Status: It's done.(: Ten stars, thank you!<3

You Make Me Crazier

You're A Jerk.

I was surprised, Ryan was surprised, even Chaz looked a little surprised. I guess they heard Ryan's gasp, because Chaz's eyes flew to me as he pushed Cameron off of him. "Whoa, there girl. I know I'm hot, but seriously!" A five year old could tell he was lying. Ryan rolled his eyes, grabbed Chaz, and pulled him out of the room. Leaving me and Cameron alone. After that totally awkward situation.

God damn you, Ryan.

Cameron smirked over at me, biting her lip gently. I put my hands up, trying not to show howsad mad I was. "I'm not even going to ask." I walked past her, not daring to look up from the floor. I opened a random door, stepped inside, and locked the door behind me.


Cameron stood in the middle of the room, trying to take in all that had just happened in the past seven or so minutes.

"I'm going to go sleep, 'cause honestly, I'm tired as fuck." Miranda stated, getting up. Cameron raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so sleeping until noon, and then laying around playing COD tires you?" She joked, then looked back at the game her and Chaz were facing at. Miranda stuck out her tongue then scampered out of the room, leaving Chaz and Cameron alone. Chaz was happy, of course.

And this gave Cameron a chance to.. ask questions.

She paused the game, then turned her body towards the boy beside her, making them extremely close. To her advantage of course; She saw nothing in Chaz. And all he saw in her was her pretty face and not-so-normal sized boobs.

"So, Chaz, how long have you and Justin been friends?" She asked, smacking away on her gum.

"A long t-time." He had no idea how long -- he just knew it was really long time. He also knew that Justin most likely liked Cameron, which made him want to slap himself for having such naughty thoughts about the girl in front of him. "So your really good friends, right?" She asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. She felt him shiver.

Oh, it was just too easy.

He nodded, satisfying her. Justin made her feel like shit yesterday, so making out with his friend is bound to piss him off right? It's not like it'll hurt his feelings, it'll just make him mad, right? She pushed him back a little, and pressed their lips together, knowing he wouldn't resist. She knew this had two possible out comes: They would stop before Justin and Ryan came back, then Chaz would brag later, or Justin and Ryan would walk in on them.

She would be satisfied with either.

So when they walked in, she couldn't help but smile. When it was just her and Justin in the room, she was surprised that he didn't start yelling. He didn't do anything. He just stood there, acting all hurt and stuff. Like, what the fuck? Then he walked past her, into a room, locking the door behind him.

As she thought over it, she kind of felt guilty. No, no. He was just stunned. Well, that shows him. She was about to walk back to her own hotel room, when Ryan and Chaz walked back into the room.

"Cameron. Explain. Now." Ryan said sitting her down. She looked up at him, disgusted.

"I don't have anything to explain anything to you losers." She said, grimacing at Ryan's face. He looked pissed, and she didn't like it. "Then maybe you need to explain something to Justin?" He suggested, crossing his own arms.

"Why would I do that?"

He threw his hands in the air. "Am I the only one around here that notices things?!"

Cameron sat there and gave him a blank expression, "I don't know what you're talking about." Her comment made Ryan laugh. In fact, he thought is was down right hilarious. "Cut the crap, Cameron. Either you go in there and talk to him, or I go and talk to your mom."

"Is that a threat? Your going to tell my mommy on me?" She laughed cold heartidly, walking towards the door. When her hand was griping the handle, Ryan chuckled himself.

"You don't know what I know."

Cameron turned back around. "And what exactly do you know that I don't know you know?"

"Stuff that you wouldn't want me to know, but I do anyways. And if you want JB to know it, then go ahead, walk out that door."

"Tell me what you know and I'll talk to him."

"If I tell you what I know, then you'll know I know and it won't be funny anymore."

"Fuck you. Whatever you know can't be that bad." She was almost out the door when he started singing.

"Cameron and Justin sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-" He didn't finish, on account of her hand on his mouth.

"Fine, I'll talk to him. God, you're kind of a jerk, you know that? How does he stand you?" She mumbled, walking towards the door he went into.

Well, here goes nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know, honestly.
The end pisses me off.
But the next one will be better, hopefully.
Thankyou, thankyou.(:

*take a bow;;