Let's Burn Our Dreams Into the Skyline


Wasted. Such a fun word, isn’t it? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay sted. It’s just... weird sounding. Its kind of fitting, cuz when your wasted you sound weird, too.

“Do you guys want some Pez?” I asked casually and began to dig through my dirty, old, tattered Nightmare Before Christmas bag. Its weird how its so gross seeing as though I’ve only had it for like a month. “Fuck!” I cried as I discovered the location of the Eeyore pez lying at the bottom of my purse. “It’s empty.”

Odd stares, my dear friend. odd stares.

“Wait! I have a refill!” I smirked to myself and reloaded my Pez-dispenser .

“Well, like I was saying…” Gabe began “We should have a campout!”

“No no no.” Pete shook his head. “Linnea would run away like she did last time.”

“Oh yeah!” Steph exclaimed, “And the neighbors called the cops! That was the time we left her leash at home.”

Pete nodded.

“Here, have one.” I chomped on my Pez candy.

“Ew.” Linnea announced biting at the sugary block. “It tastes like raspberry.”

“It is raspberry.” Pete noted.

“I like raspberry…” I mumbled.

“Only cuz its pink.” Alex sighed. I glared at him. Maybe it was true, so what?

“Anyway,” Gabe said, making sure we weren’t getting off topic from his idea. “C-a-m-p-o-u-t”

“Not sure that’s the best of ideas, Gabriel,” Ryland scoffed. “We’d prolly get eaten by bears. Max would attract them with her hair.”

“Ha ha. Aren’t you hysterical.” I spat. “Gimme some of your ice tea, Peter, before I am forced to hurt you. Wait, is it spiked?"


“Ice tea junkies in da hooooouse!" Linnea shreiked.

"Proud of it." Pete and I nodded, as I succeeded in my quest of acquiring his ice tea.

“CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMPOOOOOUT!” Gabe blurted. We all stared at him wide-eyed.

“Well, sooooorry. Not my fault you guys are really good at getting off-topic.”

“Getting off-topic is on my resume, right next to psychic and prostitute.” I smiled. I didn’t really get any odd stares; guess they expected that kinda that from me. I could be offended, but I’m used to being called a whore.