Status: Complete


One out of One

The clock read 11:43 p.m. and Molly grabbed her sweatshirt and a blanket and stuck her head out of her bedroom door, checking for any signs of her family being awake and up.

There was nothing but silence and she tip toed her way down the stairs and out the back door.

She shut the sliding door as quiet as she could and turned to the dark woods behind her in her backyard. She flicked on her flashlight and jogged over to the woods with her flashlight pointed in front of her. She looked back at her house as if to make sure no one was following and she walked through the trees leaving the row of houses behind.

A few minutes later she came to her destination; a pond with the reflection of the full moon and the bright stars on its glassy surface.

She chose to sit on the side that reflected the moon just perfectly; right in the middle of the pond. She wrapped her unusually large, soft blanket around her and sat down on the grass. The cool summer breeze moved her hair behind her shoulders and she let her back fall against the ground.

The stars above her sparkled and shined and the moon cast shadows on everything and made things seemingly glow. Crickets chirped all around her and she even heard a couple splashes from the fish in the pond. But one thing she didn’t expect to hear was the rustle of the bushes from the direction of where she came.

She sat up quickly and listened intently, afraid something bad was going to occur.

Then all of a sudden a boy, seemingly around Molly’s age which was 15, stumbled out of the bushes.

Molly jumped up; frightened he was here to rape her or something.

“Who are you?!” she asked, clutching the blanket around her.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you! I just saw you leaving your house and-,” but Molly cut him off.

“Answer my question!” she growled.

“I’m your new next door neighbor! My name is Justin,” he said walking towards her.

But she backed away slowly still not sure about him.

“Don’t worry; I’m not here to hurt you. Like I said, I just saw you leave your house and I was bored and wondered where you were going,” he explained, staying where he was.

They stood there for awhile just staring at each other as if to decode one another.

“My name is Molly,” she said simply, keeping her eyes on him.

“As said before, Justin,” he said to her.

There was an awkward silence and Molly decided to go back to what she was doing and laid back down on the ground.

“Do you mind if I join you?” Justin asked, standing awkwardly by her.

“As long as you promise not to rape me,” she said keeping her eyes on the sky.

He chuckled and walked over by her and lay strangely close to her. Although Molly didn’t care and she stayed where she was. They lay there in silence watching the glowing dots in the dark black sky.

“So why are we out here exactly?” Justin asked breaking the smooth silence.

Molly sighed and thought about her answer for a second.

“Well,” she paused then started again, “Because I’m me and I enjoy the dark, cool, nighttime with the stars in the sky and full moon out.”

“Hm,” he said, “Strangely enough, I like it too.”

Molly smiled, secretly glad he didn’t think she was a freak for sneaking out in the middle of the night just to stare at the sky.

“And the way the moon is reflecting off the pond here is really quite beautiful,” he said sitting up.

Molly sat up and stared at his face with a thinking look on her tan skin.

“What?” Justin asked looking at her.

She all of a sudden slapped her hands on his face and started stretching the skin on his cheeks as if to try to mold his face.

“Are you for real?” she asked playing with his soft skin.

She squished his face between her hands making his lips purse out like a fish and he said, “Yeah,” while he had the fish face.

She moved her hands from his cheeks up to his hair and rubbed her hands through it. Under his jacket, Justin got goose bumps and blush crept up to his cheeks. He was glad it was dark out and she couldn’t see it.

She pushed his head towards her making him lean forward and she sniffed his hair.

It smelled like the cologne he used; whatever it happened to be it smelled amazing.

“What are you doing?” Justin asked; his cheek pushed against her chest. Then she pushed his head away and moved her hands away.

“Making sure you were real,” she said simply, lying back down on the ground.

“You really thought I was,” he paused, thinking of the word for it, “a dream?”

“Yes, I mean it feels like a dream right now. The moon shining, the crickets chirping, and then all of a sudden this amazingly handsome guy shows up to top it all off,” she admitted.

“You think I’m handsome?” he asked, smirking.

“Yeah, your point is?” she asked, as he lay back down beside her.

“I guess I don’t really have one now do I?” he said, looking up at the stars yet again.

“Nope not at all,” she said to him.

Molly was the type of girl who was extremely straight forward and wasn’t afraid to say what was on her mind, and more often than not that was what made her so avoided.

It got quiet yet again and Molly closed her eyes to listen to the noises around her; the crickets, the splashes, the leaves on the trees, and now the sound of Justin’s breathing beside her.

Justin turned his head to look at her. The light of the moon made her glow. It was crazy for him to think that he had just met this girl less than a half an hour ago and he was already thinking things about her as if he’d known her forever.

“20 questions?” he asked. He was dying to get to know this mysterious girl lying next to him.

“Go ahead,” she said turning her head to face him.

“Favorite color?” he asked. It was the first thing to pop into his head.

“Rainbow,” she answered quickly.

“That doesn’t count! That’s like 8 colors!” he argued.

“Actually only 7, Roy-g-biv and all,” she laughed.

“Ah so you’re a science geek!” he said to her, putting his hands behind his head.

“Hey! For your information I’m a geek all around!” she admitted, laughing.

He chuckled and said, “Ok ask me one.”

“Hmm,” she said looking up at the stars then back down at him and saying, “Give me a summary of yourself.”

“That wasn’t exactly a question was it?” he said.

“Hey, it was a demand now go!” she said smiling.

“Ok, my name is Justin Drew Bieber, I’m 15 years old, I’m a pop star who is signed with Usher, so yes I do write songs, play guitar, and sing, I live next door to you with a brother, a sister, and my mom, my favorite colors are purple and blue, I find you very attractive, and I’m glad you’re not one of my hyperactive fan girls,” he explained.

“Thanks for the compliments!” she laughed, “And I think I’ve heard of you, but no, I’m not a hyperactive fan girl. I personally don’t see the point in being someone like that. I mean get real girls, you’re never gonna meet him!”

Justin looked at her with a questioning look on his face.

“Sorry, I guess I got kinda carried away,” she said shamefully, “I really see reality most of the time.”

“I can tell!” he said simply, “Ok, summarize yourself for me now.”

“Ok, my name is Molly Joyce Davidson, I am also 15 years old, I live with my two lovely parents, and my little brother Ben, my favorite colors are blue and green, I play clarinet, but only for band class, apparently I’m a pretty good singer but I hate getting up in front of crowd, and every clear night during the summer I come to this spot and lay here for about 2 to 3 hours,” she explained.

“Wow, you sound like a very interesting girl,” he said.

“Well, my best friend Eliza says she learns something new about me every day,” she said proudly.

“Can I learn something new about you every day?” he asked.

“If you can live with me being me,” she said smiling.

He chuckled; he was ready to let her be herself because she seemed pretty amazing.

Then the two looked back up at the shining stars in the sky and said nothing.

But Justin tilted his head just enough to stare at her face and admire her features.

First of all, the moon made her skin glow in the darkness, second her small, slightly upturned nose pointed up as she looked at the stars, thirdly her eyes sparkled and shined from the moonlight and he could just barely tell their color; green, fourth her perfectly shaped lips looked pinkish and completely kissable in his eyes and he fought the urge to just kiss them just then.

“Look!” she said all of a sudden, it made him jump and he snapped his eyes away and back up at the stars, “A shooting star!”

He saw the streak of the star as it disappeared into the night.

“Make a wish!” she closed her eyes and he watched her.

I wish I was allowed to kiss her, he thought.

She then turned her head and looked at him.

“What did you wish for?” she asked him.

“I’ll tell you if you promise to try your best to make it true,” he bargained, rolling to lie on his side and prop his head up with his arm.

“Um, ok sure, why not?” she replied, rolling on her side and doing the same.

“I wished that I was allowed to kiss you,” he said, staring into her eyes.

Her smiled faded from her face and her eyes got wide.

“That’s weird because I wished I was allowed to kiss you,” she said.

Their faces got closer every second and soon their lips met.

Their lips moved together with perfect synchronization. They both wondered why they were kissing when they hadn’t even met 3 hours ago. But they also didn’t really give a crap.

Once they broke apart, Molly smiled.

“Why did we just do that?” she giggled.

“I don’t really know, but did you feel what I felt?” he asked.

“That depends did you feel those sparks and fireworks?” she smiled up at him.

“Yeah, actually I did,” he whispered.

And that was that. Their lips met again and the same feeling erupted inside them both.

And of course it didn’t just end there.

They became best friends before they kissed again and then they became a couple.

But it never stopped being love at first sight.

And they never stopped sitting by that pond late at night under the moonlight.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just realized how short that was... ew..
I am ashamed...
So sorry!
Hope you liked it anyways?
Comment please! :)