking morning sickness. I ran to the bathroom and empties the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. I sighed and flushed it down after I was done. I stood up and walked out and rinsed my mouth, washed my hands, and put a wet paper towel on the back of my neck. This worked when I was pregnant with Gabriella, and I was hoping that it worked with this pregnancy. I walked out after a few minutes and walked back over to my seat. I sat down and Sally gave me a knowing look.

"How far along?" she asked me and I have her a look in return.

"How did you know?" I asked and she laughed.

"I can see your bump, and by the way you were booking it to the loo I figured that you were pregnant, so Allie my dear, I'll ask again, how far along?"

" Eight weeks to the date." I said and she smiled.

"So that would mean October 21st right?" she said and I nodded.

"Yup due in July." I said and she smiled.

"Well then my congratulations Hun, this one is on the house enjoy." she said, Nd left me to eat. I finished with fifteen minutes to spare so I walked back over to the photography shop and set up my cameras. I did a few test shots and after I finished Mr. Smith walked in.

"Ah, it's good to see that you made it Allison." he said and I smiled up at him.

"Oh I wouldn't miss it for the world, and if you want you can call me Allie.". I said and he nodded and brought in the make up and hair stands for the make up artists and the hair stylists.

"I take it you're a fan then?" he asked and I chuckled.

"I guess you could say that." I said and sat down in the chair just outside the frame. A few minutes later, I hears the door open the the distinct voice of Jimmy yelling.

"Rev shut up man, we wanna make a good first impression on Smith." I hears Matt say and I chuckled again.

"I hate to break it to you Shads. but the only people we make a good first impression on is your fans and our girls parents, well most of us." Johnny said and I laughed again. And he was right. The walked around the corner and I walked out of the room to go find Mr. Smith and let him know that they were here. I walked to his office and knocked twice.

"Come in." I opened the door and Mr. Smith looked up and set his pen down.

"Can I help you Allie?" he asked.

"Um, I just wanted to let you know that the guys are here." I said and he nodded and stood up.

"Thank you Allison, what do you say we go meet them, I for one have been dying to meet them." he said and I nodded and walked with him back the the back of the building to where the photo shoot was taking place. He walked through the door first and started talking and I walked in behind him quietly when he was done talking he moved over and I saw their jaws drop.

"Guys this is Allison, she'll be your photographer for this shoot." he said and I waved.

"Surprise?" I said in a questioning tone and Zacky walked over to me and put one hand on my stomach, and one on my neck and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back for a dew seconds and then pulled away.

"How are my babies doing?" he asked me and pulled my top up to show my bump. He didn't care who was watching him because he said he wanted to be the best father he could be.

"I think their is more than one in there, because you have a big bump for only being eight weeks baby." said and Jimmy laughed.

"Maybe you just have super human sperm dude." he said and everyone laughed. Some o e cleared their throat and we all looked up at Mr. Smith.

"Um what is this?" he asked and I laughed.

"This is my fiancé sir, and that one is my brother. I tried telling you this morning, but you cut me off." I said and Zacky fixed my shirt. He stood up and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Im sorry I cut you off Allie, I'll try no to do it again." Mr. Smith said and walked away.

"So what do you say we finish this shoot so I can go home." I said and they laughed.
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links: Interview Attire