Let's Burn Our Dreams Into the Skyline

Phone Sex?!

I must admit that I’m a little scared. If Chicago Truth or Dare is anything like New Jersey Truth or Dare…well, lets just say in Jersey Truth or Dare was basically another way to say “Let’s all fuck the kids we think are kinda cute and have an excuse for it!”

“Me first!” Gabe announced proudly, squirming about in his seat on the floor.

“Okay. Fine.” Pete rolled his eyes “Choose someone.”

“I choose…” he scanned the room “The new meat.” He pointed to me.

“Aw.” A tall girl named Steph sighed, “Leave the new girl out of this.”

“It’s fine. I’m from Jersey. I’m a bitch.” I pointed out.

“I do remember a lot of bitches from my days in Jersey…” Gabe sighed in remembrance. “So anyway, I dare you to fuck-”

“No. No. No. No. No!” Steph shook her head. “Have some decency Gabe!”

“Yeah!” agreed Linnea “Friends are hard to come by for us, so we don’t need to scare her off!”

“It takes one hell of a lot to scare me off. Who do I have to fuck?”

“Hmmm.” Gabe thought for a minute. Just the idea of Gabe thinking scared me. “I dare you to fuck…”

“Mr. Higgins?!” chimed in Linnea.

“Excuse me?” I cocked a brow.

“You said you weren’t scared, so go fuck our teacher.”

“Fine then.” I got up and marched over to my backpack, I dug around for the things that I needed.

Dear Miss Porter,
If you need any help, feel free to give me a call.

I picked up their phone and punched in the number.



“Come again?”


“Uh... I believe you have the wrong number…”


So this went on for quite a while. I continued to moan and he continued to deny it. After five minutes we were all screaming into the phone.

The best part? He never hung up.

“Faster, baby, faster.” Linnea moaned.

“God! Stop-so-fast.” Alex gasped.

“Fuuuuuuck meeeeeeeeee.” Steph whined.

“SIXTY NINE!” Gabe would randomly yell.

“Andrew? Who are you on the phone with?” There was a soft noise in the background of our teacher’s phone.

“Oh…uhhh.” He mumbled some things that sounded awfully a lot like curse words then hung up.

“So I believe it would be my turn now?” I questioned.

“What makes you think that?” a kid name Ryland barked.

“The fact that I just went?”

“Yeah, but technically we all joined in.” Pete’s best friend Patrick pointed out.

“But it was my original dare, so it’s my turn.”

Everyone looked at one another and thought of a way to contradict me, but no one seemed successful.

“Fine.” Gabe mumbled. “You go.”

“Well god damn it. I left all my creativity back in my home town, so I don’t really have anything to dare anyone….”

“I have something!” Linnea giggled and skipped over to my side to whisper her devious plans into my left ear.

“Dare Pete to admit he’s gay.”