Status: Second time around the movie rocked!!!

Sweet Dreams Arthur

We've Failed Before

Soon Arthur, Dom, Nash and I were awake… For real this time… I think
“Why are you up so Early!” Ben asked
In addition to hiring a hostess we hired a young kid named Ben to wake us up. Ben knew we were in shifty business and that early waking up meant trouble.

“Really we failed because you got the carpet wrong. Are you really that incompetent?” Arthur snapped at Nash. “Sorry I didn’t think he’d rub his face on it.” This time I retorted “You got one thing right… You don’t think.”. “Okay that enough!” Dom cut off the escalading argument of Arthur and me versus dumb Nash.
“Look we failed and Cobol will know. Now they and Saito will be after us.” He grabbed his briefcase and threw a wad of cash at Ben. His parting words were “Every man for himself.” My heart turned cold.

I couldn’t believe that he had said that.

Arthur grabbed my shoulders and looked me deep in the eyes, “Savannah he didn’t mean it like that we are all meeting back at the apartment. You’ll see.” And then Arthur left. Ben had nothing to worry about he sat in his seat. I looked at Nash as he stared at me. I would receive nothing from him. I left the compartment without a word running out off the train somewhere in Japan making my way back to our Tokyo apartment as quickly as possible.

I was frantic. We had split up. It was the part of the job. But it was the part I always hated. I could take care of myself. I knew this, but it never got easier. I had to repeat over and over again I wasn’t being left behind they wouldn’t do that to me ….again. But I could still hear the Dom’s parting words of “Every man for himself.”

It was what he said last time he left me. I knew what Arthur said was right. But there had been a time he did leave me. And Arthur did too. Even if they didn’t mean to. It still happened.

They had no idea how those words affected me. When we split up after the job we fail in Columbia I was left and caught. I was alone in a basement and torture. All day I repeated over and over in my head “Every man for himself. They left me alone.” I was tortured in the real world for what felt like weeks. Come to find out it had only been 2 days. Torture like fun and dreams were the same that way. Time flies when you’re…
Time felt different… it escaped you.

It didn’t take long before I was broken.

Mario took pity on me because no one came. On the beginning of the 3rd day he walked in the basement lifted me up and took me up stairs. Then we came into the bedroom I had grown accustom to using and dropped me in a warm bath. “It is quiet sad really. Worse time to find out the ones who love you don’t really. Right?” … “I don’t understand? Why show me pity?” I sobbed out.

He said nothing, but left me to bath. When I was done he came back, and set a phone down in front of me, “You get 1 call Savannah. Choose wisely. Who would you now trust you life to. Make the right choice. It’d be the only one you’ll get.” I picked up the phone then he added, “If you choose wrong I’ll shoot you dead.” Who would I call? My hearted was so sure it said Arthur and Dom… But my brain bitterly snared NO! So I picked up the phone and it rang twice before a cheery Brit’s voice picked up “Ello?” “Eames, it me Savannah I need you.” And like that my best friend came hours later. And Mario stuck to his word. He let me go.

That 3rd day my savior was my torturer. It’s why I keep Mario around. To remind me that those closest were just as much of a threat if not more than your Enemies that had harmed you. At least enemies have their reasons. It was a harsh life lesson I learned.

I have had a while to get over what had happened. Dom and Arthur swore up & down that if they had known they would had been there. The way their faces blanched when Eames brought a broken me back to them had lead me to believe it was true. Apparently they assumed I was long gone. Never Assume because it makes an Ass out of You & Me (Ass-U-Me).

I forgave them. There was no going back to test the theory so I had to trust in them. But it was the little reminders that it could happen again that kept me on guard…My guard came in the form of Mario. He might have been toxic but it was a reminder that my subconscious thought I needed.

It was what made my feet go fast as I tripped out of the taxi. I pushed harder as stumbled up four flights of stairs our Tokyo apartment. Then in record time I burst through the door and sighed with relief when I saw Arthur and Dom in the apartment… hopefully waiting for me
♠ ♠ ♠
End !
Now we know why Mario is so prominent to Savannah! I wanted to make their relationship complicated… Hope I achieved that!