How to Mend a Broken Heart in Ten Days

Pretty Little Liar

Who was that girl? And why was she here? Why did my feelings for Bella seem like just a childhood crush? Thousands of questions ran through my mind at once.

Just three seconds of seeing her and I was obsessed. It's like I'm in lo------ NO. I love Bella. This girl was just an obstacle. Some sort of test to see if I would give up on Bella. I mean, sure she was pretty........... for an outsider and maybe if I kept my distance the imprint will go away.

Seems logical. Right?

I headed back to the reservation for the bonfire that was supposed to be tonight, only to run into Embry and THAT girl.

" Jake, this is Aria" Embry said.

I just shrugged and walk around them to see if I was of any use somewhere else. Only to hear the girl whisper to him.

" What is his problem?"

I was out of hearing distance to hear Embry reply but knowing him, it was probably some sarcastic remark.

I sat down at a bench watching Quil and Claire play together.

" Don't worry, your time will come" Sam said as he approached.

Apparently everyone felt the need to pity me. " It's just a crush", " Don't worry you'll find someone new" " Life goes on" and all their other bullshit.

Maybe I didn't want to move on. Maybe I wanted Bella. Or at least I thought I did.

" Sam, is there any way to un- imprint"

He looked at me as if I mentally insane.

" Never mind, forget I asked"

" You didn't imprint on Bella"

Way to throw that in my face, Sam. I thought he was supposed to be trying to help get over her.

" I'm not talking about Bella" I whined.

" Who is she"

" She's not important"

" Jacob, you can't fight imprinting. It's a force stronger than love. You were made for each other and nothing else is as important. It can't be explained".

At this moment everyone (including the girl) gathered around the bonfire. Sam and I both joined them.

" Is this your girlfriend, Embry" Seth asked.

A low growl escaped my lips. Embry looked up only to see a death glare coming his way. He slowly removed his arm around the girl.

Embry whispered something to Seth, and now Seth was grinning like an idiot.

" Guys this Aria" Seth said introducing her to the rest of the group.

She looked so uncomfortable with all eyes on her, not even replying with hi, she just smiled, or attempted to and waved a hi, then went back to playing with the zipper on her jacket.

" So where are you from" Kim asked.

" New York" She answered not looking up and continuing to play with the zipper.

Everyone turned to look at each other not sure of what to ask next. This girl was obviously not the conversational type.

" What brings you to La Push" Jared asked.

" Where?" She asked.

" La Push. Are you just pretending to be stupid or are you just naturally that way?" Paul asked while sipping a can of soda.

As soon as he turned around, A glass dish came hurling towards his head and I made sure that it left a mark.

She kept fidgeting with that zipper like she OCD or something.

" I sorta............ ran away?"

It sounded more like a question than a statement.

" From New York?"

" No, From freakin' Australia" Embry retorted to whoever asked that question. I didn't look up to see who asked because personally I didn't care.

Embry and the unknown got into a bitter argument that Leah decided to put herself into, because personally what's argument without Leah in it?

" It's impolite to stare"

For a minute, I was startled by her voice. It was so soft but yet held a bit of bitterness in her tone.

" It's impolite to lie"

" I didn't lie"

" But you didn't tell the whole truth did you?"

She slowly got up from her bench and turned to face me.

" Don't look so sad, no matter how bad you feel there's always someone whose feels way worse."

" Like you"

" Yes like me, and you're right, I didn't tell the truth because I don't even believe it myself. If that makes sense"

She turned back and walked and like always I was left alone to bask in the silence.