Is Forever Enough?

What article?!

April 2, 2010 Thursday

What has been number one on the Billboard 200 Albums chart for its second consecutive week and has been selling over 92,000 records? You guessed it! My World 2.0, which released just March 19, 2010 has reached the top! The Canadian, teen-pop phenomenon singer sensation Justin Bieber, has stolen every young teenage girl’s hearts across the world. His songs mainly portray a romantic, lovey-dovey tone along with the high-pitched voice to match. Despite the popularity he’s been receiving from all around the world, the majority are all young, teenage girls. One of his most popular tunes, “Baby” have such in-depth lyrics: “Baby, baby, baby, oooooo…. And I‘m like baby, baby, baby, oooo…” Cue the screaming girls. He deserves a grammy! Please note the heavy sarcasm. If you like high-pitched singing and stupid lyrics then you should go buy Justin Bieber’s new CD in stores now.

Publisher Nicole Stevens


Late, late, late! I whipped through the huge crowd of pedestrians. Sometimes New York can be such a hassle. What am I talking about? That’s New York all the time. If I’m late one more time; I’m dead! I can hear all the rude remarks and cursing behind me as I jog carefully to the office, not wanting to spill the coffee I had in my hands. I turned a corner receiving more angry comments. I adjusted the falling crochet beret on my head due to the running. Just one more block.

I sighed audibly finally approaching the all too familiar building. Entering the building through the crystal clear revolving doors, I glance up at the huge analog clock. I had just two minutes.

I really hated this place. Just because I was the youngest person there. They treated me like I was a dog or something. I worked as an intern here over the summer. I wanted to be a writer and I also love music. So I thought why not combine the two things I love the most? Top Hits!© is a world famous music review magazine. Every month thousands of writers, editors, and publishers (etc..) publish an issue about the latest rising stars, the falling stars, the top hits, the most downloaded, artist favs, and what not. And to think… I was a small part of that huge organization. Even if I was just an intern that did coffee runs and filed papers.

I pushed my glasses up once I stepped in. I made my way up the elevator and wondered what I was going to do today. Probably filing. Or maybe coffee runs. Psh.. Maybe if I’m lucky I get to pick up Cecilia’s dry cleaning. Whoopee.

Usually she leaves sticky notes all over my desk. She once used a whole pad in one day. I wonder how much she has to buy….. I pondered over this thought before stepping onto the grey carpet of the floor I landed on.

I walked silently to my desk avoiding all the pupils gazing in my direction. What the hell? I wasn’t even that late today. I shrugged it off and sat at the swivel chair. There was only one sticky note planted neatly at the center of my whole desk.

On a bright pink paper, there were big, bold, black letters saying: TO J. LEWIS OFFICE ASAP.

I gulped. I left my bag and coffee on the desk and began to make my towards the elevator again. An audience watching my every moment. My heart began to race faster as I nervously pressed the button to take me to the top level.

My mind raced. What did I do? I’ve never been to this place before. I don’t want to get fired. I mean I know my job right now is horrible, but I still love it even if I am treated like garbage. Oh please, someone save me.

I arrived and entered the room. There Cecilia stood along with Mr. Lewis, the vice president. I gulped and walked towards the comfortable seating chairs in front of his desk. Cecilia avoided eye contact and gazed her eyes onto the building visibly seen through the clear glass windows. Mr. Lewis cleared his throat and placed his hands onto the table. He learned forward and began to talk.

“Nicole, right?” I simply nod as he continued. “This is your first summer interning with us, correct?” He paused but before I could answer he continued to speak again. “And interns do what exactly? They help file and assort papers and articles, graciously order coffees for people, and what not. Correct? That’s all they do.”

“Yes sir.” I agree.

“This is an amazing experience and exposure to the music world. We are offering this to you. Not anyone can just walk in and be able to work here. You should feel special.”

I gave a small smile and nod. Maybe this was a good talk.

“However, you are not authorized to write articles or publish writing that hasn’t been approved by the downstairs building.” His temper began to rise along with his voice. “What gives you the right to do what you please at a professional publishing company?”

“Sir, I have no idea what you’re talking about?” I was confused and lost. I’m a good girl. I have never done anything wrong. He handed me a piece of paper. I skimmed it quickly. Oh shit!

I realized it was an article I had written. Last Thursday I was working late typing up one of Cecilia’s articles she had forgotten to do. After I was done, I saw next on her agenda was a famous pop star. I googled his name and began to listen to his music. I absolutely loathed it. I wrote a music review on it and copied it to my flash drive to show to my roommate when I got home.

I never published it? Or did I? I tried thinking back to that night. I remember dragging the document icon to my flash drive… or was it the company’s server? Oh no.. I did!

“Nicole, you have no idea what you have just done. The damage is far worst. The artist you wrote the article on read it… He’s rather angry and more so frustrated. He wants to talk to you. Face to face. Tomorrow.” He explained the situation.

M jaw dropped and my whole body froze. He continued. “He’s coming tomorrow. Wear something nice and professional. I want you to formally apologize to him with full sincerity. When he leaves, I want you to pack up your belongings and leave the building. After tomorrow‘s event, you’re officially fired from Top Hits!©.”

And with that, my hopes an dreams were gone.
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