Status: We'll write when we can, but we're jumping back into the trouble so yay. ^^

Love Block

Chapter 2: *** It!

I sat down on the bus, sulking like a little kid and not liking this stupid uniform at all. I mean, I know it's a school uniform, but the clean-cut way was never me, and it bugged me all to hell. I growled softly as I glanced up from staring at the gum-filled, black floor of the stupid bus that was taking Pillow and I to our new, temporary home. I was a bit surprised at how many guys were going to the same place. I thought that Pillow and I would be the only ones going
a week late since this was a live-in dorm type of school. Everyone should have been there already.
But the thing that got me most was that they were all different in many different ways. And I don't just mean that in a "everybody-is-different" kind of way, either. I meant that, not only were they different in height and sizes, they were all wearing there uniforms differently. Some weren't even wearing the proper uniform!
I glanced at my best friend and bit my bottom lip and blurted out the two words that would unfortunately send me to my doom sooner then I would think. "Fuck it!" If everyone else was doing it, then I would do it too!
I unbuttoned my blazer and tugged it off in the most uncomfortable way possible since I had Terran on one side and some weird, glasses-wearing dork on the other who was making the greatest effort in trying not to touch me. Once I pulled off the blazer I sat back down a bit more comfortably in the green, plaid vest and rolled up the long sleeves of my black button-up dress shirt to the elbows. Once I finished, I glanced up and noticed that just about everyone was staring at me like I was some sort of science project. But that was fine, they could watch me undo the buttons of my vest next.
I glanced at Terran and nawed on my lip again. "What's up? Did I do something weird?"
She was staring at me like I was a crazy person that she hadn't known for seven years. "Uh. . . Sort of." She leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees. She was ever the guy, but I guess with four older brothers, she could copy them easily. Damn, I was hoping it was going to be harder for her, but she never acted like a girl unless she was in a dress. "I'm used to it, though." She sighed. "If we go to school like this, you think we'll get in trouble?" She gestured to herself and then to me.
Terran wasn't wearing a tie, or the vest, and her black blazer was open (along with the top couple buttons of her shirt, but that was probably for breathing room). We probably looked like a couple of hard-ass delinquents.
I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, leaning back in my seat to cross my arms. Not feeling my boobs there shocked me for a moment, but it was nice to be flat for once. "Who cares? It's not like we haven't been out of dress code before. I mean, like, remember that one time for Halloween I made you put on that funny-"
I was stopped and interrupted by Terran, who slapped a hand over my mouth, looking around to see if anyone had heard. "Shh! I told you not to talk about that anymore!" She let out a relieved breath when it was obvious no one was listening and dropped her hand. "Jeez, Rei. You're gonna give me a heart attack."
I laughed softly and put my hands up defensively, tilting my head slightly. "What? It's not like anyone on this bus knows about it." I smiled and glanced out the window seeing our school creep into view. "Guess it's getting time for our big debut, huh, T?"
"For the love of--" The nerd next to me snapped his laptop closed and pushed up his glasses, sighing heavily. "Every human being on this bus has only half a brain," he complained, irritated. He looked at us and I'm sure our expressions were as surprised as his was annoyed. "It's too bad you two are just pretty faces. You can almost pull off the bad-ass persona."
I blinked a few times, a blank expression on my face as I stared at the boy. "Uh. . I'm not to sure why, but I feel like he just insulted us, T."
The boy sniffed and stuck his nose in the air like a snooty litte rich kid would. He would have been pretty cute with his sharp features and short, straw-blonde hair that curled at the ends, but his obvious proud demeanor was making it hard to notice that. "Well, at least you're intelligent enough to realize that much." He looked directly at Terran. "What about you, handsome? Got a brain under all those eyelashes and silky brown hair?"
Terran narrowed her eyes on him, but when she spoke, she spoke to me. "Makes you wonder, doesn't it, Rei?"
"Wonder what?" I pondered the many things she could mean.
She smiled evilly. "What small, insignificant hole this pampered and obviously lonely little boy crawled out from. I wonder if he'll go back in if we shoo him away?"
I couldn't help but snort out a soft laugh at her words, glancing at the geek. "You might be right. Makes you wonder how much it could take to shut his pretty-boy mouth."
The geek looked at the both of us with unrealistic eyes and stood when the bus came to a stop in front of the school. "What a couple of cheeky dim-wits. You two should learn your places fast or you'll get those pretty faces of yours broken."
I stared after the geek like he just up and slapped my younger brother right in front of my face--not that I had a younger brother, but still, it pissed me off. "Oh, that's it." I stood up and charged after the bad-mouthed geek. "Little, lame loser is about to get his ass kicked."
"Woah!" Pillow called, trying to stop me with an arm I ducked away from and racing off the bus behind me. "Heeey!" she tried again. "I wanna help! No fair!"
I ignored Terran and shouted loudly as I jumped down the three steps leading off the bus and charged towards that smart-ass geek. It seemed like everybody knew what was going on, because they parted like I was freaking Moses. First, there was a giant crowd of guys blocking my way then, in an instant, there wasn't. The geek didn't even see it coming when lifted my leg and slammed it into the loser's back, sending him hurling forward and falling face-first onto the ground. His glasses came off sometime after the impact and landed a few feet away from him with only minor scratches, but when he turned his face back to us, it was scratched up.
I walked over to him as he turned over and leaned over him threateningly. "Listen well," I warned, malice dripping from my voice, "and I mean you listen real well! Say something rude like that again, I'll murder you." My words were laced with venom as I looked down on him.
The geek rolled all the way over and coughed slightly, a bit of dirt on his cheeks and nose and a scowl on his face as he stared up at me. He reached a fumbling hand behind him, blindly looking for his glasses. "You have no idea who you just messed with!" he shouted and stood up pointing at me, after having finally gotten hus glasses. "I'm Tobi Kuro!!! The second in command of the Red Scorpions Gang!!!"
I rolled my eyes, even as Terran laughed at the name. It was a funny name, but I'd laugh later. "I don't care if your the leader of the fucking Cabbage-Patch Kids Fan Club!!"
Everyone who started to gather around snickered at my comment which seemed to anger Geek Tobi even more. His face turned a light shade of red from either his bursting blood vessels or embarrassment at what I'd said. Either way, he was pissed, and all that anger was directed towards me.
"Have you lost your bloody mind?! You really are an idiot to have hit the likes of me," he shouted. "I cant believe how stu-"
He didn't even get to finish his last sentence when I ran up and tackled him to the ground. I easily mounted him, grappled with him at first, then started wailing on him like there was no tomorrow. Anger was running through my whole body. I hated people calling me stupid! I hated stupid people thinking they were know-it-all rich kids! Add them together and you get one pissed off Reina.
Terran was trying to get me off him by pulling on my arms, but we both knew that once I was this pissed, there was no stopping it. "Goddammit, Rei!! Let the poor guy go!" She pulled on my arm again, catching my wrist before I could lay another punch on him. That gave him all the opening he needed, though. He took his hand and slapped me right across the cheek. Hard. Like a freaking sissy.
"Did he just-- Fuck that," Terran growled. She yanked the stunned me off him, pulled the geek up by the collar as I sat in shock on the sidewalk and shook him. She pulled her fist back and slammed it into his face, knocking him on to the ground. She grabbed his collar again and kneeled over him. I knew I was scary when I was pissed, but Terran was down-right frightening as fuck. You did not want to get her mad. Ever. "That's for slapping her, you dickhead." Her fist came up again and slammed back down, connecting hard with his jaw. "And that's for not thinking we can take a punch!"
I watched Terran drop the lame geek and shook my head, glaring down at him. "Watch it, geek." And grabbed my bag and walked away from the crumpled loser who lay on the ground. Fuck, I hope we didn't have to see him again. Not even the first day and we had already gotten into a fight.
♠ ♠ ♠
So. . . I'm taking over for KrissParadise on this story, because she no longer has internet and we don't talk so much anymore. Anyway. I hope you continue to enjoy it and I can do it credit. Sorry for changing things a bit.
If you get bored, my story "Arranged" is complete, if you like drama. And if you like paranormal drama, "New" is also completed and I'm working on the sequel to that.
