Lark Fallon's Lies


The first time I saw Gabriel I wanted to cry. Not because he was particularly beautiful – though he was. He still is. It wasn’t because he was distressed or in total chaos; not that anyone else could see, anyway. I wanted to cry because despite all the people around him – his closest friends – seemed so happy around him. And I know that a person could never be that happy around someone so sad. Someone like Gabriel.

I didn’t have a cape, I was no superman. But something inside me snapped and I wanted to save him. Because I knew every once in a while, we all needed to be saved. And Gabriel was just crying out to be saved; I still can’t believe no one had heard it yet.

He had dark brown eyes that were constantly watery and a t-shirt that read “Drop Dead” on it. He had all the symptoms of someone who wanted to transform into a shadow and hide away. The threat of his secrets bursting out was evident every time he opened his trembling lips.

“Hey.” I tell him. I didn’t have a smile on when he looked up at me. His goofy friends stopped talking too and stared.

But this moment is far off from where I should begin.