Is Forever Enough?

Almost Kiss?


Last day off from work. What to do? Rose was coming home in a few hours. Which meant no girl talk about the amazing date… if it even was a date. I don’t know it was too confusing. Hm… I grabbed my laptop and googled Justin Bieber. Well I promised him I’d listen to his songs. “U Smile” seems nice? I started to listen and it became more clear that he had talent. He could hit high notes and had this cute charm to him. I listened to another “Stuck in the Moment”.

I felt guilty after listening to a few songs and I felt terrible. He was actually pretty good - maybe even awesome. I clicked a music play list on Youtube all by the same artist. While I was listening, I opened up a Word document and began to give Justin some justice. He was a good singer and some people may not even give him a chance because of what I said. Words seemed to flow onto the page. I smiled after I was done. I reached over for my phone and dialed Justin.

“Hey, what ya doing?”

“Nothing. Why?”

“Come over. Let’s chill again?”

“Aight, see you in a few.”

I looked down at what I was wearing. Simple enough. Grey sweats and a black racerback with some white ankle socks. I tied my hair up and walked over to the kitchen. I started to make something to eat. Hm… what does he like?

I looked around the cabinets and what not and found a few things. I stood on top of a stool and reached for something on the top shelf. I heard the door slam shut and I screamed , losing my balance.

I embraced myself to feel the cold, tile kitchen floor but instead was met by a pair of strong arms. Justin’s face was only a few inches away from me. “Um.. Hi.”

“Hello there.” He chuckled and set me down easily.

“Sorry - and uh thanks. Yeah…..” I nervously said. I closed the cabinet and shoved the stool away.

“What were you trying to do?” He stood behind me. I was red and I didn’t want to turn around to talk to him. That was insanely embarrassing.

“I was trying to make us something to eat or something. You like mac and cheese right?” I smiled cheekily trying to lighten the mood. I started to open the box and opened the packaged macaroni, it exploded everywhere.

“Oh my gosh! I am such a klutz I swear!” I began to clean up the mess.

“No worries, its still good,” he said with a laugh. “ I’ll help you. Don’t worry, I got you. Haha, just go start to boil water.” I did what I was told. I grabbed a boiling pot and rushed water through it and set it on the stove. It started to boil in minutes. “I’m sorry. I’m not usually this crazy, I guess I’m just nervous?”

“Nervous for what?” he asked, we met each other’s eyes. A blush appeared on my cheeks, I felt them burn. “Me?” He winked in a flirtatious way.

I rolled my eyes, “Please. In your dreams.” I remember back in high school when I used to flirt with guys. I never had a stable relationship though. It would only last a month or two. Nothing more than that. I always figured I was just one of those people who belonged single. Until Justin came along…

After making the mac and cheese we sat down at the small dining table. We talked and ate just like yesterday. There was just something about him that made everything so spectacular. I couldn’t help it I was falling for him. Its only been a week and I’m head over heels. Oh jeez, I’m a living chick flick.

After eating we sat at the couch and watched some movies. “I like comedies, what about you?”

“Same… but I’m a sucker for romances.” Justin admitted. I laughed and found it strangely nice that he didn’t mind sharing that with me. I flipped through the movie channels and settled on 50 First Dates fifteen minutes were left. Oh well. I sat back and every now and then glanced at Justin.

I got up and closed the curtains and dimmed the lights. That’s what I loved about Rose’s place it was just so awesome. Instead of normal living room lights, it was spotlights and recess lighting. Perfect for the movie setting.

I sat back down, this time a little bit closer to him. I hope he didn’t mind. We watched through the movie and suddenly Justin was right next to me, his thigh against mine. He whispered into my ear which sent shivers everywhere, “You’re gorgeous.”

I blushed and politely laughed. “I‘m not even dressed up or anything.” He casually put his arm around me and I tried to seem chill about it when really my stomach was doing back flips. The credits flew up.

“Exactly,” he smiled and sang, “Sweatpants, hair tied, chilling with no make up on / That’s when you’re the prettiest I hope that you don’t take it wrong.”

I almost melted. I played it cool. “You probably do that to all of your fans. Turn on the charm.” I joked.

“I only act this way when I really like a girl.”

I quickly changed the subject, “So I listened to your music by the way.” I grabbed my laptop which was resting on the table in front of us. “And I rewrote the article.” I mentally thanked myself for dimming the lights or else he could see the red color tinted on my cheeks.

I opened the document up and watched as his eyes red the screen. A smile forming bigger and bigger within each line. He looked up at me and smiled widely. “That’s really nice of you Hailey.” He moved closer.

I nodded, “Yeah I’ll publish it tomorrow so people can actually give your music a chance.”

I felt him right in front of my face, his lips hovering mine. Was he trying to kiss me? I tried to read his eyes. They were hypnotizing. I didn’t know what to do. He inched forward until I could feel the hot breath seep through his lips.

“Hey Nicky! I’m home!” Rose came in and I instantly backed away from him. She turned the lights on. “Oh you have company?” She suggested with a wink, James was trailing behind her.

We both stood up. Rose and James instantly walked towards us and shook Justin’s hand. “Um.. This is Justin and this is Rose. Oh and James.” I introduced. I felt so awkward… I mean come on. They almost saw us kiss.

“It was nice meeting you guys, but I should go.” Justin said. He waved as I followed him outside.

“Sorry about that,” I nervously apologized. I fumbled with my fingers as he stood outside the door. I leaned against the door and noticed that the sun was starting to set.

“Its okay.” He smiled and leaned closer. He lightly pressed his lips against my cheek. I smiled widely. “What was that for?”

“That was for me. I couldn’t help it, your beautiful.” I couldn’t help the uncontrollable smile. He slightly waved and began to make his way. “See ya.” He called out.

I waved, “Bye.”

I was definitely falling for him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I only have three comments, but hopefully more readers will give me some feedback? (:
Thanks sooo much though (: