Status: Tonight will be the night that I fall for you

Fallen for You


Jack slowly opened his eyes to a dark room, when his eyes adjusted he realized he was in his room. He suddenly remembered a blonde hair beauty, so where was she? He sat up and walked out of his room, it was quiet...too quiet. He checked every room in his apartment, she was missing, and so were his truck keys. Suddenly the front foor opened and Charlotte came in carrying his keys in one hand and a bag in the other.

" went back to the airport to get my suit cases and then I picked you up a frozen pizza. I put gas in your truck. I didn't know if you liked pizza, but everyone does so I-"

"It's fine, I trust you." Jack said surprising Charlotte and even himself. He was taught not to trust anyone. "And pizza is fine, here I'll go warm up the oven." Jack said taking the bag from her and taking it to the kitchen.

"Um I threw out most of your food cause it was all expired and old." Charlotte said following him, he looked back at her over his shoulder.

"It feels like my mom has come back." he said with a slight laugh, he saw her starting to blush.

"I'm so use to taking care of my dad that I guess I didn't even think about it so I just jumped back into old habits." she said, she had been looking down at the floor that she didn't realize Jack had approached her cause next thing she knew was he was lifting her chin.

"It's kinda nice, I haven't had someone care for me in a while. And how about I return the favor by you sitting right here and watch me make us dinner?" he asked placing his hands on her shoulders and backing her up to his small kitchen table and making her sit down.

"Oh I wasn't planning on eating. I was just going to-"

"What go to a motel room until you find a cheap apartment. And it'd really have to be cheap after spending a week in the motel and then not getting a job right away you'd have to go atleast a whole month without water or electricty. Or you could stay here, eat with me, spend a couple of days here or until you find the right apartment and a job."

"Oh no I couldn't do that to you I-"

"Remember what you told me? We have each other now to take care of, so relax, calm down. And when we are done eating I'll go and get your suitcases while you do whatever you choose to do. Ok?" he asked before bending down and kissing her cheek, she gasped. Jack smiled. "What never been kissed before?" he added.

"No guy ever looked at me..." she said shocking Jack.

"What? With a beautiful face like that? I doubt it."

"I wasn't much to look at in high school, this is probably the best I have looked in a long time." she said; Jack pulled her to her feet.

"Well how about a real kiss then?" he asked, Charlotte's eyes widened.

"I-I don't know how to-" she was cut off by Jack pressing his lips to her's. She froze in his arms her hands placed against his tight chest. She remembered how author described kisses in books, she couldn't remember reading anything like this. She slowly relaxed before her arms snaked around his neck pulling him closer to her. She parted her lips slightly before Jack took the lead again and deepened the kiss. Jack pulled away and moved a trail of kisses down her neck, a small moan escaped Charlotte's lips and Jack was back to kissing her lips, his hands rubbing up and down her sides. He slowly began to lift up her shirt before a loud beep pulled them both apart. The stove had gone off letting them know it was heated up. Both of them trying to control their breathing and Charlotte was trying to make sure her shirt was down and covering her stomach. Jack didn't mean for the small kiss to go that far, he just wanted it to be a little small kiss...but then she had to part her lips...oh he was in trouble.