How to Mend a Broken Heart in Ten Days

The Man Who Can't Be Moved

The image of her face haunts my dreams, it's like her face is forever linked in my memory. The feeling of her lips on mine had never left and I was forced to endure the painful reminders.


Her name played over and over in my head like a broken record. I knew that she had belonged to Edward but I still fought for her hoping that one day she'd love me more. When she got married, my heart shattered in a million pieces that I'm sure could never be fixed.

Nothing was the same. I wasn't the same. I was bitter and spiteful aka the male version of Leah and my outbursts were worst than Paul's and that was saying a lot since simple thing would turn Paul over the edge. No one could stand being around me and I couldn't blame them either. I was a walking "cloud of despair".

" Shouldn't you be out with your friends?" my dad said as he wheeled in my room ending my thoughts.

I just shrugged and pretended he wasn't there.

" Jake, what would your mother think about this?"

Why was he bringing her into this? I barely even knew the woman? Can't they let me mope in peace?

When I didn't respond he turned towards the door to leave

" Call me when the old Jake comes back" he said angrily as he wheeled out the door.

" He's dead" I mumbled under my breath but I'm sure he heard.

Everyone expected me to just get over her, that it was just a phase that will pass over. No one understands what she meant me to me. Anger and betrayal eats away at me. My mind is confused and I still can't comprehend the thought that she actually left............. with him.

I'm trying to be happy but all I wear is a fake smile. It's like when she "died" a piece of me dies too. I just sit in my room staring at the wall. Withering away in the darkness not giving up hope because that's all I have left.
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2nd chapter posted. Woo hoo. I worked really hard on this. So comments are appreciated