Status: It's done.(: Ten stars, thank you!<3

You Make Me Crazier

I'm Not In Love.

I woke up the next morning, pretty unhappy. It was the day we had to leave Paris, and go to Germany. Don't know where; Just that we're going to Germany. When I sat up, I instantly saw that Ryan and Chaz were already dressed, with the biggest grins I've ever seen. But the thing that got to me was, it's 9 AM, and they're awake?!

"Um, morning?" I asked, standing up so I could put a shirt on. Once I had gotten pants on too, I turned to see the grins still there. I raised an eyebrow, grabbed my phone, and waited. "We know something you don't know." Ryan said in a sing songy tone. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, you guys probably know a lot more stuff than I do."

"Not like that. We know something, that we know you want to know, but you'll probably never believe us." Chaz said, nodding his head and sitting down. Not only was I not in the mood for secrets, but I wasn't in the mood for their stupid kid games. "Just tell me." I slipped my shoes on as I heard Ryan start.

"Okay, it went like this.."

Ryan and Chaz walked down the hallway, both coming back from getting something to eat the night before. Well, not night, pretty much morning since it was 4 AM. They were trying to be extra quiet, so they were tip toeing very slowly towards the room. That's when they heard giggles coming from Cameron's room. Ryan pressed his ear to the door, being the curious boy he was. He left no room for Chaz, which of course pissed him off.

"But you so like him!" He heard one of the girls say. It was so hard to hear, he couldn't tell which one it was. "No I don't. I can't." The other girl said. He obviously knew it was Cameron who said it, because this time it was said harshly and in a lower voice. "And why not, little missy? He's so cute!" Miranda's high voice gushed. So, Chaz was out of the picture. Just kidding..

"Ugh, I'm not going to answer that. You know it would just be awkward, and weird, and I hate him." And now it's down to one. He should have known they were talking about Justin, but he could still dream. "You don't hate him, you're just mad that he hates you."

He sooo doesn't hate her. Ryan thought, chuckling to himself. From then on, it was silent, so Ryan walked away, not even noticing Chaz had gone back a long time ago. "What were they saying?" Chaz asked once he was back in the room.

"Those two are so in love, it's not even cool." Ryan laughed before digging into his food.

"I'm not-" Justin calmed his voice, before finishing, "I'm not in love with her." He tried to say it quietly, just in case Cameron decided to eaves drop just like Ryan did. "And she hates me, so, yeah, you heard wrong."

"I know what I heard." Ryan shook his head as he opened the door to leave. We all walked out, and just to piss me off, he said, "You should stop being in denial or whatever." Really loud. Chaz laughed, but probably because he said that phrase wrong. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Miranda nudge Cameron, then Cameron punch Miranda. I tried not to laugh as Scooter came in the room.

"Let's go, time to get on the plane!" Everyone groaned as we all walked out the door.


"I swear to God, why does everyone keep making me sit by you." Cameron seethed, crossing her arms and legs as she sat down next to me on the plane. Everyone else got to sit up front, while we were stuck in the back by ourselves, by each other. I saw Ryan and Chaz turn back and wink at me, so I tried to ignore them.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked, trying to change the subject. She looked up at me with confusion on her face. "Why do cheerios need sugar? Why does Dora always have to run into problems on her adventures that would take a normal person five minutes? They just do."

"So you have no reason to hate me?"

"I have many reasons."

"Other than the fact that you had to leave to help your mom out, then what?"

"I don't have to explain anything."

"Because you have nothing to explain. Face it, you have no reason to hate me."

"Yes I do! Ugh, I'm done talking to you." She sat back in her seat and closed her eyes. Her expression told me everything, and nothing all in one flick of her emotions. I chuckled to myself before leaning down to her ear and whispering.

"I know something you don't know."
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know what it is, but I liked this chapter.(:
I just realized that the song She's a Lady by Forever the Sickest Kids pretty much explains this story perfectly. Haha.
I love FTSK. Go check out that song. You'll see.<3
Comments on what you think this chapter means?(;

*take a bow;;