Status: It's done.(: Ten stars, thank you!<3

You Make Me Crazier

You Got Me Like, Oh My Gosh, I'm So In Love.

A million thoughts were running through my mind. I shouldn't care about that. Well, I should a little because he's one of my best friends, but I shouldn't care for the reason I care. I should be high fiveing Chaz, and playfully yelling at him. Because she's only my tutor's dauhgter. She's only the girl I love to annoy, and argue with, and stare at.

She's only the girl I'm in fucking love with. I can't believe I just thought that..

I heard a knock at the door, and I automatically thought it was Ryan coming to give me one of his "it'll be okay" talks. "Go away, dude." I grumbled, flipping my hair and rubbing my temples. I heard someone scoff on the other side of the door. "Just let me in, Bieber." Cameron called. I could hear the boredness in her tone, making me even more sad. She didn't want to talk to me, Ryan made her talk to me.

I opened the door slowly, clearing my throat as I swung it open. She stood there with her hands on her hips, and her all-to-familiar pissed off look. She stepped inside, brushing past me. I closed the door again, and turned towards her, trying to not show any kind of emotion on my face.

"What?" It came out ruder than I wanted it to, but whatever.

She made a face. "Someone's touchy. What happened?" She was smirking, just itching to piss me off. She sat down on a counter, just now making me realize that we were in the bathroom.

"Fuck you, Cameron,"Why yes, I'd love to, "Why'd you do it?"

"Whatever do you mean?" She smiled at me innocently, pissing me off more. I walked towards her, getting in her face. I stared at her with the evilist look I could, tyring to give off the vibe that I was pissed off. She seemed pleased about it, though.

"Why do you think I did it?" She asked, hopping off the counter, making us that much closer to each other. Our eye contact could have burned another hole in the Earth's atmosphere.

"To make me mad? Jealous?" I asked more softly now. I saw her face flinch at the word "jealous", so I raised my eyebrow.

"Why would I want you to be jealous?"

"I don't know, why would you want me to be jealous?" I started backing her up, and soon enough her back was leaning against the counter. Everytime she dared to look up at me, she shivered. I could feel it. She was nervous. I was making her nervous. It made me want to smile, but I didn't.

"You know what? I'm okay with it." I said, backing away. I swear I almost saw her frown.. But I guess it was just a snarl.

"Fine, me too. He's an amazing kisser." She was lying through her teeth, and I could tell. If she wants to be difficult, so will I.

"Then you better go finish what you started, hm?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't. I walked out, leaving her to stand there dumbfounded.

We're just going to have to see how this goes.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't know how to end it, like the last sentence wise.
But yeah.
You should read my new story.(:
Please? It'll make me update this more.
Well, better-ly.
I'm not getting that many comments on this.
It makes me sad.:(
Please comment!

*take a bow;;