Is Forever Enough?

I Don't Want to go in!


Okay so I know this is me being a big cry baby, but I couldn’t help it. I love this job. I can’t lose it. I need to think, what should I do? I stood outside the building fifteen minutes early just leaning against the wall. I let out a breath. My life sucks right now.

If I get fired, I’ll have to move back home to California. I won’t stay in Rose’s studio apartment anymore. My mom will rub it in my face and tell me I’m not mature enough to handle “grown-up” life. After all that hard work of proving to her I was responsible enough? My dreams end in only 2 weeks? I felt like crying.

“Hey.. Is something wrong?” I looked up and met a pair of beautiful, big brown eyes. His voice was soft and angelic. He was taller than me and had a breath taking smile. He was dressed in black skinny jeans and a simple white v-neck. A pair of black shades hung loosely on the collar of his shirt. He also had gray Supras on his feet along with a fancy watch slapped onto his wrist.

I was stunned. “Um.. Nothing. Don’t mind me..” I looked away and coasted my gaze on the concrete below us. I felt his body shift right next to me, he was leaning against the wall right next to me.

“Are you sure? People say I’m a great listener.” He offered once more.

“Okay so see this building we’re leaning on? I work here. Well, I’m an intern. I get treated like shit in here but I love my job. I love writing and music so much and to be surrounded by people who do too makes me happy. What people do in there is my dream job. But that dream is ending soon.” I spoke quickly, to be honest I don’t even think he could understand me. I continued. “Last week I wrote an article about some pop star, saying a lot of mean but truthful things. I didn’t mean to post it as published and somehow its in the latest article. And the worst part is that artist read it and is coming here today in a few minutes to probably yell and scream at me! Right after that, I’m getting fired from my job.” I finally breathed.

He slightly chuckled. “You talk fast but damn, that is tough… Did you know who the artist was?”

I shook my head no. “I don’t know someone called Jason? Something with a J.”

He placed his arm around me pulling me into a side hug. “Don’t worry about it, I’m sure he won’t be a total ass. Just have faith.” He continued to speak. “Tell you what, how about later we grab a coffee or something? Maybe even lunch or dinner? My treat?”

I slightly smiled. “Thanks for the offer… but I don’t know about that.” I was so unsure. So much was going on in my life right now. Even if this guy is so adorably cute and is the kindest person ever.

“Come on,” he flashed a smile. “I know a great place just a few blocks from here. They serve the best food ever. Well, besides my mom’s cooking.” That’s true, nothing beats home made food.

I lightly laughed and nodded. “Okay then.” I don’t know why I said yes. Maybe it was because he made me feel better? I wouldn’t do this normally. I mean, if he lived in New York things would get complicated. Oh well, I guess we could just be friends. We exchanged numbers and his name was Justin.

“Nicole.” My named rolled of his tongue so perfectly. “I like it.”

I smiled. “Well, thanks Justin. I have to go though. You know, and get fired.” We both laughed and began to walk towards the entrance.

“It was nice meeting you,” he smiled once more. He slightly waved, “See ya.”

I simply smiled and began to walk up the steps and into the revolving doors. I landed on my floor and saw there was already a box for me to put all my belongings in. I sighed as I began to gather the picture frames and what not from my desk. I left the box there and decided to get it until after the conversation.

So here’s my tragic ending. I let out a breath and began to make my way up the elevator. I watched as the floor numbers lit up on my towards the twentieth floor. I walked into the familiar office and met my fate.

“He’ll be here any minute. What are you thinking of saying?” Mr. Lewis interrogated. I thought about it for a few seconds. “No, as a matter of fact. Here.” He handed me a piece of paper. A full page apology. Wow. I nodded as us three watched the door for the artist to come in.

Justin appeared. I smiled slightly. “Hey Justin. What are you doing here?”

“I’m Justin Bieber,” he simply said. I looked at him confused. Why did he just tell me his last name? Is that supposed to mean something? I looked down at the paper Mr. Lewis gave me. The first line read. “I am so deeply sorry Mr. Justin Bieber….”

I gasped. “Justin, you’re Justin Bieber?” I felt embarrassed and my cheeks burned red. This cannot be happening to me.

He nodded and smiled a little. “Nicole! Apologize to Mr. Bieber right now, stop lolly-gagging.” Who the hell says lolly-gagging? I shook my head of the thought and spoke. “I-” I got cut off.

“Its okay, no harm done.” He smiled. “It was your professional opinion about my music and I am totally okay with that. We need more honest people in the world like you. I’d like to thank you.”

Cecilia spoke, “Well, weren’t you mad just a couple days ago?”

He smiled again, “Yes of course. But, I can’t please everyone. If she thinks my music is bad - I respect her for it. If anything, you guys have a great writer on your staff. I’ll definitely keep reading your articles if she keeps writing.”

I was amazed. I am officially in debt to him. I can’t believe it. “Why yes, we are so lucky to have Nicole Stevens as a part of our permanent staff. She’s the greatest and most honest out of everyone here. Thank you for coming in and taking the time from your busy schedule.”

Justin simply smiled and nodded. “No problem. Thanks for having me. Well, I’m gonna go now. I just wanted to personally thank you.” He approached me and held his hand in mine. “Thank you.” While Cecilia and Mr. Lewis turned away. He whispered in my ears. “Your welcome.”

I mouthed, “Thank you so much.”

I got promoted to a permanent writer on the staff of Top hits! And it was all thanks to Justin Bieber.
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Okay, so I know I only had one comment.
But I felt like posting this. (: