Status: It's done.(: Ten stars, thank you!<3

You Make Me Crazier

That Girl's Like Somethin' Off A Poster.

"They are way too hot for words." Chaz said, slamming the door behind him as he walked into my hotel room. I guessed Cameron and Miranda are out in the open, since they're the only ones he could be talking about. Unless he though Scooter and Kenny were good looking, but I doubt that. Ryan nodded in agreement, while I sat there in silence. I wasn't disagreeing, but I didn't want to agree. I had to practically live with Cameron, and admiting that I thought she was attractive would only make it awkward.

Ryan noticed my face tensing up, so he chuckled. "Aw, is JB mad because Chaz is looking at the girl he loves?" He asked in a teasing tone, but I didn't find it funny. "I don't like her." I snapped through clenched teeth, "Not in any way possible." The last part was mumbled, but they still heard it.

"Yeah right. You guys don't like each other like brownies don't taste good with pretzels in them." Chaz snorted, but with seriousness on his face. After he said that, my head snapped towards him. He never kids about that snack. It's his favorite, of all time. He noticed my expression and laughed. "Yeah, I'm being that serious right now."

"So am I. That girl makes my skin crawl." They both rolled their eyes at my comment. If I would have finished, they wouldn't have, though.

That girl amkes my skin crawl because she's one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever seen while being the biggest bitch I've met.

But of course, I'd never say that.

"Fine, then. You don't like her? Then I'll just go out there and see if she likes me." Chaz said, getting up. I widened my eyes and shot up too. "No, no. No need for that." I put my hands up, blocking the door. He laughed out loud and fell back into his seat again, shooting a knowing look at Ryan. While still laughing, Chaz looked back at me again.



You know what I hate? When I'm wrong, and I know it, but don't want to admit it. You know what I hate even more? When my dumbass friends are actually the ones that are right. Now, I'm not saying I'm in love with Cameron, but something about the way she totally pisses me off, only makes me attracted to her in a weird way. This whole situation is driving me crazy.

"Dude, you've been staring at her for the past fifteen minutes. Why don't you go up and talk to her?" Ryan laughed, pushign me forward a bit. I snapped back even farther and gave him a look of fear, "Are you kidding me? Going up to just talk to Cameron is like going up to a shark just to see if it'll bite you."

He shook his head at me while snickering. If only he knew I wasn't kidding.

I slowly walked through the hallway, trying not to let me eyes shoot towards Cameron and Miranda, who were sitting on the couch talking to Kenny. If I could make it to the kitchen without anyone noticing, I would be okay. But of course, that's not going to happen is it?

"Biebs! I feel like I haven't seen you in days!" Kenny bellowed, getting up from the couch and putting me in a head lock. I laughed the best I could and tried to get away from his grasp. The more I ignore, the faster I can get out of here. All of a sudden, Cameron's head snapped backwards in my direction, but in my mind it was all in slow motion. Her long brown hair wipping in all directions as she moved.

You see what I mean? Isn't that bad? Kenny gave up since I wasn't fighting back, so I quickly grabbed a water and ran back down the hallway.

If this is how it's going to be from now on, I'm might just have to find a different tutor.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one kind of sucked, but at least he admitted he liked her.. In a way.
But that won't change their relationship.
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I adore that picture. <3(:
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*take a bow;;