Is Forever Enough?

Is this a date?

Its been a few days. He hasn’t even called or texted. I’ve been busy anyways with the new position and everything. Maybe once he found out I was the one who wrote it, he didn’t want anything to do with me. Maybe he was just being nice or something. I sighed as I sat on the living room sofa.

It was my day off and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I stared at my phone. Maybe I should call him and thank him again. Since he did help me and everything. I don’t know what to do.

Rose entered the living room dressed in an athletic get up. “Hey! Nicky, what’s wrong?” she asked as she rummaged through the kitchen shelves for breakfast. I loved Rose. She was a fun person to be around. She was also my cousin. She’s twenty six and has a job somewhere downtown but in her spare time is always, and I mean always trying to work out and get thinner when in all reality she’s perfect the way she is.

I sighed and slouched down. “You know that guy Justin I was talking about?”

She joined me with a can of slim fast and an apple, and sat beside me. “Yeah, what about him?” She bit a chunk off and continued to listen.

“He hasn’t called or texted, its been three days. Is that bad?” I wasn’t really into the whole dating a celebrity… even though I really want too. I just wanted to have lunch or dinner with him, a way of thanking him for everything.

“Did you call him?” She asked. “He’s probably busy, I mean he is a famous celebrity.”

“Yeah but-” I got caught off by the sound of Rose’s phone ringing. She picked up. “Yeah, uhuh, sorry babe. I’ll be there asap. K, bye. Love you too. Bye.” She got up and jogged towards the rack of jackets and sweaters. She grabbed one along with her keys. “Sorry Nicky, I have to go. Boyfriend’s waiting for me. But later when I get home around 8 we can talk. Chaio!” She chuckled and waved before leaving.

That was one of the things I liked and disliked about Rose. She was always busy so that meant that I had time alone to myself, but on the other hand she was always busy so that meant I had time alone to myself. I don’t really know a lot of people here and I had no friends to talk to this about.

I sighed and looked at Justin’s name on my phone. My thumb hovered over the Call button. What’s the worst that could happen? I pressed it and it began to dial his number. I waited a couple rings.


“Hi, Justin? Its Nicole.”

“Oh hey!” His voice sounded like he was happy to hear from me. I smiled to myself.

“Haha, hey. I just wanted to see if that offer was still valid?” Valid? Who the hell says valid? Oh my god I’m such a dork.

“Haha of course it is. Sorry I didn’t call you first, I figured you were busy, you know? Since you’re a big hotshot writer now.” He chuckled.

“Its okay I understand.” I bit my bottom lip, trying to control my smile.

“So how about I pick you up in an hour and we can grab lunch?” He offered flirtatiously. I accepted it. “Wear something casual, and can you wear shades? Paparazzi might be there.“ We said goodbye and I texted him my address. Time to get ready. I went to my room and began to pick out clothes.

Causal, I thought. I chose a pair of shorts a cardigan and some sneakers. Causal enough? I wore some shades like he told me too. I went to the bathroom and wondered what to do with my hair. I grabbed a curling iron and did light curls along my long, brown hair. I also added a tiny bit of lip gloss. I grabbed my bag and just then the door bell rang.

I checked the mirror once more and approached the door. “Hey,” I smiled. “Come on in. I just have to go do something really quick.” He hugged me tight and let go, his hand leading down towards mine. I began to walk away until he pulled my hand and brought me closer to him. “You look gorgeous by the way.”

I beamed and replied, “Thanks.” I disappeared into my room as he sat down at the couch. I quickly sprayed perfume and put my phone, wallet, and other items in my bag. I walked out and saw him looking at photo frames.

“Whose this?” he asked looking at an old photo of me and Rose, along with her boyfriend James and his brother Owen. It was at a party and we were posing. Rose was on James’ back, and I was on Owen’s.

“Oh that’s my cousin Rose and her boyfriend,” I pointed at the people in the photo. “And this is his brother. We’re just friends though.”

We stood up and began to make our exit. “Lucky me.” Justin winked. I blushed and chuckled. We walked out of the building and onto the streets. I began to turn right when Justin suddenly held my hand. “Where are you going beautiful? Car’s this way.”

“Oh I knew that.” I laughed as we began to walk towards his car. He didn’t let go of my hand which made me smile. A black Range Rover was parked in the parking lot, he opened the door for me. He’s so polite. I smiled to myself and thanked him. And with that, we took off. I was so excited just to spend time with him, but I was also trying to just think of this as a friendship.
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