Status: It's done.(: Ten stars, thank you!<3

You Make Me Crazier

I Want Your Disease.

"What?!" I practically yelled at my mother. She had just told me I had to stay at the hotel all day to help out Cameron who got sick because she was running around in her bikini last night in the middle of Winter. Why me, I have no idea. Not to sound conceited but the only reason everyone is on this trip is because of me.

"Scooter has work to do, and her mother and I have work to do too. You can't go anywhere without us anyways, so please, just help her out? You don't even have to do anything really, just make sure she doesn't die." I groaned, giving in, then walked away.

No promises.

When everyone had left, except for Kenny who was taking the day off and decided to sleep all day, I walked back to where Cameron was. She was sitting up on the bed, watching some romance movie on the TV in front of her. Tissues surrounded her, her nose was red, and her eyes had dark circles under them. And yet, she still looked beautiful.

God, I can't believe I just said that.

"So, how you holdin' up?" I asked from the doorway. My arms were crossed as I stared at her with sincerity in my eyes. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her - I know I hate it when I'm sick. Her head shot to me, her eyes widened, then she grabbed a pillow to cover up her face.

"Ugh, get out, I look like troll." Her voice was crackly and strained. I heard her sneeze multiple times before I walked over and pulled the pillow away from her grip.

"Bless you."

I saw her cheeks get even more rosey than they originally were. It confused me. She's never cared about her looks around me, or blushed around me. I could get used to sick Cameron.

"Seriously, I look like shit. You should leave." Her voice wasn't harsh like it usually was, it had humor in it and she even giggled afterwords. Yeah, I love sick Cameron. "Someones in a good mood today." I said, moving all of the tissues carefully then laying down. She sort of smiled, "Eh. Gotta keep positive when you're sick."

"Told you you shouldn't have been wearing your swimsuit." I teased, grinning up at her. She rolled her eyes. "Please, you loved it."

"Eh." I shrugged, turning my nose up jokingly. She giggled again and sat back against the wall behind her. "Whatever, Bieber."

"Ever thought about calling me Justin?" I inquired, rolling over to my stomach so I was facing her. She scrunched up her nose, sniffling. "Nah." She smiled down at me cheekily.

"Be a dear and go get me some hot chocolate." She said, turning her attention towards the movie again. I laughed, getting up and walking out of the room. I got her drink ready, then started walking back towards the room. The door was cracked open, so I walked straight in.

Bad/good idea.

Cameron was standing up now, shirt halfway over her head revealing her chest. Bare chest..

"Whoa! Bieber, get out!" She shrieked, trying to cover herself up. I quickly walked out of the room, blushing and snickering at the same time.

I have to admit, she has some nice boobs. I shouldn't be thinking this, but whatever, I'm sixteen. I heard the door creak open again. "Give me my drink." She snapped, only her head showing. I held out to her, and when she almost had it in her hand, I jerked it back.

"I swear, Bieber." She seethed, nostrils flaring. There's the old Cameron. I gave it back to her, laughs muffled from my mouth being snapped shut. When it was securely in her hand, she shot me one more embarrassed look, then slammed the door.

I walked away with a smile on my face, definitely confused.
♠ ♠ ♠
At least she was semi-nice for awhile. Haha.
But the end ruined that, didn't it? ;)
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Tell me what you think! I like that you like their relationship.(:

*take a bow;;