Is Forever Enough?

Surprise Visit


I really liked working at this place. Its just so calm and peaceful. The only problem is that the parking garage is almost a quarter mile away. So if I’m late I have to run to work. I was in my new office typing away a few things, doing research one some rising stars, and most importantly thinking about Justin. Its just weird.. The way he can just be so important to me. Here I am, doing what I love - and all I can think about is him.

I looked out of the clear glass window and smiled, somewhere across the buildings and busy streets is Justin. I glanced at the clock and back at the scenery. Its almost three. Its been two weeks since we last hung out at my place, we’ve texted every other day and if I’m lucky we’d have a phone conversation.

He was so down to earth. I hardly forget that he’s famous. Its kind of comforting to know that he isn’t a stuck up celebrity or anything like that. Its nice to know that he can be a normal person.

Even though we haven’t seen each other or known each other for too long, I feel like I miss him. I miss his presence. His smile, his scent, his everything. I shook my head of all the thoughts.

I continued back to work until a knock was at the door. It was my assistant. “Hey Josh.” I smiled welcomingly as he calmly entered my office.

“Hi Nicole, I got your favorite coffee for you.” He politely placed the cup on my desk and flashed a toothy grin. Josh was tall and very hard working. He had a mop of black hair piled onto his head along with thick square frames framing his brown eyes. He wore nice dress shirts along with ties every day. It wasn’t required, I’m guessing he likes dressing up.

“Oh, you didn’t have to do that for me.” I graciously thanked him as I sipped it from the rim of the paper coffee cup. Hazelnut filled my nostrils and the taste danced in my mouth. Absolutely delicious.

“Don’t worry about it. Anyways, I filed those papers you asked me to do and I also found some good music of undiscovered artists too.” He proudly stated. He reminded me of a little kid who had just done something good and was ecstatic to tell their parents about it.

I nodded showing off my teeth. “Thank you. You can leave it here on my desk. Um, I really don’t have anything to do - I can do the rest by myself. Go home or something?” I suggested. He’s been working his butt off lately and everyone deserves a nice break once in a while.

“Thanks so much Nicole, but I’m gonna go help out downstairs. There‘s this really cute guy who I‘ve kept my eye on.” He blushed and dished out a few details. I loved how we got close easily and how he’s comfortable enough to tell me things like that.

“Aw haha. Okay, good luck with that.” I heard the door shut as I began back to work. I grabbed the small journal agenda I always have and looked through it. Hm.. I then shuffled through a few papers on my desk and noticed I didn’t have a lot of things to do today. Great..

“Oh and Nicole?” I glanced up and saw Josh poke his head through the ajar door.


“These came in for you.” he walked in through the doorway with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I stood up in complete shock and awe. What in the world? Beautiful shades of red, magenta, and white sprinkled across the assorted flowers. I instantly beamed as I cradled them in my arms. I searched for the card around the bouquet to see how could have sent them.

“Do you like them?” Josh was gone and Justin appeared in his place. He grinned and stared at me with hopeful eyes. “I wasn’t sure if you were allergic or anything or if you didn’t like the colors?” He nervously chuckled and stepped closer to me.

“They’re perfect.“ I walked around my desk after setting the flowers down on my desk. “But what’s the occasion?” I leaned against the front of the black desk and pursed my lips.

“No occasion. I just felt like it.” He winked and I could feel my stomach flip. How sweet can he possibly be? “I’m kind of old school. You know? The guy chases after the girl and wins her heart.” He flipped his hair out of his vision. I missed being with him as corny as that sounds.

“What are you trying to say Justin?” I wondered what was going through his mind when he said that.

He walked up to me closer and didn’t hesitate his next move. “I want to know your favorite color. I want to know what your allergic to. I want to know if you like roses or dogs or even if you like cheese pizza. I guess what I’m trying to tell you is…. I like you a lot Nicole. So, what do you say? Do you want to go on another date with me?” I could clearly see his light, hazel eyes from this point of view. His honey brown hair almost perfectly dropped onto his head. His thin, light pink lips curved into an upward smile.

Of course I wanted to scream yes. Of course I did. But I had to think. I’m just some writer and he’s Justin Bieber. What happens if we break up? What happens if I get my heart broken? What happens if things don’t work out? But of course, my heart won the battle.

“I would love to.” I gladly accepted his offer.

A nice, perfect grin flashed onto his face. What on earth am I getting myself into? I guess I’ll just have to find out. Ignoring all the doubts and thoughts flowing through my mind, I smiled right back at him.
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I got two comments this time :) Thank you guys.
& Nicole is 19 & Justin is 20.
This story doesn't really make that much sense. But, oh well. (x