Status: It's done.(: Ten stars, thank you!<3

You Make Me Crazier

You Know You Love Me.

"Wake up, we're sight seeing today." Kenney said, shaking me to make sure I would get up. I know that if I don't, he won't hesitate to throw a bucket of water on me, so I do what he says. I stumbled off of the huge white hotel bed, rubbing my eyes as I did so. Once my head was collected, I stood up fully and made my way to the bathroom.

I try not to take a long time in the bathroom, and I honestly don't think I do. Ten minute shower, then I get dressed and dry my hair. And like I said before, my hair has to look good.

I ran my fingers through my wet hair as the blow dryer blew air on it. I was almost done when i heard the familiar pound on the door. "Bieber, I swear, I will knock this stupid door down and drag you out of there if you don't hurry up." Cameron yelled from the other side of the door. I silently chuckled, then turned the blow dryer on lower, making sure evry single hair on my head was dry.

"Bieber, you better be dressed." I heard her put something down, so I quickly shook my hair to wear it was presentable. I opened the door, only to be knocked down with force, something landing on top of me. I quickly looked up to see Cameron's pissed offsexy face staring down at me. "I hate you so much." She breathed, hands going on either side of my torso.

"Then quit stalling and get off of me."

"I don't know, you're pretty squishy. It's almost comfortable." She smirked down at me. I smirked right back, "Just admit it. You like being on top of me."

She shot up and scrunched up her nose. "Gross. Gross. Gross. Gross." She ran out of the bathroom saying it over and over again. I laughed and ran after her, "Oh come on! You know you want this!"

I turned around to go back to my room, but stopped when I saw Scooter and Kenny staring at me with wide eyes. I shrugged, still laughing lightly. "What? Everyone knows it's true."

Ha,I wish.


"Oh my god, that is about the millionth time you've gotten stopped to today. I'm going to punch the next person who says 'Oh my god, are you Justin Bieber? I love you!'" As soon as Cameron said this, two girls wakled up to us and said those exact words. Cameron groaned then stepped in front of me.

"No, he isn't Justin Bieber. His name is Fred, so if you could please leave us alone, that'd be peachy." The girls slowly backed away, making Cameron grin triumphently. "I think you should be Justin's bodygaurd." Scooter joked, making everyone laugh. I, however, didn't.

"Do you realize by doing that, they'll tell their friends, friends will tell friends, it'll end up on Twitter, then more people will hate me." I turned towards my mom and Scooter and threw my hands up in the air. "Seriously, why can't she just stay at the hotel?"

My mom gave me a cold look and kept walking, so I took a deep breath and let it go.

I swear, I'm going to kill her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love writing this story.(:
I find it fun making fun on JB like haters do, but I don't think it's true.
C'mon guys, comment for me!
I like your opinions. They're all different. :)

*take a bow;;