Status: Fear is the most hindering of blockage of a writers capability to let the words flow as imagination ignites

If She’s My Dream Girl, Then Why Do I See Her When I’m Awake?

Having Trouble Meeting You Again

Here is where Michael Bublé and I differ, in a way. See, one of his most recent songs involves him not having had found her yet; the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with. But then in the video for the song he’s with his hot Argentinean girlfriend. But me, I have had to see her everyday and constantly get shot down. It’s like everyday I see her and I try to talk to her but she went from dismissing me to telling me to leave her alone. Then when she thinks I’m not listening, I hear her mutter under her breath “womanizer” or “man whore”.

To make matters even more hectic Olga has taken to thinking we’re dating. I don’t even go to lunch anymore, just to stay away from her. I eat lunch with the nurse practitioner. She’s pretty cool, and she’s been bringing me desserts lately. I have a sandwich almost every day, but what I bring to school in a brown paper bag is not that important.

As I was leaving the nurses office a few days ago, I almost ran into Olga, who had been looking for me. When I saw her I all but ran back into the nurses office and into her bathroom and acted like I was throwing up, while the nurse made her leave, and then laughed at me when she was gone. She was seriously scaring me. I mean she was like staking me out or something!

When I tried to leave again, the nurse waved to me just before I cleared the entrance to her office, and when I turned around I tripped over something, better yet, someone. I nearly tumbled onto the floor, I would have made contact had it not been for all the years I’ve spent playing football. My feet found good footing and I managed to pull off a weird move to keep myself from making any contact with the linoleum floors. Needless to say I looked like a goose trying to fly, on crack.

A voice hollered out at me, but then proceeded to groan. Before I saw the face I knew who I hit, my changed dream girl; Kylee. She barked out at me about watching where I was going. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw her, even if she was only speaking to me to reprimand me. She was a feisty little thing and that just made me want to get to know her more, it would make things fun, even if she hurt me. But I just wanted her to remember me, because she drove me crazy as a kid, and even now she drove me crazy.

I think she might have just been pissed still because of how horribly we beat Tristan High. It was bad, we made them look like shit. There was no mercy, once I saw the two together. And that scout that was there talked to me for a few minutes, about how my team took no mercy and gave one hundred and ten percent in all aspects of the game. But then he went and had a good half hour conversation with Tristan, and she was with him the entire time. I went to the locker room, took a shower, and got dressed and when I came back out the scout was still talking to them, all smiles and what not.

When she saw me smiling at her like an idiot, possibly a cocky idiot she gaze a flustered scream before she walked away. I stood there smiling after her like the numskull I believe I just might be. I realized I was standing there like a dope when the nurse told me to get moving before Olga came looking for me again. That was enough to send me on my way quickly. Before I knew it I was following her. But I justified it by telling myself that we had the same class so it was harmless.

After Chemistry, Mrs. Brooks told me that Kylee requested a different tutor for chemistry, and she wanted to know what I had done to her. So I explained that I was just trying to become her friend. Mrs. Brooks laughed at me and told me that Kylee called me a creeper and a stalker, so for me to cool it down a bit because she didn’t wasn’t to have to ask someone else to peer tutor her.

At practice that same day, coach was still making us pay for our behavior at the game. He called us animals, and even though he was a young guy, Coach was really scary when he got mad, things got bad. We did so many routines and weren’t allowed bathroom breaks or water breaks. The day was scalding and I was drowning in my own sweat and camouflaged in dirt. The plays we did were plays that he always deemed could hurt someone. But since we acted like we could handle anything and beat the shit out of our opponents in the game we were going to learn how it felt by having to beat the shit out of another.

Andrew got sacked and blitzed like it was no bodies business, by the biggest line backers we had. I was taken down by Wolverine. He was a tall burly guy on our team that looked like a young version of the Brawny Man. Line backers shoved off against each other like tectonic plates shifting against one another to make a mountain. We were pushed past our breaking points and then some. I can honestly say the only people who didn’t really get the treatment were our kickers, twins at that, Jeffery and Ryan.

When I got home I begged my mom to make me an appointment with her massage therapist friend because I knew how sore and bruised I was going to be. She agreed and told me she’d make it for after my tutoring session in two days. When she reminded me of tutoring I couldn’t get my mind off and away from Kylee; my changed dream girl. She was in my mind for the entire rest of the night, even while I had a family dinner, and when I took a shower, again, I thought about if she would like the new body wash my mom bought me. If she would think it suited me, make me smell good to her.

I thought about her so much that it was no surprise that I saw her in my sleep. I had been lying in my bed relishing at the amazing feeling I got when my feet were off the ground, and how my body was trying to relax just enough to fall asleep. I guessed that I had managed because the next thing I knew I was looking at her, but she couldn’t see me. We were in a vast meadow. There were no trees in sight, the grass wasn’t that tall, and there were pretty flowers everywhere, I thought as an after though about how my mother would love this place.

Kylee sat oblivious to me several yards ahead of me, on the sole rock in the entire meadow. It was more than a rock; it was a small boulder, dark gray, strong, and sturdy. I stood there for several seconds watching her rest blissfully on her rock. I didn’t know what to say to her as I meandered towards her. I wanted a comfortable seat too, but since I couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t ruin the scenery, so I laid myself down in the medium sized grass beside her.

She ignored me as best she could and tried to act like I wasn’t there, but I think she was beginning to get irritated because the ground went from warm with the kiss of the sun to cold and rough like it would be in winter. Soon a cloud formed in the sky that had been clear and sunny. That one cloud grew and grew, and as it did, it got darker. Before I knew it half of the sky was dark while the other was still sunny.

“Why do you keep interrupting my dreams?” she questioned trying, but failing to keep her voice calm and collected.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re the one that keeps popping into my dreams, and this is my dream so why are you getting mad at me.” The clouds went away at this and again the sun was completely surrounding us, and warming me up. The earth beneath me warmed instantly and I smiled in the sun.

“This is my safe haven, where I come to think, to be alone, to rest. I don’t want you here.” Her voice was cold and flat.

“Where should I go then?” I asked calmly. The sun felt nice, and being so close to her made me feel amazing. My eyes were closed and my arms were folded behind my head as I felt out my surroundings.

The grass tickled my bare feet and back. I hadn’t realized until I was lying down that I was solely in my pajama pants. The grass was standing strong around me and an amazing shade of green. Though, I had half expected it to be turning beige by now. But it held strong like it was always the beginning of summer here.

“Outer space so I don’t have to hear your voice,” she spat. Her attitude didn’t bother me. I think I was becoming immune to it with all the times I had tried to talk to her. I thought about what she said and how funny it would be to float next to a satellite with her. I chuckled lightly until I felt weightless. When I opened my eyes I was in outer space, floating aimlessly, I didn’t have on any gear, and yet I could breathe. I was thankful. I looked yonder, and saw the earth resting contently in its orbit, as the dark space around it began lighting up with the vast rays of the sun. I rested and closed my eyes until I floated into something.

Opening my eyes I found myself up against a large white satellite. I looked around, spinning slowly, and found Kylee just a few feet away from me, moving her lips as if she was yelling at the top of her lungs at me, but I couldn’t hear a word of anything that she had been saying. I watched as her lips moved as she spoke to me and I noticed that her hair was everywhere, surrounding her face like a spiked lion’s mane. I smiled at this. She looked so adorable and I wanted to take a picture. When I lifted my hand there sat a camera, so I snapped it a few times and just took picture of her and where we were.

She made a motion where she threw her hands up exasperated and her body moved as if she had just made an angry sigh, before she turned around and moving through the empty space away from me. Her arms and legs moved like a frog and she looked like she was swimming. I snapped the camera at her once again, as I thought of how she looked like she was swimming in the ocean.

When I brought my face away from the camera we were under water, holding our breaths. The surface was about fifty feet up and Kylee looked as if she was about to pass out from holding her breath already. I thought it would just be easier if we could breathe under water and as she involuntarily took a breath in while trying to swim to the surface she all of a sudden began breathing in the water. When she realized she didn’t have to surface anymore, what she did completely shocked me. She came after me.

I turned and swam away because the look in her face was murderous. She wanted to hurt me and I didn’t doubt that she would. I mean not being able to breathe hurts like hell. I kept swimming and she kept swimming behind me, trying to grab onto my legs and pull me to her.

The next thing I knew a school of fish swam upon us and began encircling us. But then swam away again as a few dolphins sped through them and grabbed a few to eat. Then there was life everywhere around us. Big fish, small, fish, yellow fish, red fish, blue fish. Then I saw Dory. I swear it was Dory. Kylee was behind me stunned, and I grabbed onto her hand and pointed to Dory. She had a smile on her face as she swam over to two equally small clown fish. It was Marlin and Nemo! I wasn’t a closet Disney lover. When I dated girls they loved the fact that I loved Disney. They fell even harder when they found that out, and I loved Finding Nemo.

I pulled on Kylee’s hand and began swimming towards them, excitement clear on my face. Dory came up to me and started talking to me ridiculously fast. I kept up with her and had a nice conversation until Nemo himself came up to me and told me I was a weird looking fish. I was about to tell him that I wasn’t a fish, but then he told me that he barely ever saw fish like me. He thought I was a hybrid between the fish he saw a few times and humans. I was going to tell him that I was a human, but I wouldn’t harm him or take him away from home when I saw what he was pointing at.

“They barely come over here, but sometimes they do. The sharks tell us that they see them all the time in the open ocean,” he said pointing. When I followed his gaze I was mystified. Mermaids. I heard of those two girls who have those custom made fish tails they use in the water. And they use them to teach kids to not be afraid of the water, and to raise money for the awareness of how important the ocean is or something. And I know they raise money for ocean benefiting projects, but what I was seeing was nothing like what those girls did.

These beings had fish tails and long fins. Their skin wasn’t wrinkly like I would have thought it would have been, and the girls had long flowing hair and clam shell bras and jewelry made from various shells. They were beyond beautiful. And the guys, they were something to be jealous of. I knew I wasn’t the best thing to look at but, these dudes made me feel like an ugly nerd. But nonetheless I continued to stare as the past overhead.

Kylee let my hand go. I hadn’t even realized she was holding onto me too. She began calling them out and waving her hands through the water. She had been talking to the band of sharks that were apart of Dory’s ‘Fish Are Friends Not Food’ program. The mer-people stopped and turned to us before swimming over to us and basically cavity searching us, like we were mutants, before they spoke to us.

I don’t know how Kylee felt but I sure knew that I was getting rather bashful while they were poking and prodding me, lifting my arms as though they didn’t have any themselves. We learned that they didn’t talk and I was fine with that. However, I wasn’t so sure Kylee was okay with it, when she found out.

We swam and had fun for a while then all of a sudden I was only surrounded by the mermaids girls, Kylee and the guys were about fifty yards away from me, and she seemed to be okay with that. Her back was facing me before one of the guys got behind her. I wanted to go see what was up but then some of the females began flitting their hands up and down my bare chest. It felt nice until I remembered my task. But I was stopped again when another had the audacity to put her hand down my pants. I jerked at the feeling of her touching me. She didn’t seem to mind however as the other mermaids surrounded the two of us with glazed eyes. Her hand movements had me wanting more even though I wasn’t so sure I should have been letting her. Her free hand began roaming up and down my chest. One of the other mermaids untied the long piece of Kelp that was holding her clam shell bra to her. It floated off of her and the mermaid who untied her grabbed it and handed it to another one and moved in to have her own way with the mermaid who was having her way with me.

I felt my body get hot, and shake. I wanted this but I didn’t because I knew it was a dream, but I didn’t think up the mermaids, or their attitudes, but I liked the feeling anyways. I tried collecting myself and stop the mermaids who were giving me and the other mermaids a show. One was fondling the other while she was fondling me. She pulled my pajama pants down and as soon as she had them far enough she moved her face near me. I knew what she was going to do. And my body wanted it. My mind was being dragged into the gutter but I wasn’t giving much of a fight.

“I wanna fuck you like an animal! I wanna feel you from the inside.” My Alarm. I don’t think that was such a good choice for a song to wake up to. Everything in the dream began fading, just mere milliseconds before her lips reached me. I grabbed my phone and shut off my alarm. This will be the second time I change my alarm. I really needed to find something that wouldn’t have such an effect on my sleeping.

Getting up I went to the bathroom to have some me time before I got ready for another day at school with my changed dream girl. I just hoped that she wasn’t really in my dream like she used to be, or else she’d be very peeved at me. But then again I’ve got nothing to worry about because she was just a figment of my imagination, and in real life she doesn’t even know me, right?
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Thanks a bunch for reading my story, it makes me smile inside.