Status: Active :) On vacation, be back soon

She Plays with Fire

Abigail Branson, Abbi, has always been an over-achiever. At twenty she already holds her Masters Degree in International Communications and a B.A. in History with an emphasis in espionage. She speaks six languages and can pick up a new one in a matter of weeks if given the chance.

Nobody can find fault with Abbi's mental acuity, but socially Abbi is a wreck! Her guidance counselor spoke of her as "socially maladjusted", meanwhile her peers just called her "that weird, smart girl". But underneath that shy, awkward exterior there is a curiosity to rival that of any cat, and it just might get her in trouble one day.

After graduating from college at such a young age she decided she needed to escape. A year spent traveling the world with a spy novel and a beach towel would be a great escape from her life, a much needed rest, or so she thought.

A mysterious man behaving -- how else-- mysteriously, engages her intrigue muscle and Abbi may find out too late that she is in way over her head.