

This is just some things I thought ya’ll should know.

Hi my names Melanie Allison Mitchell. My names not very important I just thought I introduce myself before I tell you some things about my life. I’m not exactly what you would call normal. I say this because I can turn invisible and I can read minds. I am also a Telepath [(I can move things and put shields {force fields} up with my mind)]. OH and I heal so fast that I don’t age. I stopped ageing the day after my 18th birthday. Which was February 19th, 1845. Anyways I needed to move again. So now I’m living in the dreary town of Forks.
I finally finished dragging everything into my new home. I sat and waited for the Chinese take out to come and drop off the take out I ordered.

*Knock Knock*

I got up and walked to the door. I opened the door and there stood the delivery boy with a smile on his face.

“That will be $15.34” he said while handing me the take out. I handed him the money and shut the door.

I walked back into the living room and sat down to eat my yummy food. After finishing off my food and watching the ending to Covert Affairs. I got up and headed to bed.


I was walking down a cold wet alley way hearing foot steps behind me following me. I didn’t look back to see the face behind me until it was to late. A hand grabbed me around my throat and tossed me into a brick wall. I was coming in and out of conciseness but the slimy hand that had thrown me was undressing me quickly.

“Well aren’t you a nice piece” commented a rough voice thick with lust.

“Please don’t please” I pleaded in a small quiet voice. I wasn’t strong enough to use any of my powers yet. It was taking all my strength just to heal this massive cut in the back of my head.

“Hun, I know you want this, so you can just sit back and enjoy” he said while he pulled his bulging member out of his pants. He picked me up and held me against the wall and…...

------------------------------------------------End of Flashback/Dream

I woke up with a start. I’ve had those dreams since it happened to me. I started sobbing uncontrollably and my breathing was erratic. Finally I stopped sobbing and looked at the clock.

7:35 A.M.

Time to get up school starts in 30 minutes.

I got up and got dressed in a white shirt that says ‘I’m Bad’ on it and a pair of dark blue jeans. I also had black fingerless gloves and black leather flats, and a leather jacket. And I had a gold necklace with the moon on it, and on my right wrist I had a spiked bracelet. I straightened my red hair and put a bow, with a skull on it, in my hair. I quickly put eyeliner and mascara on.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed my black and white checkered messenger bag. I walked outside and got into my black 1969 Chevy Camaro. It took me 5 minutes to get to the school parking lot. When I pulled into the parking lot all heads turned towards me. I just ignored the stares and parked. I found a parking space where there was only a Volvo parked in the space next to me. I got out and headed towards the office to get my schedule.

My first class is English 3. Then I have Geometry, then Lunch. After lunch I have Senior Biology and then Spanish. I convinced the secretary that I had a rare respiratory problem so I don’t have to take gym. I also had enough credits to drop a class.
I walked into English and walked over to the teacher. I handed him the sheet to sign. He handed it back to me and asked me to tell the class something about myself.

“Uh, Hi my names Melanie um….I’m from Alaska” I said not wanting to divulge anything else.
“Well thank you can take a seat next to Mr.Hale. Mr.Hale can you raise your hand??” Mr.Right said

A very gorgeous boy with beautiful golden eyes raised his hand. I walked over there and sat down a sense of calm coming over me. I freaked because if I get to calm my body starts to turn invisible. I fought the feeling till the end of class. Finally the bell rang and I raced out of the room and to my next class. I all but ran to Geometry.

The rest of the day went pretty much the same up until Senior Biology. The teacher thankfully didn’t make me tell them about myself he just assigned me to the only seat available. Next to Emmet Cullen. When I sat down he stiffened and scooted his chair away from me. I looked at him curiously wondering what was wrong. When he wouldn’t look at me I started reading his mind.

“Not again this can’t happen again. Edward would be so pissed at me if it did. I need to get out of here.”

Hmm his thought are very strange I wonder what he means by ‘This can’t happen again.’ Emmet raises his hand.

“Yes?” Mr.Young asked

“May I go to the nurse I don’t feel well” Emmet asked quickly. Mr.Young shook his head yes Emmet stood up and walked as fast as he could out of here. Class started soon after. I zoned out and was reading other peoples’ minds everyone seems to assume that I scared Emmet. Ha that’s a laugh scare a big buff guy. Soon the bell rings and I head to Spanish. Senora Goff asked me to tell the class something about myself in Spanish,

"Um, Mi nombre Melanie. la última vez que vivía en Alaska" I said unsure of what to say.

“Muy bien, puede tomar asiento detrás del Edward Cullen " she said while pointing to a seat
I walked back there and I noticed the seat next to Edward was empty. I sat behind Edward and started probing everyone’s minds. I stopped when I got to Edward.

“These don’t sound like her thoughts should.” I smirked and decided to have a little bit of fun.

“That’s cause they aren’t” said making sure he could hear me. He jumped a little at my reply.

“How and the hell did you hear me think that” he asked I let out a quiet laugh and didn't reply.I just realized I haven’t been paying attention in this class period at all. The bell rang and I walked out of the room

I walked towards the office to turn in my slip. After the secretary took the slip I headed to my car, but before I could get in I felt a small cold hand grab my forearm and turn me around. A pixie looking girl stood there smiling at me.

“Hi I’m Alice would you mind following me and my family home please we would like to speak to you” I was taken aback by her request but shook my head yes anyways.