
¢нαρтєя 5

After I woke up, I became very bored, but I felt better. The only dilemma was my huge body ache, pounding so hard I could feel my heart beat through my head and legs. So, I drew a bath and immersed myself in the luxurious Jacuzzi while the bubbling jets gave me a massage. I guess I forgot to mention that I have a very large bathroom. It has the jacuzzi, a shower with orange curtains, a toilet, two built-in sinks in front of two large mirrors, a closet, and a water-proof stereo system. Most of the time, my friends and I would dance around and laugh and do blind-folded make-overs and each other's hair. We would also go in swimsuits and splash in the jacuzzi with the jets on and with mountains of bubbles. That's usually a year-round tradition. We also go out for the best ice cream in the summers on sleepovers. We go to movies, candy stores, go shopping at malls and boutiques, go sledding in winter, have contests, go out to eat, and sometimes just talk! I miss that so much. I can barely remember the last time I spoke to Isabella. After a few moments, after I daydreamed for what seemed like an hour or so, I shivered to the coldness of the room. I just realized I had been in for so long that the bath grew cold enough to where I had millions of goose bumps sprouting throughout my body. I drained the bath and dressed myself slowly, half the time still daydreaming about a million things at once. I sat on a wooden stool made of fine oak that looked like it had eyes the shade of brown. My eyes felt heavy, but I could still see fine, just not concentrate as well. I looked around the room. The light didn't shine in as it usually does through the windows, so the bathroom was gloomy and lonely, just how I felt. The curtains and furniture cast out long, faint shadows and made the room look dark, making me shiver as I had in the bath tub.
Isabella and I are best friends, as you have heard, and have been since 1st grade. We met for the first time when I had moved from New York City in a loft for my mom's job, to here, in the small version of a mansion, yet somewhat modern and unique in a way, in a private neighborhood in (******). My school was kindergarten through eighth grade, which was totally different than my old school. My old school had a kindergarten building called Munchkins and then you moved to a 1st grade through 5th grade school called Mankin Grade School. Then, there was a 6th grade school called The Six Academy. Finally there was a 7th and 8th grade school called Crown of New York.
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Not finished with chapter but please comment and subscribe!! :) help me think of a title please!!