Status: It's done.(: Ten stars, thank you!<3

You Make Me Crazier

According To You, I'm Stupid.

"These paintings are so beautiful!" My mom marveled at the artwork in the museum we were in. About the millionth museum. I was getting tired of it, Cameron was getting tired of it, pretty much everyone was except for my mom, and her mom. I just had to be told about every single thing we passed, because it was "educational" and "inspiring".

More like "boring" and "confusing".

"How much longer do we have to do this?" Cameron whined. She had asked that same question ten minutes ago, and ten minutes before that, and ten minutes before that. I would punch her if there weren't people around. Her mom glared at her, "This is educational for Justin, and I am his teacher, I need to teach him about this stuff." My mom laughed along with her.

Cameron groaned, "Ugh, he's not even listening. Plus, how do you expect all this information to fit in his tiny little brain?"

"My brain isn't tiny." I turned around to look at her, and saw she was looking at me too, with a smirk on her face.

"Tiny brains go in tiny bodies."

"I'm the same height as you!"

"Yeah, but you call these things arms?! My 90 year old grandmother has more muscle than you." Her hands were on her hips as she stared at me with those same firey eyes. My hands formed into fists as I stepped back. I simply smiled and went back to not listening to her mother.

I can't let her get to me.


All of the adults decided to "go out" for the night. Even security, which surprised me. So it was just me and Cameron alone in the hotel suite. Three words:

My. Worst. Nightmare.

Not only did she decide to walk around in tiny, skin tight shorts, but she didn't wear a shirt either. She put on her bikini top and that was that. As if that wasn't enough, she blasted her kind of music and started dancing all around. So it was either stay in my room being bored with nothing to do, or go out to the front room and watch her shake her stuff.

This is definitely what drives me crazy the most.

Because I know if I go out there, then she will make it a personal mission to irritate me, in the pleasurable way. This is the only time when she can do it. When supervision won't be back until 3 AM.

I ran through all of the downsides to the situation, and decided on just sucking it up and going out there. Once I opened the door, I heard All Time Low blaring. Sure enough, when I was at the end of the hallway, turning the corner, there was Cameron in the living room, jumping around to the music. I walked over to the radio on the table and turned it off.

"Not cool!" She screamed, turning around to face me.

"Why wear your swim suit in the middle of Winter?" I asked, walking over to the mini fridge and getting a water. She shrugged, "It's not everyday a girl can say she danced around a five star hotel room while wearing her bikini in Paris." She walked over to me and smiled. "Oh, and to make you mad." She then grabbed my water and walked over to the couch and sat down.

I groaned, grabbed another water, and walked over to the couch myself. "Following me Bieber? Can't blame you. I do look good today."

I rolled my eyes and just sat there, sipping water and staring at nothing. "You're boring, you know that?" She said, turning her body towards me. I looked over and smiled spitefully. "You're a bitch, you know that?"

She put her hand on her heart like she was hurt, but the sly smirk on her face told me different. She scooted closer to me, with the same expression."Oh come on, you don't mean that."

I gave her a confused look. "Of course I mean it. You're a conceited bitch." I nodded, chuckling. She sat back, jaw dropped slightly. She quickly snapped it shut and stood up. "Whatever. You're just mad because you can't get all this." She twirled aroundin a sexy fashion, smirked seductively, then walked away.

When she was out of sight, I threw my head back and sighed.

I don't know if her last statement was way out of line, or somewhat true.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end makes me smile. You can so tell he wants her. <3
Thank for commenting. They're all so different.
loser in love.'s comments are really.. deep? Is that the word? I don't know. I like her comments. (:
Tell me what you thought!<3

*take a bow;;